Pivote in english


pronunciation: pɪvət part of speech: noun
In gestures

pivotar = pivot. 

Example: The method is to treat prepositions as points at which the phrases can be pivoted.

pivote = pivot ; traffic cone ; warning cone ; bollard ; swivel. 

Example: The use of decimal notation is seen as the pivot of Dewey's scheme and notational systems are analysed generally and compared with Dewey's.Example: It is full of gimmicks and gadgets: thermos flasks, cans of beer, mobile phones, and traffic cones.Example: Warning cones or reflective triangles must be carried on tow trucks and should be placed at strategic points alerting other drivers to hazards and giving them time to react.Example: To report problems with street lights, traffic lights, pedestrian crossings or illuminated bollards, please call our hotline.Example: A windvane is really just a flat piece of metal or wood on a swivel that catches the wind and points toward and away from the wind.


» girar sobre un pivotepivot .

Example: The method is to treat prepositions as points at which the phrases can be pivoted.

» montado sobre un pivotepivoted .

Example: The casting-box for flong moulds was a flat iron case like a portfolio with one hinged lid, pivoted so that it could be turned from a horizontal to a vertical position.

Pivote synonyms

pin in spanish: alfiler, pronunciation: pɪn part of speech: noun, verb swivel in spanish: girar, pronunciation: swɪvəl part of speech: noun pivot man in spanish: hombre pivote, pronunciation: pɪvətmæn part of speech: noun
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