Pituitario in english


pronunciation: pətuəteri part of speech: noun, adjective
In gestures



» glándula pituitaria, lapituitary gland, the .

Example: The major endocrine glands are the pituitary gland, the pineal body, the thyroid gland .

» tumor pituitariopituitary tumour .

Example: Approximately 50% to 80% of cases of apoplexy occur in patients who were unaware of the presence of pituitary tumors before the apoplectic event.

Pituitario synonyms

acromegalic in spanish: acromegalico, pronunciation: ækroʊməgælɪk part of speech: adjective hypophysis in spanish: hipófisis, pronunciation: haɪpoʊfisəs part of speech: noun pituitary gland in spanish: glándula pituitaria, pronunciation: pətuəteriglænd part of speech: noun unshapely in spanish: sin forma, pronunciation: ənʃeɪpli part of speech: adjective pituitary body in spanish: cuerpo pituitario, pronunciation: pətuəteribɑdi part of speech: noun
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