Pitorro in english


pronunciation: spaʊt part of speech: noun
In gestures

pitorro = nozzle ; spout. 

Example: The ink-jet printer squirts minute drops of ink from a microscopic nozzle, which are steered to specific positions on the paper.Example: Choose a watering can that has a removable rose so that you can either use the gentle rain of the rose for small seedlings or deliver a lot of water by using the spout without the rose attachment.

Pitorro synonyms

rant in spanish: despotricar, pronunciation: rænt part of speech: noun, verb rave in spanish: delirio, pronunciation: reɪv part of speech: verb, noun gush in spanish: chorro, pronunciation: gʌʃ part of speech: noun, verb spurt in spanish: esfuerzo supremo, pronunciation: spɜrt part of speech: noun jabber in spanish: farfullar, pronunciation: dʒæbɜr part of speech: noun, verb spirt in spanish: chorro, pronunciation: spɜrt part of speech: noun mouth off in spanish: boca fuera, pronunciation: maʊθɔf part of speech: verb rabbit on in spanish: conejo en, pronunciation: ræbətɑn part of speech: verb
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