Pista in english


pronunciation: træk part of speech: noun
In gestures

pista1 = track ; rink ; piste. 

Example: Other physical details, including, as appropriate, type of recording, playing speed, groove characteristics, track configuration, number of tracks, number of sound channels, recording and reproduction characteristics.Example: Mandatory helmet use by ice-skaters at indoor rinks should be implemented.Example: Skiing yesterday we found the pistes to be well covered but hard-packed with only a thin base.


» competición de atletismo en pistatrack event .

Example: Such scrapes can occur in many contact sports and track events.

» dar vueltas a una pista deportivarun + laps .

Example: Even this room full of trackers seemed different: some stood in rows listening to an instructor, while others ran laps and still others did combat drills.

» dar vueltas a una pista de atletismorun + laps .

Example: Even this room full of trackers seemed different: some stood in rows listening to an instructor, while others ran laps and still others did combat drills.

» demora en la pista de aterrizajetarmac delay .

Example: Airlines reported a total of 7 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights and 11 tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights.

» demora en la pista de despeguetarmac delay .

Example: Airlines reported a total of 7 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights and 11 tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights.

» espera en la pista de aterrizajetarmac delay .

Example: Airlines reported a total of 7 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights and 11 tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights.

» espera en la pista de despeguetarmac delay .

Example: Airlines reported a total of 7 tarmac delays of more than three hours on domestic flights and 11 tarmac delays of more than four hours on international flights.

» jefe de pistaringmaster [Generalmente de un circo. Femenino ringmistress]circus master [Generalmente de un circo. Femenino circus mistress] .

Example: After the show, we got a little backstage tour led by the ringmaster himself.

Example: As a circus master I have the chance to see so many people walking around with smiles on their faces.

» pista de aterrizajelanding fieldlanding striprunwayairstriptarmac .

Example: The 37 relief projects involved the building of aerodrome, landing fields, barracks, a training camp, and a land-clearing project.

Example: As Klaus's acute observations are unhampered by romantic ideals, his eye catches the plastic trash by the roadway as well as the colors of moss on the landing strip.

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

Example: Colombian government reported seizing tons of cocaine in drug bust this weekend showing drug cache and jungle airstrips.

Example: Two planes bumped into each other on the tarmac of Kennedy Airport this morning, forcing dozens of passengers to disembark.

» pista de atletismorace trackathletic track .

Example: The real world is not a racetrack, countries are not runners, and there is no finish line.

Example: This buyers guide provides information on needs assessment, buying options, and decision making tips when acquiring a new school athletic track.

» pista de automovilismoauto race track .

Example: The sport facilities selected for study were five coliseums and five auto race tracks.

» pista de bailedance floor .

Example: Drinks, food, cigarettes, chewing gum or any other foreign substance should never be brought onto the dance floor.

» pista de baloncestobasketball court .

Example: The community also boasts communal swimming pool, volleyball court, tennis courts, basketball court, BBQ area and children's playground.

» pista de balonvoleavolleyball court .

Example: The community also boasts communal swimming pool, volleyball court, tennis courts, basketball court, BBQ area and children's playground.

» pista de despeguerunwaytarmac .

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

Example: Two planes bumped into each other on the tarmac of Kennedy Airport this morning, forcing dozens of passengers to disembark.

» pista de domadressage ringdressage arenamanege .

Example: The outside ring measures 40x80 meters and thus makes a nice dressage ring.

Example: The sequence of letters around a dressage arena remains a mystery to many people.

Example: This is the first book devoted entirely to classical manege exercises that are ridden to supple, strengthen and correct.

» pista de esquíski slopepisteski run .

Example: This leisure centre is the first of its kind, offering an ice rink, a ski slope and a toboggan run.

Example: Skiing yesterday we found the pistes to be well covered but hard-packed with only a thin base.

Example: Ski runs and red wines rarely share the same slopes, but they come very close to doing just that in Italy's northernmost region.

» pista de esquiarpiste .

Example: Skiing yesterday we found the pistes to be well covered but hard-packed with only a thin base.

» pista de esquí artificialdry slopedry ski slope .

Example: An estimated two million adults in the UK have skied on dry slopes, although less than half are thought to be recent users.

Example: Alternative uses for farmland include conversion to golf courses, dry ski slopes, hotels, film locations, animal sanctuaries, and campsites.

» pista de hieloice rink .

Example: This leisure centre is the first of its kind, offering an ice rink, a ski slope and a toboggan run.

» pista de obstáculosobstacle course .

Example: Oh well, I could either stand here like a fart in a colander or I could haul my sorry ass up this obstacle course.

» pista de patinajeskating rink .

Example: Public facilities are grouped according to major domain areas such as recreation and leisure (art museum, zoo, swimming pool, movie theatres, and skating rink); community (grocery store, bus depot, community hall); etc.

» pista deportivaplayground .

Example: Students were required to work through geometric concepts in designing a playground.

» pista de rodadurataxiway .

Example: The landing this morning was on a de-iced runway, but the taxiways and ramp surfaces were covered with thin sheets of ice.

» pista de rodajetaxiway .

Example: The landing this morning was on a de-iced runway, but the taxiways and ramp surfaces were covered with thin sheets of ice.

» pista de squashsquash court .

Example: This community complex incorporates sports halls, squash courts, a restaurant, bars and a cellar coffee bar.

» pista de tenistennis court .

Example: Place your bet on the best tennis player on the tennis court with the world's leading sports betting site and get a chance to be a winner.

» pista de tierra batidaclay tennis courtclay court .

Example: Red clay tennis courts are made of natural clay or crushed red brick.

Example: Her days of underwhelming performances on clay courts are behind her after winning the Stuttgart and Rome tournaments.

» pista para trineostoboggan run .

Example: This leisure centre is the first of its kind, offering an ice rink, a ski slope and a toboggan run.

» pistas de golflinks course .

Example: Our journey takes us through the golfing town of Troon, where we will see the championship links course.

» rodar por la pistataxi [Referido generalmente a los aviones cuando circulan por las pistas del aeropuerto] .

Example: You'll be amazed at how many student pilots get confused or don't really understand the proper procedure for taxiing while in a crosswind.

» zona de columpios y pistas deportivasplayground .

Example: Students were required to work through geometric concepts in designing a playground.

pista2 = clue ; cue ; lead ; track. 

Example: Certainly it will always be necessary to examine the document content, concentrating particularly on the clues offered by the title, the contents page, chapter headings, and any abstracts, introduction, prefaces or other preliminary matter.Example: The computer is programmed to recognise cues such as prepositions and punctuation.Example: I would appreciate any feedback or leads.Example: Topics include trees, leaf coloration, buds, seeds, vertebrate animals, animal tracks, insects and other arthropods, earthworms, characteristics of living things, and microhabitats.


» dar indicios y pistasdrop + hints and clues .

Example: I'll drop a few hints and clues to arouse your curiosities and to help you start your research.

» dar pistasthrow + hints .

Example: Now it is the turn of Libya to throw hints that it too needs to be mollycoddled.

» dar pistas falsasthrow out + false leads .

Example: In such situations an attentive silence following a 'no' may be more productive than adding to the confusion by throwing out more false leads.

» dar una pistagive + a hinthold + a clueclue .

Example: Mum's the word: Weis not giving hints on the player's future.

Example: To reconstruct palaeoclimates, palaeoclimatologists analyse tree rings, ice cores, sea sediments and even rock strata which may hold clues to the state of the climate millions of years ago.

Example: My feelings about working women were clued by my observation of pregnant alley cats -- belly or no, they continue to jump over fences.

» dejar una pistaleave + a trace .

Example: We're all puzzled by the mystery of the Bermuda Triangle where hundreds of boats and planes have disappeared into the blue leaving no trace at all.

» no dejar pistascover + Posesivo + tracks .

Example: A Brazil woman was arrested Thursday on allegations she stole a vehicle then set it on fire to cover her tracks.

» obtener pistas sobreget + an indication of .

Example: This study found it impossible to get more than an indication from advertisers and advertising agencies of their present interest in electronic publishing (e-publishing).

» perder la pista delose + track of .

Example: The study loses track of its argument at times and drifts off into analyses of the peacemaking process that are not relevant.

» pista falsared herring [Algo que distrae del tema que se debate]dead cat [Usado generalmente en política para referirse a una cuestión que trae a colación para distraer a la oposición del tema engorroso que se está debatiendo] .

Example: They present the teacher with plenty of opportunities for 'red herrings,' which the students can be allowed to follow when the teacher judges the time is right.

Example: There is one thing that is absolutely certain about throwing a dead cat on the table, everyone will be talking about the dead cat, the thing you want them to talk about, and they will not be talking about the issue that has been causing you so much grief.

» seguir la pistafollow uptrackfollow throughshadow [Seguir los movimientos de otra persona para conocer mejor lo que hace]track downfollow onfollow along .

Example: Both the original production and revision of STC spawned a large crop of such items which are worth following up.

Example: The index fields are used for tracking annual indexes.

Example: The approach used is to follow through the decision making processes which underpin the successful introduction of any service.

Example: This article describes the time spent by a bookseller in a publishing environment shadowing a publisher's representative.

Example: In stepping away from the genre's glamorous robberies and flashy lifestyle, this stealthy, potent movie tracks down the British gangster icon to its inevitable end.

Example: If parents are eating unhealthily the pattern is likely to be followed on by the children.

Example: If you have followed along with me over the years you may know that I went through heartbreak, divorce, depression and some rough times over the past few years.

» seguir la pista a un documentochase + an item .

Example: An automatic chasing system is provided for unfulfilled orders, but individual items may also be chased on demand.

» seguir la pista dekeep + track ofchase upchase down .

Example: The functions described in this chapter are used to keep track of and control the library's subscriptions to periodicals and serials.

Example: I would have thought my solicitor would have been aware of this and should have taken action to chase it up before it became obsolete.

Example: A feisty Harlem woman turned the tables on three subway muggers, chasing down two of the thugs while snatching back her purse.

» seguir + Posesivo + pistatrace + Posesivo + stepstrace + Posesivo + footsteps .

Example: I have traced his steps very closely and I am now tring to find the last piece to the puzzle.

Example: I traced her footsteps down to the shore afraid she was gone for evermore.

» seguir una pistachase + a lead .

Example: Police are chasing leads of a murder suspect riding a little girl's bicycle from the scene of the crime.

» sin pistasclueless  .

Example: Well, if you've come this far, and you started off clueless, I must congratulate you for wading through all these explanations.

» tras la pista deon the trail ofon the track of .

Example: Directories of publishers arranged to indicate the specialist fields in which the publish can be a boon to the imaginative librarian on the trail of some obscure source.

Example: The article is entitled 'Cataloguing and classification at Bath University Library: on the track of white elephants and golden retrievers'.

Pista synonyms

dog in spanish: perro, pronunciation: dɔg part of speech: noun lead in spanish: dirigir, pronunciation: led part of speech: verb, noun course in spanish: curso, pronunciation: kɔrs part of speech: noun cross in spanish: cruzar, pronunciation: krɔs part of speech: noun, adjective, verb cover in spanish: cubrir, pronunciation: kʌvɜr part of speech: verb, noun rail in spanish: carril, pronunciation: reɪl part of speech: noun path in spanish: camino, pronunciation: pæθ part of speech: noun trail in spanish: sendero, pronunciation: treɪl part of speech: noun chase in spanish: persecución, pronunciation: tʃeɪs part of speech: noun, verb tag in spanish: etiqueta, pronunciation: tæg part of speech: noun traverse in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: trævɜrs part of speech: verb, noun tail in spanish: cola, pronunciation: teɪl part of speech: noun running in spanish: corriendo, pronunciation: rʌnɪŋ part of speech: noun rails in spanish: rieles, pronunciation: reɪlz part of speech: noun get over in spanish: superalo, pronunciation: getoʊvɜr part of speech: verb racetrack in spanish: pista, pronunciation: reɪstræk part of speech: noun pass over in spanish: pasar por alto, pronunciation: pæsoʊvɜr part of speech: verb racecourse in spanish: hipódromo, pronunciation: reɪskɔrs part of speech: noun go after in spanish: ir detrás, pronunciation: goʊæftɜr part of speech: verb cut through in spanish: romper, pronunciation: kʌtθru part of speech: verb cut across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: kʌtəkrɔs part of speech: verb raceway in spanish: pista de rodadura, pronunciation: reɪsweɪ part of speech: noun get across in spanish: atravesar, pronunciation: getəkrɔs part of speech: verb chase after in spanish: perseguir, pronunciation: tʃeɪsæftɜr part of speech: verb cartroad in spanish: carretera de caminos, pronunciation: kɑrtroʊd part of speech: noun data track in spanish: seguimiento de datos, pronunciation: deɪtətræk part of speech: noun cart track in spanish: pista de carro, pronunciation: kɑrttræk part of speech: noun
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