Piso in english


pronunciation: flɔr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pisar = set + foot (inside/in/on) ; tread ; tread on ; step ; walk onto ; step on. 

Example: Extensive use of made of the prominently painted yellow van by the public, including individuals who had never set foot inside a library.Example: E. M. Forster fashions a homoerotic subjectivity in his novel 'Where Angels Fear to Tread'.Example: The article is entitled 'Tread softly for you tread on my dreams: academicising Arthur Ransome'.Example: It should be noted, however, that the pains generally are aggravated by succussion, as by riding in a wagon or by stepping hard.Example: I read that she walked onto the boat and caught them getting it on.Example: If she had come out and not seen it, she could easily have stepped on it on her way down the stairs.


» adorar el suelo que + pisarworship + the ground + Pronombre + walk on .

Example: Her girls worship the ground she walks on, the women hang on her every word, and the men languish in the trail of her Parisian perfume.

» al pisarunderfoot .

Example: 'Trouble slithering underfoot in the Garden of Eden?', the librarian shook his head sheepishly.

» andar pisando fuertego from + strength to strengthmake + a big impact .

Example: This was achieved with great success, and the scheme goes from strength to strength.

Example: The fiction genre is currently making a big impact on the US publishing scene and is increasingly popular in public libraries.

» andar pisando huevosdrag + Posesivo + feetdrag + Posesivo + heelscrawl along .

Example: We take identity theft seriously, but our banks are dragging their feet.

Example: Some lightbulb companies are still dragging their heels on the energy-saving lightbulb issue, but they haven't a leg to stand on.

Example: Police said a baby found crawling along a busy street in Utah was rescued by a driver and sent home to his family.

» ir pisando huevoscrawl along .

Example: Police said a baby found crawling along a busy street in Utah was rescued by a driver and sent home to his family.

» pisándole los talones a Alguienin hot pursuit ofin full cryin full pursuit of .

Example: All of a sudden we heard the roar of jet engines and looked up to see two military jets lifting off the runway in hot pursuit of this object.

Example: The pack of hounds on leash rushed downhill in full cry after the hare, and from all sides the borzois that were not on leash darted after the hounds and the hare.

Example: In the 19th century, the wit and playwright Oscar Wilde memorably mocked fox-hunting as 'the unspeakable in full pursuit of the uneatable'.

» pisar a fondogive it + some wellygo + hard (at)floor + the acelerador (pedal)speed offfloor + the gas pedalstep on itgo + flat outgo like + the clappersgo + hell (bent) for leather .

Example: I'll give it some welly and see how it goes.

Example: He got me into fishing and I have been going hard at it for about a year.

Example: The long, open straight where we can floor the accelerator pedal is becoming an exotic rarity.

Example: When police tried to stop her, she sped off through a built-up area and jumped a red traffic light, despite her children telling her to stop.

Example: When I floor the gas pedal, the engine revs up like you would expect, but the truck slows down, almost like the engine isn't powering the wheels.

Example: To his dismay, the taxi driver upon being asked to step on it, complied, even if it was against the law.

Example: Rival coaches Naylor and Alan will each demand that their players go flat out to get their hands on the silverware..

Example: At one point her leg and arm stopped shaking but her eye was going like the clappers.

Example: Take it nice and easy -- don't go hell for leather as soon as you cross the start line.

» pisar el aceleradorstep on + the gas pedal .

Example: Older females are more likely than people in other demographic groups to cause accidents by mistakenly stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake.

» pisar el acelerador a fondospeed offfloor + the acelerador (pedal)floor + the gas pedalstep on it .

Example: When police tried to stop her, she sped off through a built-up area and jumped a red traffic light, despite her children telling her to stop.

Example: The long, open straight where we can floor the accelerator pedal is becoming an exotic rarity.

Example: When I floor the gas pedal, the engine revs up like you would expect, but the truck slows down, almost like the engine isn't powering the wheels.

Example: To his dismay, the taxi driver upon being asked to step on it, complied, even if it was against the law.

» pisar el embraguedepress + the clutch .

Example: However, if you try to brake below this speed without depressing the clutch, the engine will stall because it's being forced to carry a load while operating below idle speed.

» pisar el frenoapply + the brakesstep on + the brake(s) .

Example: The conclusion by the article 'Children's bookstores: applying the brakes' is that the rapid growth in children's bookstores and bookselling, documented in previous surveys, may have finally reached a plateau.

Example: Older females are more likely than people in other demographic groups to cause accidents by mistakenly stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake.

» pisar el freno repetidas vecespump + the brakes .

Example: Our latest tests show that pumping the brakes at full throttle can make a bad problem even worse.

» pisar el freno varias vecespump + the brakes .

Example: Our latest tests show that pumping the brakes at full throttle can make a bad problem even worse.

» pisar el pedal del aceleradorstep on + the gas pedalstep on + the gas .

Example: Older females are more likely than people in other demographic groups to cause accidents by mistakenly stepping on the gas pedal instead of the brake.

Example: When you step on the gas pedal, the throttle valve opens up more, letting in more air.

» pisar el pedal del frenostep on + the brake pedal .

Example: Brake lights should activate whenever the driver steps on the brake pedal and be visible from a distance of 300 feet.

» pisar el umbralcross + the threshold of .

Example: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.

» pisar el umbral decross + the threshold of .

Example: And yet, everyone knows that historically only a very small portion of the eligible users have ever crossed the threshold of a public library.

» pisar fuertego from + strength to strengthmake + a big impactstomp .

Example: This was achieved with great success, and the scheme goes from strength to strength.

Example: The fiction genre is currently making a big impact on the US publishing scene and is increasingly popular in public libraries.

Example: The patient may experience an annoying feeling that can be relieved by shifting the positions of the legs or by stomping the feet on the floor.

» pisar la calleset + foot (out of/outside) the house .

Example: By the end of the exercise I think everyone watching was wondering how two such old crocks could dare to set foot out of the house.

» pisar los talones acome on + the heels ofbreathe down + Posesivo + neck .

Example: The move came on the heels of Russia's decision to reinstitute bomber missions over the North Sea after a 17-year hiatus.

Example: They have to realize that their kids are grown up and can make their own decisions and don't need their parents breathing down their necks anymore.

» pisar + Posesivo + casadarken + Posesivo + door .

Example: This law permitted private schools to charge whatever tuition would assure that no low-income families would darken their door.

» pisarse los huevosdrag + Posesivo + feetdrag + Posesivo + heels .

Example: We take identity theft seriously, but our banks are dragging their feet.

Example: Some lightbulb companies are still dragging their heels on the energy-saving lightbulb issue, but they haven't a leg to stand on.

» pisar suavementepad .

Example: Try to imagine yourself as a 2 1/2-year-old, out walking in the park with your mum, when across your path pads a little furry animal.

» pisar terreno desconocidobe out of + Posesivo + depthbe in over + Posesivo + head .

Example: This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.

Example: This one is one of the lame excuses almost always used when an individual is not coping, out their depth and in over their head.

» pisar un pedaldepress + pedal .

Example: If required, it may be activated by depressing the clutch pedal.

» pisar uvastread + grapes .

Example: The article 'Treading the grapes: The CD-ROM experience' is a report of an informal discussion of CD-ROM networking issues.

piso1 = apartment ; high-rise flat ; condominium ; flat ; high-rise apartment. 

Example: She then said 'Thanks for the offer, but I've signed a contract and made a deposit on an apartment'.Example: Most of the larger cities have set up wholesale slum clearance programmes and rehousing in council housing and high-rise flats.Example: Additional apartments and condominiums were quickly erected to accommodate the influx of employees in the new research park.Example: This multi-functional community complex incorporates meeting rooms, sports hall, squash courts, old people's day centre, toy library, YMCA flats, a church centre and arts and crafts workshops.Example: Previous research has demonstrated that frail elderly living in subsidized high-rise apartments have greater unmet needs than elderly who reside in traditional community housing.


» bloque de pisosblock of flatsblock of high-rise flatstower blockapartment complexapartment buildingapartment blockcondo [Forma abreviada de condominium]condominium [A veces abreviado como condo]high-rise .

Example: The area is populated by old people, immigrants and single parent families housed in blocks of flats.

Example: In Britain, this meant the dislocation and scattering of what were close-knit communities either to sprawling suburban council estates, often grossly lacking in amenities, or to blocks of high-rise flats.

Example: There is a multiscreen cinema within 30 minutes walk of the conference venue, including the recently opened IMAX cinema, which shows specialist films on a screen as large as a tower block.

Example: Multiculturalism is the reality of the community's neighbourhood and apartment complexes.

Example: The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town -- the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners -- gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.

Example: The difference between the two systems can be illustrated by analogy with a set of letter-boxes located in the entrance to an apartment block, with one box for each resident.

Example: Not everyone realizes the importance of respecting your neighbor, this is especially true if you live in a condo or an apartment.

Example: Additional apartments and condominiums were quickly erected to accommodate the influx of employees in the new research park.

Example: We were racing against the clock, and I was hurrying her up the stairs to reach the roof of the high rise.

» buscar pisogo + flat-hunting .

Example: If you go flat-hunting around Perth and suburbs make sure you carry plenty of cash with you.

» búsqueda de pisoflat-hunting .

Example: When looking for a flat in London, a few tips for flat hunting can come in handy.

» cambiar de pisomove + flatsmove + apartments .

Example: She's moving flats quite soon but staying in the same area.

Example: He's moving apartments and has a big project at work, so will be quite occupied for the next week or so.

» casa de pisostenementapartment blockapartment buildingapartment complex .

Example: To be sure, it still has its congeries of mills and factories, its grimy huddle of frame dwellings and congested tenements, its stark, jagged skyline, but its old face is gradually changing.

Example: The difference between the two systems can be illustrated by analogy with a set of letter-boxes located in the entrance to an apartment block, with one box for each resident.

Example: The broad tree-lined streets with large Victorian homes surrounded by ample greenery on what were once the outskirts of town -- the gracious and expansive habitations of the wealthy mill and factory owners -- gradually yield to a miscellany of recent bungalows, modest cottages, and modern apartment buildings.

Example: Multiculturalism is the reality of the community's neighbourhood and apartment complexes.

» compañero de pisoflatmatehousemateroomieroommate .

Example: 'Shit Happens' in the story of two flatmates: Halifax, a ex-journalist with a dark past and long lost ex-wife, and Shakra, a college-drop out bent on Halifax's destruction = "A veces las cosas salen mal" es la historia de dos compañeros de piso: Halifax, un ex-periodista con un pasado oscuro y con una exesposa que no ve desde hace mucho, y Shakra, un compañero de universidad obcecado en la destrucción de Halifax .

Example: Are you considering letting a spare room to a male or female housemate in the UK or United States?.

Example: Love 'em or hate 'em, you're stuck with your roomie until the end of the semester, until the end of the year, or until another dorm opens up.

Example: Several recent studies have found that having a roommate of a different race can reduce prejudice.

» compartir pisoroom (with) .

Example: Some gay students may feel uncomfortable rooming with members of the same gender, especially if these roommates display signs of homophobia.

» complejo de pisoscondominium complex .

Example: The underground garage is part of a large condominium complex where he lives.

» edificio de pisoscondominium building .

Example: A gunman fired several shots at him after he parked his car in an underground garage below the condominium building where he lives.

» mudarse de pisomove + flatsmove + apartments .

Example: She's moving flats quite soon but staying in the same area.

Example: He's moving apartments and has a big project at work, so will be quite occupied for the next week or so.

» piso amuebladofurnished flat .

Example: The University has over 68 self-contained furnished flats and houses for students with dependants.

» piso francosafe house .

Example: A safe house works for both good guys and bad guys, keeping them hidden and secure.

» piso pilotoshow home .

Example: Viewing show homes is becoming a popular way for people to keep up with the latest trends and seek inspiration for their own homes.

piso2 = floor ; level ; storey [story, -USA] ; story [storey, -UK]. 

Example: The library, which is of split-level design on 2 floors, includes a lending collection, children's library, study area, and audio-visual section.Example: The other rooms on the third, second and first levels have a mixture of stacking chairs with writing board arms.Example: The library is situated on the top two floors of a six storey building.Example: The vista of main street shows in addition to the jumble and squeeze of shops, a 12-story skyscraper, several impressive banks, and a few elderly housing units.


» aparcamiento de vario pisosparkade .

Example: Just across the street from the terminal building, the parkade offers the perfect spot for business passengers or those who simply prefer the convenience of being close to the airport.

» aparcamiento de varios pisosmulti-storey car park .

Example: A prominent feature of the library building is that it sits on top of a multi-storey car park.

» autobús de dos pisosdouble-decker busdouble-decker .

Example: In the United Kingdom an 'information double-decker bus' is used, complete with information material and manned by a team of staff from the main library.

Example: Double-deckers offer an opportunity to increase passenger capacity on other buses by up to 70 per cent.

» bajar (al piso de) abajogo + downstairs .

Example: I got up and took a shower, and then I went downstairs to eat breakfast.

» con varios pisosmulti-storey [multistorey/multistory] .

Example: Catalogue terminals can be dispersed throughout the library which is particularly appealing for multi-storey and/or multi-wing libraries = Los terminales del catálogo pueden estar dispersos por todo el edificio, lo que es especialmente necesario para las bibliotecas con varios pisos y con varias alas.

» del último pisotop-floor .

Example: This top-floor apartment offers commanding views of the lake.

» de piso corridoflat-flooredflat-floor .

Example: This spacious, flat-floored, pillar-free hall is extremely flexible allowing a wide variety of stand configurations.

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

» de piso llanoflat-floorflat-floored .

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

Example: This spacious, flat-floored, pillar-free hall is extremely flexible allowing a wide variety of stand configurations.

» de un solo pisoflat-floorflat-floored .

Example: Counting the media center (which everyone persists in calling the library), there are 26 classrooms, 2 shops (one for auto repair and one for woodworking), a basement gymnasium, and a flat-floor auditorium.

Example: This spacious, flat-floored, pillar-free hall is extremely flexible allowing a wide variety of stand configurations.

» en el piso de abajodownstairs .

Example: The library office is in the basement, 'downstairs' as it is euphemistically referred to, along with a staff lounge, the washrooms, heating equipment, and electrical and janitor's closets.

» en el piso de arribaupstairs .

Example: He frequently asks them to shelve books upstairs on the balcony and then stands there looking up their dresses.

» en el último pisotop-floor .

Example: This top-floor apartment offers commanding views of the lake.

» piso de diseño abiertoopen floor .

Example: Librarians must be made aware of the dangers of open floor bookstacks and open stairways and budgets must provide funds to achieve an acceptable level of fire safety.

» piso de maderawood flooringfloor boardingplank floorwooden flooring .

Example: Wooden flooring such as parquet is becoming more and more popular around the world.

Example: This is difficult to do, so plumbers frequently cut a notch out of the top of the joists and lay the pipe just below the floor boarding.

Example: It still has its original plank floors and vintage pool table.

Example: When selecting a type of skirting, it is essential to ensure that the skirting matches the colour of the wooden flooring surface.

» piso húmedowet floor .

Example: If someone does slip on your wet floors and the area is marked correctly with warning signs the court will usually side in your favor.

» subir (al piso de) arribago + upstairs .

Example: As soon as my whippet goes into the living room he just jumps all over the furniture and if I go upstairs first thing he will do is lie on the sofa.

» último piso, eltop floor, the .

Example: Since many people like having a top-floor apartment, the top floor may cost you more than just extra calories as you huff it up and down the stairs.

Piso synonyms

base in spanish: base, pronunciation: beɪs part of speech: noun level in spanish: nivel, pronunciation: levəl part of speech: noun story in spanish: historia, pronunciation: stɔri part of speech: noun deck in spanish: cubierta, pronunciation: dek part of speech: noun shock in spanish: choque, pronunciation: ʃɑk part of speech: noun dump in spanish: tugurio, pronunciation: dʌmp part of speech: noun, verb storey in spanish: piso, pronunciation: stɔri part of speech: noun stun in spanish: aturdir, pronunciation: stʌn part of speech: verb flooring in spanish: piso, pronunciation: flɔrɪŋ part of speech: noun coldcock in spanish: Coldcock, pronunciation: koʊldkɑk part of speech: verb knock down in spanish: noquear, pronunciation: nɑkdaʊn part of speech: verb take aback in spanish: tome por sorpresa, pronunciation: teɪkəbæk part of speech: verb blow out of the water in spanish: soplar fuera del agua, pronunciation: bloʊaʊtʌvðəwɔtɜr part of speech: verb ball over in spanish: bola sobre, pronunciation: bɔloʊvɜr part of speech: verb
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