Piropo in english


pronunciation: kɑmpləment part of speech: noun
In gestures

piropo = flirtatious compliment. 

Example: He's handsome, always ready with a charming smile or a flirtatious compliment, and is never without a woman on his arm or a conquest to chase.


» echar un piropopay + Nombre + a flirtatious complimentcatcall [Generalmente hacia una mujer atractiva en la calle y a modo de piropo] .

Example: It's certainly not hard to imagine a gentleman paying her a flirtatious compliment.

Example: I can think of multiple examples of men harassing or catcalling women, but rarely have I intervened to say something.

Piropo synonyms

congratulate in spanish: felicitar, pronunciation: kəngrætʃəleɪt part of speech: verb
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