Pirar in english


pronunciation: paɪrɑr part of speech: none
In gestures

pirarse = scoot ; do + a bunk ; bugger off ; make off ; skulk off ; sneak off ; sneak away ; decamp ; walk out ; slope off ; fly + the coop ; make + a quick exit ; get + lost ; go (and) take a hike ; go to + hell ; get out of + Posesivo + face ; walk off ; take to + Posesivo + heels ; do + a runner ; tear out ; leg it ; take + flight ; show + a clean pair of heels ; scram ; go (and) fly a kite. 

Example: The article 'Telling Brown Owl to scoot: on the virtues of disobedience in children's fiction' discusses a range of children's fiction for the presence of mischievousness in the main characters.Example: As soon as the advance was paid however the manager did a bunk with the money, around £100000, and was never seen nor heard of again.Example: But alas, it's time for me to bugger off again but I truly hope to be back one day.Example: To pull off the heist, the thief stole a swipe card for the complex before using the wheelchair to make off.Example: Good attendance with 21 people there though a few skulked off without paying!.Example: One of the great joys in life is sneaking off.Example: So I decided to take my chances and sneak away quietly on a day when Fabiola had a group meeting at her lab.Example: They suffered a major setback in 1974 when their manager suddenly decamped, leaving them stranded with no money and pile of outstanding debts.Example: At least five members of the audience walked out during the bishop's address.Example: So with a full tummy we sloped off to bed, claiming we needed an early night to be in fine fettle for the next day.Example: By January 2010 I had flown the coop and escaped the clutches of winter.Example: I sat near the back door, ready to make a quick exit once the interview session concluded.Example: The thing about these two is that we are constantly told that he loves her and yet he is continually asking her to get lost, go home, stop looking at him, stop talking to him, hand him her phone so he can erase his number, etc..Example: No they are not bona ride, don't take any notice of them just another scam to get your money, tell them to go and take a hike.Example: Diplomacy is the art of telling people to go to hell in such a way that they ask for the directions!.Example: Joel said they came over to see what was going on but he told them to get out of my face and gave them a mouthful.Example: 'I'm not feeling too good, I think I'm out of energy,' he told the crowd, saying he was sorry and blowing a kiss before walking off the stage with his head hung low.Example: When the lad heard it he got frightened, and took to his heels as though he were running a race.Example: When they lost their jobs and the money dried up, some decided they had no choice but to do a runner.Example: He soon found that he was talking to air, as the man suddenly tore out of the shop like his trousers were on fire.Example: The book 'Legging it' overviews trends in male and female dress from the Middle Ages to the present, concentrating on leg coverings: breeches, trousers, stockings'.Example: Fallow deer are very wary of people, and will take flight as soon as they hear or see someone.Example: The performance -- shattering in the 1950's -- is now less impressive, but it can still show a clean pair of heels to most cars on the road.Example: They have no business here in Europe -- they had better scram.Example: Whoever tried to stand in the way of her goals and dreams was promptly told to go fly a kite.


» me las piro, vampirosee you later alligator (...after/for/in a while crocodile) [Forma coloquial de despedirse, a lo que se suele responder after/for/in a while crocodile]see you soon, raccoon .

Example: When I was a kid, my grandfather used to say to my brother and I when we left his house 'See you later, alligator' and we would say 'After awhile, crocodile!' .

Example: I have to go to work now but will see you soon, raccoon.

» ¡pírate!on your bike! [Expresión para decirle a alguien que se vaya o que no te crees lo que está diciendo] .

Example: 'On your Bike¡' is a web site designed to be a reference for mountain bikers who need track information with clear maps and photographs = "Pírate!" es una web diseñada para los ciclistas de montaña que necesitan información con mapas y fotografías claras de los caminos.
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