Pique in english


pronunciation: pik part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

picar1 = smart ; itch. 

Example: The Soviet hosts, meanwhile, still smarting over myriad implications of inferiority, found themselves in the novel position of being expected to instruct and enlighten Westerners.Example: Until your skin gets use to it, it will itch but non-scented talcum powder will help, just make sure you don't inhale any of that shit.


» picar la curiosidadpique + Posesivo + curiosity .

Example: His curiosity was piqued as he glanced at the words again -- 'Would you drop by my office at your earliest convenience?'.

» picar la palma de la manohave + an itchy/itching palm [Expresión generalmente usada para indicar que pronto se recibirá dinero] .

Example: Next time you have an itchy palm, don't scratch it, spit in it three times and bingo you'll receive money.

» picar los ojoshave + itchy eyes .

Example: Use ultraviolet light if you have itchy eyes, runny nose or wheezing.

» que picaitchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.]  ; scratchy [scratchier -comp., scratchiest -sup.]  .

Example: Even the ones who don't complain say they have coughing fits at times, and itchy eyes, and headaches.

Example: Many of us suffer from scratchy throat allergies on account of the seasonal changes.

picar2 = mince ; chop up. 

Example: A rotary machine invented in Holland in the late seventeenth century did not pound but minced the rags into pulp with revolving knives.Example: The writer bemoans record studios' tendency to chop up and fiddle with opera performances.


» máquina de picar alimentosfood grinder .

Example: Food grinders are the convenient and modern version of the traditional mortar and pestle and can be used to grind everything from spices to nuts to larger items.

» máquina de picar carnemeat grindermeat mincer .

Example: These institutions are like meat grinders, they lure you in with cheap wine and cheese and then pull the rug out from under you once you get there.

Example: So here's the plan -- I want to get a meat mincer to make my own mince, and have a bash at some bangers.

» tabla de picarchopping board .

Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.

picar3 = sting. 

Example: When threatened, a stingray lashes out with its tail and tries to sting the intruder with one of its spines, which contain poison glands.


» haberle picado la moscarda a Unobe jinxed .

Example: So today I just came to realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.

picar4 = peck ; snack. 

Example: They sold both the land and the animals, keeping only a dog and a few hens that walked freely, pecking and cackling in the garden.Example: I stayed there for several hours, snacking on hunks of bread and cheese and putting pen to paper.


» algo para picarfinger food .

Example: The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.

» comida para picarfinger food .

Example: The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.

» picar en una trampafall for + a jokefall for + it .

Example: Some people understood the joke and laughed, others fell for the joke and took it seriously.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

picar5 = keyboard. 

Example: One use of the Mouse is in free-hand drawing, but it also promises to improve drastically the way in which data can be manipulated once it has been keyboarded into a file.



» a piquesinking .

Example: Other boats lay on their oars in the vicinity of the sinking ship, a few survivors being rescued from the water.

» a punto de irse a piqueon the rocks .

Example: Marriage is on the rocks in Britain, with the proportion of unmarried people exceeding that of married people as more men and women opt to live together without constraints.

» echar a piquescuttletorpedo .

Example: Three bills intended to scuttle affirmative action in California were left in dry dock when the committee refused to pass them.

Example: What advantage lay in torpedoing what were bilateral talks in all but name, just as they had got underway?.

» irse a piquebite + the dustgive up + the ghostcome + unstuckgo + pear-shapedgo + kaputbe kaputgo + haywirego down + the tubego down + the drainbe up the spoutbe dead in the watergo + belly up [Coloquial]go + tits upbecome + a shamblesgo for + a Burtongo out (of) + the windowfly out (of) + the windowbe toasthit + the buffers .

Example: The article 'Interchange bites the dust' comments on the decision by AT&T to abandon the Interchange online service technology.

Example: This article examines one such example, Cherrie Moraga's 'Giving Up the Ghost' where, for the first time, the issue of Chicana lesbian sexuality is addressed on the stage.

Example: Bright people will always manage towork out the technology but it is the higher-level issues and processes that usually cause a project to come unstuck.

Example: The test on the new machines went pear-shaped: nothing really worked properly and they had to install everything again.

Example: With oil at $76 a barrel, it won't be long until it all goes kaput!.

Example: I had a mechanic chap take a gander earlier on and he said it's possible the pedal itself is kaput, as in there's something fishy going on with the mechanics of it.

Example: They left a trail of destruction in the wake of a plan gone haywire.

Example: No wonder their paper is going down the tube with their trashy reporting.

Example: These businesses were growing rapidly until 1964 when the economy started to go down the drain and manufacturing was not anymore profitable.

Example: Their email system has been up the spout since Saturday preventing the staff from communicating everyday matters and causing extensive housekeeping delays.

Example: Unfortunately the project is officially dead in the water.

Example: Our ISP (Internet Service Provider) went belly up 10 days ago and we have been unable to send & receive emails since.

Example: At least Justin will have his 100 million dollars to fall back on if things do go tits up = Al menos Justin tendrá sus 100 millones de dólares a donde echar mano, si todo se va al carajo.

Example: Over the course of a few months, her life became a shambles.

Example: The British economy has gone for a Burton.

Example: The lack of centralisation means that good management goes out the window and everything gets sloppier.

Example: When grandparents enter the door discipline flies out the window.

Example: Stop polluting the ocean because once we kill the coral reefs and the rain forest, the earth is toast!.

Example: After an explosive couple of years, China's car market hit the buffers in 2004.

» todo + irse + a piqueeverything + go + snafu .

Example: Sometimes you get a period when everything goes snafu.

Pique synonyms

temper in spanish: templar, pronunciation: tempɜr part of speech: noun rough in spanish: áspero, pronunciation: rʌf part of speech: adjective offend in spanish: ofender, pronunciation: əfend part of speech: verb twill in spanish: tela asargada, pronunciation: twɪl part of speech: noun irritation in spanish: irritacion, pronunciation: ɪrɪteɪʃən part of speech: noun twilled in spanish: torcido, pronunciation: twɪld part of speech: adjective corded in spanish: cortado, pronunciation: kɔrdəd part of speech: adjective unsmooth in spanish: no suave, pronunciation: ənsmuθ part of speech: adjective
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