Pintura in english


pronunciation: peɪntɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pintura = paint ; painting ; picture. 

Example: We will not accomplish that by being timid or by giving our profession a fresh coat of paint.Example: Within Human Science we find such subdisciplines as economics and sociology; within Art, painting and music.Example: A picture is a two-dimensional visual representation accessible to the naked eye and generally on an opaque backing and used when a more specific term (e.g. art original, photograph) is not appropriate.


» capa de pinturacoat of paint .

Example: Whereas a couple of generations ago an antique chair might have been smartened by the addition of yet another coat of paint, now those same layers of paint are being removed.

» decapar la pinturastrip + the paint .

Example: Without stripping the paint, the new paint may not cover or adhere as well, causing a lumpy or uneven look.

» investigador de pinturaspicture researcher .

Example: This system is well used by picture researchers.

» mano de pinturapaint joblick of paintcoat of paint .

Example: Frequently, the creators and caretakers of a data base have an irresistible impulse to give it a fixup, a paint job, or a new colour scheme.

Example: It's amazing what a lick of paint and a scrubbing brush can do to brighten your brickwork!.

Example: Whereas a couple of generations ago an antique chair might have been smartened by the addition of yet another coat of paint, now those same layers of paint are being removed.

» no poder ver ni en pinturacan't/couldn't stand + the sight of [También se usa la construcción "can't/couldn't stand + Posesivo + sight"] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Menstruation or, who says women can't stand the sight of blood?'.

» no querer ver ni en pinturasteer + (well) clear (of) .

Example: This entire target market has steered clear of the public library.

» no querer ver + Nombre + ni en pinturanot want to see + Nombre + ever again .

Example: If I said that I do not want to see her ever again it's because she is so mean to me.

» obra maestra de la pintura clásicaold masterold master painting .

Example: Even seemingly innocuous information such as certain television viewing figures or the name of the person who has bought a particular old master at auction or the unlisted telephone number of a famous author is sometimes kept secret.

Example: This study collection includes European art works, mostly old master paintings, from the 13th to the 18th centuries.

» pintura al aguagouache [Pintura que se realiza con colores opacos disueltos en agua]water-based paint .

Example: Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.

Example: Water-based paint dries purely by evaporation, while oil-based paint has a chemical drying agent added.

» pintura al guachegouache [Pintura que se realiza con colores opacos disueltos en agua] .

Example: Treatment undertaken included consolidation of the flaking gouache, surface cleaning, mould reduction, washing on the low pressure suction table, infilling and toning.

» pintura al óleooil paintingoil-based paint .

Example: Examines the theme of dancing nudes by the seashore in watercolors and oil paintings by John Marin = Se examina el tema de desnudos bailando en la orilla del mar en pinturas de acuarelas y óleo de John Marin.

Example: However, both oil-based and latex paints may be acceptable for recycling if handled according to the requirements of the recycling center.

» pintura al templetemperaegg temperatempera paintposter paint .

Example: Tempera is made from pigment, gum arabic and water.

Example: Egg tempera can be used inside or outside and can last for over 20 years.

Example: While tempera paint dries quickly to the touch, it may take much longer to completely cure.

Example: Create a vibrant painting using various colors of poster paint, which is another name for tempera paint.

» pintura antioxidanterust-proof paintrust-proofing paint .

Example: To prevent the rust from spreading, sand down the area to the metal below the rust, brush on some primer and finish off with a coat of rust-proof paint.

Example: Luckily the frame isn't rotted, it can be saved by some sanding and coating with a rust-proofing paint.

» pintura barrocabaroque painting .

Example: His work is an early example of the use of ballroom and theater scenes in baroque painting.

» pintura con plomolead paint .

Example: Although the cost of lead paint abatement is measured in billions of dollars, the monetized benefits of such a Herculean task have been shown to far outweigh the costs.

» pintura de emulsiónemulsion paint .

Example: Emulsion paints have fillers to thicken the film, support the paint structure and increase its volume.

» pintura de guerrawar paint .

Example: Indians used war paint to rally themselves for battle and frighten enemies, in the way sports teams wear the same uniforms.

» pintura descascarilladaflaky paint .

Example: Once all of the flaky paint has been removed, an electric sander should be used.

» pintura en esprayspray paint .

Example: It can be likened to the production of a modern painting using spray paints and masks.

» pintura látexlatex paint .

Example: However, both oil-based and latex paints may be acceptable for recycling if handled according to the requirements of the recycling center.

» pintura metálicametallic paint .

Example: More and more new car buyers are refusing to walk out of a dealership without metallic paint despite the cost of metallic and standard paints being no different.

» pintura muralmural painting .

Example: Consider the subject 'Gothic mural painting in Bohemia and Moravia'; there are three foci here, Gothic, from the Time facet, mural, from the form facet, and Bohemia and Moravia from the Place facet, all three facets within the basic class Painting.

» pintura plásticaplastic paint .

Example: Furthermore, unlike plastic paints, they allow walls to `breathe' and so minimise the risk of damp or condensation.

» pintura rupestrecave paintingrock paintingcave drawing .

Example: Cave paintings, baked clay tablets, papyrus rolls, vellum, parchment and paper manuscripts, movable type printing; these have been the material objects by means of which man have communicated with their fellows.

Example: Rock paintings there may perform the same function as the sacrificial aspersion of rocks with blood & chyme.

Example: I'm just glad that humans have evolved to the point that we aren't all bow- legged like the people in the cave drawings.

» pintura sueltaflaky paint .

Example: Once all of the flaky paint has been removed, an electric sander should be used.

» pintura surrealistasurrealist painting .

Example: Art forms used include Homeric epic, medieval allegory, Tristam Shandy, Jorge Luis Borges, silent cinema and surrealist painting.

» ponerse la pintura de guerraput on + Posesivo + war paint .

Example: They made a huge fire, put on their war paint, danced vigorously around the fire to the sound of a large drum, waving their knives and their spears.

» quitar la pinturaremove + the paint .

Example: The next phase of the process will be to remove the paint that was applied to the building many years ago.

» quitar pintura mediante chorro de arena a presiónsandblast .

Example: They co-operated a while back in the conversion of a supply vessel into a special maintenance vessel for sandblasting and painting offshore.

» taller de chapa y pinturabodywork workshopbodywork garage .

Example: Both the mechanic garage and the bodywork workshop suffered extensive damage to the roof, and 11 cars belonging to customers were also damaged by heat and smoke during the fire.

Example: Of course, you could take it to a bodywork garage -- they will do an excellent job but the bill will probably be more than you wanted to pay.

» un pegote de pinturaa daub of paint .

Example: He makes no comment whatever on the thick daubs of paint that Rembrandt so characteristically smeared on the canvas.

Pintura synonyms

picture in spanish: imagen, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜr part of speech: noun house painting in spanish: pintando la casa, pronunciation: haʊspeɪntɪŋ part of speech: noun
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