Pintarrajear in english


pronunciation: dɔb part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pintarrajear = scribble ; scrawl ; doodle ; squiggle ; daub. 

Example: Do not write or scribble in books or otherwise deface them.Example: The artist scrawled on some of the works with Chinese ink.Example: These students were less likely to waste actual study time by doodling or daydreaming and had better note-taking skills .Example: He seemed to be in some sort of open room in a warehouse, standing inside a strange, small circle someone had squiggled on the floor.Example: As well as daubing insults on his walls, she threw eggs at the house.

Pintarrajear synonyms

spot in spanish: lugar, pronunciation: spɑt part of speech: noun smear in spanish: frotis, pronunciation: smɪr part of speech: noun slur in spanish: calumnia, pronunciation: slɜr part of speech: noun, verb plaster in spanish: yeso, pronunciation: plæstɜr part of speech: noun blot in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: blɑt part of speech: noun, verb smudge in spanish: mancha, pronunciation: smʌdʒ part of speech: noun smirch in spanish: mancillar, pronunciation: smɜrtʃ part of speech: noun, verb
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