Pintada in english


pronunciation: grəfiti part of speech: noun
In gestures



» no poder ver ni pintadocan't/couldn't stand + the sight of [También se usa la construcción "can't/couldn't stand + Posesivo + sight"] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Menstruation or, who says women can't stand the sight of blood?'.

» pintado a manohand-painted .

Example: The book presents the history of the techniques, production, and styles of hand-painted ceramic tiles and of their use in architecture in Europe.

» recién pintadofreshly paintedwet paint [Expresión usada en los carteles para avisar que algo está recién pintado ]newly painted .

Example: Although it may smell safe, sleeping in a freshly painted room could be very hazardous to your health.

Example: If you live in New York City, you have undoubtedly seen the 'Wet Paint' signs in the subway, and have also seen the sign rearranged to say 'Aint Wet'.

Example: In order to buff a newly painted car, make sure not to press as hard because the car isn't going to have as many contaminants on the surface.

» recientemente pintadonewly painted .

Example: In order to buff a newly painted car, make sure not to press as hard because the car isn't going to have as many contaminants on the surface.

» venir que ni pintadosuit + Nombre + (down) to a T/teesuit + Nombre + to the ground .

Example: She'd heard on the grapevine that a big project was coming up with a past contact and it was work that suited her to a T.

Example: The apartments seem to be more suited to families but seeing as my friends and I aren't clubbers it suited us to the ground.

pintar1 = paint. 

Example: The puppets were simple creations: cardboard heads painted and stitched onto pieces of cloth which formed the glove.


» la ocasión la pintan calvamake + hay while the sun shinestake + time by the forelockstrike while + the iron is hot .

Example: The villagers are using this break in the weather to dig themselves out as much as possible and so the streets are full of dozers and shovels etc,. 'Making hay while the sun shines'.

Example: So by taking time by the forelock, I learned that 'prevention is better than cure'.

Example: If you fail to strike while the iron is hot, there's a good chance you'll lose your momentum.

» pintar a la esponjasponging .

Example: The term sponging is used loosely to describe two paint-effects created using a sea-sponge.

» pintar con esprayspray-paint .

Example: The Government has ordered the police nationwide to spray-paint all private homes of alleged or suspected drug dealers in Manila.

» pintar de nuevorepaint [re-paint]  .

Example: The library is undergoing a five-day 'extreme makeover' and will be repainted, re-carpeted, reconfigured and equipped with the latest furnishings.

» pintar en polvopowder-coat .

Example: They can also provide casings in steel or aluminium, powder-coated to a colour of your choice.

» pintarse los labioswear + lipstick .

Example: The article 'Wear lipstick, have a tattoo, belly-dance, then get naked: the making of a virtual librarian' provides some pointers to interesting Internet sites and useful gateways dealing with images of librarians.

» pintar sobre Algo ya pintadooverpaint  .

Example: Clobbering is a form of decoration where the original designs or patterns have been disregarded or deliberately altered or disguised by overpainting with enamels and/or gilding.

» pintar sobre una decoración ocultándola o transformándolaclobbering .

Example: Clobbering is a form of decoration where the original designs or patterns have been disregarded or deliberately altered or disguised by overpainting with enamels and/or gilding.

» protector para pintardrop cloth .

Example: While there are several types of drop cloths such as paper, plastic and cloth, in general most drop cloths will do the trick.

» rodillo para pintarpaint roller .

Example: It was the portrait of a woman standing against a wall with a paint roller.

» volver a pintarrepaint [re-paint]  .

Example: The library is undergoing a five-day 'extreme makeover' and will be repainted, re-carpeted, reconfigured and equipped with the latest furnishings.

pintar2 = depict. 

Example: Trial procedures aiming to increase service recognition and service usage, and the evaluation thereof, are then depicted.


» pintar comopaint + Nombre + as .

Example: Many commentators want to blame the Liberal Democrats for this, painting them as lily-livered social democrats with no real appetite for revolutionary change.

Pintada synonyms

graffito in spanish: graffito, pronunciation: grɑfitoʊ part of speech: noun
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