Pino in english

Pine tree

pronunciation: paɪntri part of speech: noun
In gestures

pino = pine. 

Example: The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine = The distinctive feature of the library is the dome-shaped ceiling with cross beams in stained pine.


» acícula del pinopine needle .

Example: They sell books on all methods of basket weaving and many styles, including pine needle, materials found in nature and more.

» aguja de pinopine needle .

Example: They sell books on all methods of basket weaving and many styles, including pine needle, materials found in nature and more.

» bosque de pinospine forest .

Example: Descriptions of pine forests by pilgrims and travellers who visited the Holy Land up to and during the nineteenth century are rare.

» en el quinto pinoin the arse of nowherein the middle of nowherein the back of beyondout in the sticks .

Example: We got stuck waiting for a train back for almost two hours, so we sat in a country pub in the arse of nowhere, stuffing our faces and playing dominoes.

Example: The chance to stay in the middle of a rainforest in the middle of nowhere and nobody else around us was too good an opportunity to miss.

Example: They didn't go there because life was good, but because there, in the back of beyond, you could pan for gold without the threat of being robbed.

Example: Listen to people who live out in the sticks and heed their advice and recommendations -- don't rely on instinct or rumour.

» hacer el pino con la cabezastand on + Posesivo + headheadstanddo + a headstand .

Example: She stood on her head every year on her birthday to prove she still could do it.

Example: She's an amazing woman, and she headstands better than I can.

Example: Oscar the kitten is trying to do a headstand (I think), but just ends up being an adorable roly-poly wigglebutt instead.

» hacer el pino (con las manos)stand on + Posesivo + handshandstanddo + a handstand .

Example: And after she finished the talk she stood on her hands and walked on them a little.

Example: Yesterday she was handstanding and singing really happy songs at the same time.

Example: Anyone can learn how to do a handstand with a little practice!.

» hacer el pino con las orejasdo + a song and dancebend over + backwardsdouble over + backwards .

Example: I've become an entertainer -- I have to do a song and dance to capture my students' attention.

Example: While bending over backwards to avoid bias biographies present their subjects' lives in a bland and uninteresting way = Al hacer lo imposible por evitar la parcialidad, las biografías presentan las vidas de las personas de una forma sosa y poco atractiva.

Example: Fact is, in 2006, the record industry is doubling over backwards in its attempt to remedy its decision a decade ago to ignore the onset of the web.

» hoja de pinopine needle .

Example: They sell books on all methods of basket weaving and many styles, including pine needle, materials found in nature and more.

» pino blancowhite pine .

Example: Whereas, before, the land was dense with stately white pines, now apple, plum, pear, peach, and cherry orchards stood in regimented rows and cattle grazed peacefully.

» pino OregónDouglas-fir .

Example: These diseases may affect other firs planted in the same area, but will not affect Douglas-fir or other conifer species.

» quedarse dormido hasta haciendo el pinofall + asleep on a clothes line .

Example: I don't have any trouble getting to sleep, its always been a running joke in my family that I could fall asleep on a clothes line.
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