Pinchudo in english


pronunciation: pɪntʃt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pinchudo = bristly. 

Example: The most attractive stage is when the young leaves are expanding as bright red bristly tendrils.

Pinchudo synonyms

lean in spanish: apoyarse, pronunciation: lin part of speech: adjective, verb high in spanish: alto, pronunciation: haɪ part of speech: adjective poor in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: pur part of speech: adjective thin in spanish: Delgado, pronunciation: θɪn part of speech: adjective haggard in spanish: demacrado, pronunciation: hægɜrd part of speech: adjective, noun emaciated in spanish: demacrado, pronunciation: ɪmeɪʃieɪtɪd part of speech: adjective gaunt in spanish: demacrado, pronunciation: gɔnt part of speech: adjective impecunious in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: ɪmpəkjuniəs part of speech: adjective penurious in spanish: pobre, pronunciation: penjuriəs part of speech: adjective nasal in spanish: nasal, pronunciation: neɪzəl part of speech: adjective bony in spanish: óseo, pronunciation: boʊni part of speech: adjective wasted in spanish: vano, pronunciation: weɪstəd part of speech: adjective skeletal in spanish: esquelético, pronunciation: skelətəl part of speech: adjective penniless in spanish: sin dinero, pronunciation: peniləs part of speech: adjective cadaverous in spanish: cadavérico, pronunciation: kədævɜrəs part of speech: adjective constricted in spanish: constreñido, pronunciation: kənstrɪktəd part of speech: adjective high-pitched in spanish: agudo, pronunciation: haɪpɪtʃt part of speech: adjective adenoidal in spanish: adenoidal, pronunciation: ædənɔɪdəl part of speech: adjective hard up in spanish: estar mal de dinero, pronunciation: hɑrdʌp part of speech: adjective in straitened circumstances in spanish: en circunstancias difíciles, pronunciation: ɪnstreɪtəndsɜrkəmstænsəz
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