Piloto in english


pronunciation: paɪlət part of speech: noun
In gestures

piloto1 = pilot ; airman [airmen, -pl.] ; aviator. 

Example: Most children can easily see that they need to read if they want to know what it is like to be a sportsman, a nurse, a burglar, a pilot, a patient in a hospital = Most children can easily see that they need to read if they want to know what it is like to be a sportsman, a nurse, a burglar, a pilot, a patient in a hospital.Example: This is foundation dedicate to preserving the history of America's first black military airmen.Example: This female aviator is considered to represent a 'missing link' in the story of American feminism.


» cabina del pilotoaircraft cockpit .

Example: For example, in pilot training the computer can reproduce visually a complete aircraft cockpit and present various flight conditions.

» estudiante de pilotopilot student .

Example: You'll be amazed at how many student pilots get confused or don't really understand the proper procedure for taxiing while in a crosswind.

» piloto automáticoautomatic pilot .

Example: We could think of this as disconnecting the automatic pilot and going on to manual.

» piloto de ala deltahang glider .

Example: Hang gliders weighing hundreds of pounds with their gear can keep aloft for hours at a time by 'thermals' -- pockets of warm air rising into the atmosphere.

» piloto de avión de cazafighter pilot .

Example: He's the fighter pilot who was ordered to fire at will against an unidentified flying object in British airspace.

» piloto de avión de combatefighter pilot .

Example: He's the fighter pilot who was ordered to fire at will against an unidentified flying object in British airspace.

» piloto de cazafighter pilot .

Example: He's the fighter pilot who was ordered to fire at will against an unidentified flying object in British airspace.

» piloto de combatefighter pilot .

Example: He's the fighter pilot who was ordered to fire at will against an unidentified flying object in British airspace.

» piloto de globos aerostáticosballoonist  .

Example: I'm an actor playing the role of a balloonist and I want to be able to explain in scientific terms why helium and hydrogen make balloons rise.

» piloto privadoprivateer  .

Example: I remember on the starting grid in Brazil 2007, we had 20-odd drivers and nearly all were professional drivers, privateers being the minority.

piloto2 = pilot light ; light. 

Example: The problem with pilot lights is that they waste a lot of gas and that's why most modern appliances do not have them.Example: Examination reveals positions on the cards where the light passes through all the cards in a stack.


» ballena pilotopilot whale .

Example: Pilot whales are extremely social animals, living in pods that sometimes contain hundreds of individuals.

» casa pilotoshow homeshow house .

Example: Viewing show homes is becoming a popular way for people to keep up with the latest trends and seek inspiration for their own homes.

Example: One of the flaws we have seen with these show houses is that none of the rooms seem to go together.

» centro pilotopilot centre .

Example: The network has 4 centres: coordinating centres; regional centres; sectional centres; pilot centres.

» ensayo pilotopilot trial .

Example: After a pilot trial in 1972 in which ten libraries participated, an online system was developed in 1975.

» estudio pilotopilot studypilot test .

Example: Another aspect of cooperative effort is COMARC (Cooperative MARC), a pilot study being conducted with a grant from the CLR to expand the LC/MARC services to the nation's libraries.

Example: Pilot tests with 21 teenagers and with 24 older respondents suggest that the technology poses little difficulty for most respondents.

» llama pilotopilot light .

Example: The problem with pilot lights is that they waste a lot of gas and that's why most modern appliances do not have them.

» luz pilotopilot light .

Example: The problem with pilot lights is that they waste a lot of gas and that's why most modern appliances do not have them.

» pez pilotopilot fish .

Example: The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.

» piloto antinieblafog lightfog lamp .

Example: As the name implies, a fog light is used to enhance road visibility during foggy or misty conditions.

Example: Current legislation does make it an infringement to drive with fog lamps on whist visibility is good.

» piloto antiniebla delanterofront fog lightfront fog lamp .

Example: In visibility of less than 100 yards, one may use front fog lights.

Example: Why are so many people driving around with their front fog lamps on?.

» piloto antiniebla traserorear fog lightrear fog lamptail fog lamptail fog light .

Example: When I depress the switch on the fascia, the rear fog light goes on.

Example: For several years now, a rear fog lamp has been mandatory for trailers and caravans in order to improve visibility under foggy conditions.

Example: The tail fog lamp only switches on if the headlights are on.

Example: I took my car to Germany and to get it on the road, they required a tail fog light!.

» piloto de avisowarning light .

Example: The issue terminal also incorporates a warning light in case a reserved book has slipped through the system and found its way on to the shelves.

» piloto de emergenciaemergency warning light .

Example: Under the new law, motorists must give 'a wide berth' to stationary emergency vehicles displaying blue, red, or amber emergency warning lights.

» piso pilotoshow home .

Example: Viewing show homes is becoming a popular way for people to keep up with the latest trends and seek inspiration for their own homes.

» programa pilotopilot program(me) .

Example: Commencing with a pilot programme in 1982-83, the French PTT introduced a national videotext service, Teletel, based on distribution of Minitel terminals to each telephone subscriber.

» Programa Piloto sobre Discos OpticosOptical Disc Pilot Program .

Example: The Optical Disk Pilot Program is an innovative research and development excursion into laser-based information storage and retrieval that is now under way at the Library of Congress.

» proyecto pilotopilot projecttrial projectpilot scheme .

Example: Some of these pilot projects have been: an index to scientific report literature; indexes to public records and an index to monographs and microdocuments on housing.

Example: The MALMARC (Malaysian Machine Readable Cataloguing) trial project was launched and subsequently became operational in 1979.

Example: Under the present pilot scheme it is hoped to test the extent to which translation costs may be recoverable from royalty receipts.

Piloto synonyms

test in spanish: prueba, pronunciation: test part of speech: noun fly in spanish: volar, pronunciation: flaɪ part of speech: verb, noun model in spanish: modelo, pronunciation: mɑdəl part of speech: noun trial in spanish: juicio, pronunciation: traɪəl part of speech: noun original in spanish: original, pronunciation: ɜrɪdʒənəl part of speech: adjective buffer in spanish: buffer, pronunciation: bʌfɜr part of speech: noun archetype in spanish: arquetipo, pronunciation: ɑrkɪtaɪp part of speech: noun navigate in spanish: navegar, pronunciation: nævəgeɪt part of speech: verb fender in spanish: defensa, pronunciation: fendɜr part of speech: noun experimental in spanish: experimental, pronunciation: ɪksperɪmentəl part of speech: adjective aviate in spanish: aviar, pronunciation: eɪvieɪt part of speech: verb cowcatcher in spanish: vaquero, pronunciation: kaʊkætʃɜr part of speech: noun pilot program in spanish: programa piloto, pronunciation: paɪlətproʊgræm part of speech: noun pilot film in spanish: película piloto, pronunciation: paɪlətfɪlm part of speech: noun
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