Piloso in english


pronunciation: heri part of speech: adjective
In gestures



» folículo pilosohair follicle .

Example: The depressions of the surface that give the appearance of orange skin are the exaggerated pits of the hair follicles.

» infección de los folículos pilososhair follicle infectionfolliculitis  .

Example: Rubbing caused by repetitive movements and perspiration can cause hair follicle infection.

Example: Folliculitis is a common complaint and its etiology may be related to a variety of factors.

Piloso synonyms

fuzzy in spanish: borroso, pronunciation: fʌzi part of speech: adjective hirsute in spanish: hirsuto, pronunciation: hɜrsut part of speech: adjective hoary in spanish: canoso, pronunciation: hɔri part of speech: adjective woolly in spanish: lanoso, pronunciation: wʊli part of speech: adjective furry in spanish: peludo, pronunciation: fɜri part of speech: adjective wooly in spanish: lanoso, pronunciation: wʊli part of speech: adjective downy in spanish: velloso, pronunciation: daʊni part of speech: adjective pubescent in spanish: pubescente, pronunciation: pjubəsənt part of speech: adjective alarming in spanish: alarmante, pronunciation: əlɑrmɪŋ part of speech: adjective haired in spanish: peludo, pronunciation: herd part of speech: adjective lanate in spanish: lanate, pronunciation: lænət part of speech: adjective comal in spanish: comal, pronunciation: koʊməl part of speech: adjective pilose in spanish: piloso, pronunciation: pɪloʊz part of speech: adjective hispid in spanish: hispid, pronunciation: hɪspɪd part of speech: adjective canescent in spanish: grisáceo, pronunciation: kænəsənt part of speech: adjective furred in spanish: de piel, pronunciation: fɜrd part of speech: adjective comate in spanish: camarada, pronunciation: koʊmeɪt part of speech: adjective comose in spanish: comose, pronunciation: kəmoʊz part of speech: adjective sericeous in spanish: sedoso, pronunciation: sɜriʃəs part of speech: adjective tomentose in spanish: tomentoso, pronunciation: toʊməntoʊz part of speech: adjective puberulent in spanish: puberulento, pronunciation: pjubɜrjələnt part of speech: adjective pilous in spanish: piloso, pronunciation: pɪləs part of speech: adjective floccose in spanish: flocarse, pronunciation: flɑkəs part of speech: adjective fuzzed in spanish: fuzzed, pronunciation: fʌzd part of speech: adjective tomentous in spanish: tomentoso, pronunciation: təmentəs part of speech: adjective pappose in spanish: objeto, pronunciation: pæpoʊz part of speech: adjective shock-headed in spanish: conmocionado, pronunciation: ʃɑkhedɪd part of speech: adjective long-haired in spanish: pelo largo, pronunciation: lɔŋherd part of speech: adjective wire-haired in spanish: pelo de alambre, pronunciation: waɪɜrherd part of speech: adjective furlike in spanish: como pelaje, pronunciation: fɜrlaɪk part of speech: adjective
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