Pillán in english


pronunciation: pɪln part of speech: none
In gestures

pillar = get + caught ; catch ; nab ; find + Nombre + out ; get + nicked. 

Example: The librarian should distinguish big from little problems to avoid getting caught in a situation that is rapid-fire and not effective.Example: 'And of course,' said the director, brightening as his idea gave birth to another one in her mind, 'it will be interesting to know how efficient electronic systems are at catching thieves'.Example: So over the weekend I managed to nab 30 of them using a butterfly net, and then crushed each using my boot.Example: It is a great relief to have found him out -- with a spy like him among us -- we would not last long against Colonel Kurzen.Example: And if you're gonna get caught for anything then getting nicked for having a shag must rank as a good reason.


» gato dormilón no pilla ratónif you snooze you lose .

Example: Sweetie, you know how the sales go, if you snooze you lose.

» no pillar Algogo (way) over + Posesivo + head .

Example: He lost interest in the discussion of different tactical methods to infiltrate the research building, as it mainly went over his head.

» no pillar de caminobe out of + Posesivo + way .

Example: When I told her my plans to go to the shops, she said she could drop me off, even though it was out of her way.

» no pillar de pasobe out of + Posesivo + way .

Example: When I told her my plans to go to the shops, she said she could drop me off, even though it was out of her way.

» no pillar la ideamiss + the pointbe off point .

Example: Even those states who are pushing for legalized sports betting are missing the point when it comes to making a profit through sports betting.

Example: The popular portrait of recent immigrants is off point in other respects as well.

» no pillar por sorpresacome as + little surprisecome as + no surprise .

Example: People have been talking about that for a long time, long before the investigation started, so the news that officials misappropriated more than $250,000 from the town coffers came as little surprise to residents.

Example: Consequently, it came as no surprise when the new Conservative Government was elected in 1979 on a ticket to cut public expenditure and stop feather-bedding consumers.

» pillar a Alguien con las manos en la masacatch + Nombre + red-handed  .

Example: It's the first time that Geller, who has always stated that he has never used any trickery, is so clearly caught red-handed on tape.

» pillar a Alguien in fraganticatch + Nombre + red-handed  ; catch + Nombre + in the act .

Example: It's the first time that Geller, who has always stated that he has never used any trickery, is so clearly caught red-handed on tape.

Example: Two criminals are off the street and behind bars thanks to an alert officer who caught them in the act.

» pillar a tiempocatch + Nombre + in time .

Example: If she hadn't caught it in time, Kopp would have likely contracted sepsis.

» pillar con chinchetasthumbtack .

Example: He thumbtacked the drawing and the clipping on the bulletin board and they looked impressive.

» pillar contrapin + Nombre + against .

Example: While in a speech therapy session when she got up and pushed the table violently, pinning her therapist against the wall.

» pillar de caminobe on + Posesivo + way .

Example: She offered to drop it at the doctor's place because it was on her way.

» pillar de pasobe on + Posesivo + way .

Example: She offered to drop it at the doctor's place because it was on her way.

» pillar desprevenidocatch + Nombre + off-guardcatch + Nombre + nappingcatch + Nombre + flat-footedtake + Nombre + unawarescatch + Nombre + coldcatch + Nombre + unaware(s)catch + Nombre + snoozingcome out of/from + left fieldtake + Nombre + off-guard .

Example: As the 'information economy' has grown in recent years, some feel we have been caught off-guard in an information policy vacuum.

Example: Wild pigs and deer bed down on the hilltop, so ascend quietly and you might catch them napping.

Example: Alexander caught them flat-footed in the the hills with his reinforcements catching them in the flank.

Example: You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you are more liable to be taken unawares and be bitten by a snake in the grass.

Example: Hoping to catch them cold United attacked from the kick-off, and launched wave after wave of attacks on the Serbian goal.

Example: The courage sometimes makes them blind to the dangers ahead, which may catch them unawares and throw them off balance.

Example: They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.

Example: I think the reason most people here are thinking that Rose and Nat might get back together is because their break up seemed to come out of left field.

Example: She was taken off guard when he locked arms with her and showed her to the door.

» pillar el sarampióncatch + the measles .

Example: You can catch the measles from just being in the same area where an infected person was earlier that day!.

» pillar en bragastake + Nombre + unawarescatch + Nombre + coldcatch + Nombre + snoozing .

Example: You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you are more liable to be taken unawares and be bitten by a snake in the grass.

Example: Hoping to catch them cold United attacked from the kick-off, and launched wave after wave of attacks on the Serbian goal.

Example: They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.

» pillar la gripeget + the flucatch + the flu .

Example: The best way to avoid getting a cold or the flu is to boost your body's immune system.

Example: If you want to be one of the 20 percent of Americans who catch the flu this season, shake hands with a lot of sick people.

» pillar por sorpresacatch + Nombre + nappingcatch + Nombre + off-guardcatch + Nombre + flat-footedtake + Nombre + unawarescatch + Nombre + coldcatch + Nombre + unaware(s)catch + Nombre + snoozingtake + Nombre + off-guard .

Example: Wild pigs and deer bed down on the hilltop, so ascend quietly and you might catch them napping.

Example: As the 'information economy' has grown in recent years, some feel we have been caught off-guard in an information policy vacuum.

Example: Alexander caught them flat-footed in the the hills with his reinforcements catching them in the flank.

Example: You can fend off a danger which you can see, but you are more liable to be taken unawares and be bitten by a snake in the grass.

Example: Hoping to catch them cold United attacked from the kick-off, and launched wave after wave of attacks on the Serbian goal.

Example: The courage sometimes makes them blind to the dangers ahead, which may catch them unawares and throw them off balance.

Example: They looked good in the second half till PRK caught them snoozing and walked right into the goal.

Example: She was taken off guard when he locked arms with her and showed her to the door.

» pillarse el dedo en la puertajam + Posesivo + finger in the door .

Example: She jammed her finger in the door and went out cold for about 1 minute.

» pillarse los dedosget + Posesivo + fingers burnt/burnedhave + Posesivo + fingers burnt/burned .

Example: Unfortunately, along the way she, like many entrepreneurs, got her fingers burnt by people who took advantage of her inexperience to earn themselves a nice payday.

Example: Zac couldn't give her his love because he simply wouldn't get the opportunity -- she'd had her fingers burnt by one shallow egomaniac, and once bitten, twice shy.

» pillar una insolaciónget + sunstroke .

Example: In the heat of summer, people can get sunstroke, especially when doing hard labour.

» pillar un enfriamientocatch + a chill .

Example: Researchers into the common cold say 'catching a chill' really does help colds develop -- and are advising to 'wrap up warm' to keep viruses at bay.

» pillar un resfriadocatch + a coldget + a cold .

Example: Most people will catch a cold two to four times a year.

Example: The best way to avoid getting a cold or the flu is to boost your body's immune system.

» pillar un resfriado de muertecatch + Posesivo + death (of cold) .

Example: Her mother had to drag her back into the house, afraid she would catch her death of cold.

» pillar un trancazoget + the flucatch + the flu .

Example: The best way to avoid getting a cold or the flu is to boost your body's immune system.

Example: If you want to be one of the 20 percent of Americans who catch the flu this season, shake hands with a lot of sick people.
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