Pillaje in english


pronunciation: pɪlɪdʒ part of speech: noun, verb
In gestures

pillaje = looting ; depredation ; plundering ; plunder. 

Example: This article gives a brief personal account of the destruction and looting of library and information facilities in Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion = This article gives a brief personal account of the destruction and looting of library and information facilities in Kuwait during the Iraqi invasion.Example: Libraries and archives are the subject of increasing depredations by thieves and vandals.Example: The focus of the study was the plundering of Jewish gold in the German death camps.Example: He established Samarkand as his imperial capital in the 1360s and set about aggrandising it with plunder from his conquests.

Pillaje synonyms

strip in spanish: tira, pronunciation: strɪp part of speech: noun swag in spanish: Swag, pronunciation: swɔg part of speech: noun foray in spanish: incursión, pronunciation: fɔreɪ part of speech: noun prize in spanish: premio, pronunciation: praɪz part of speech: noun plunder in spanish: saqueo, pronunciation: plʌndɜr part of speech: noun, verb rifle in spanish: rifle, pronunciation: raɪfəl part of speech: noun loot in spanish: botín, pronunciation: lut part of speech: noun, verb booty in spanish: botín, pronunciation: buti part of speech: noun ransack in spanish: saquear, pronunciation: rænsæk part of speech: verb reave in spanish: raptar, pronunciation: riv part of speech: verb despoil in spanish: despojar, pronunciation: despɔɪl part of speech: verb plundering in spanish: saqueo, pronunciation: plʌndɜrɪŋ part of speech: noun pillaging in spanish: expoliación, pronunciation: pɪlɪdʒɪŋ part of speech: noun
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