Pilar in english


pronunciation: pɪlɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pilar = bedrock ; cornerstone [corner-stone] ; keystone ; mainstay ; pillar ; pillar ; pier ; building block. 

Example: We are the bedrock of our profession and the standards that we attain fundamentally affect the status of the profession.Example: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.Example: These, then, are keystones to labor relations today.Example: Technology transfers between developed and underdeveloped nations have been the mainstays of economic development for over 30 years.Example: The layout of the buildings makes it difficult for readers to find their way around and the structural pillars prevent a logical sequence of shelving.Example: The essential pillars of man's thinking and knowing are the basic concepts which structure all his knowledge.Example: Finally, the upkeep of these bridges was a massive task requiring the constant removal of sediment from river beds, piers and abutments.Example: This article seeks to explain why current on-line products have, despite tremendous capitalisation, not yet achieved satisfactory returns, but have provided the necessary building blocks towards future products.


» pilar económicoeconomic mainstay .

Example: The Vietnamese automobile industry is growing, but agricultural will always be its economic mainstay.

» pilares de la sociedad, lospillars of society, the .

Example: Justice, Liberty, and Equality are the pillars of society; co-operation and mutual help are the firmest bonds between citizens.

» pilares del conocimiento, lospillars of knowledge, the .

Example: These four pillars of knowledge are Science, Philosophy, Art and Religion.

» ser un pilar de fuerzabe a tower of strength .

Example: Australia's economy is a tower of strength after two respected international reports confirmed it continued to lead the developed world.

» sin pilarespillar-free  .

Example: This spacious, flat-floored, pillar-free hall is extremely flexible allowing a wide variety of stand configurations.

Pilar synonyms

column in spanish: columna, pronunciation: kɑləm part of speech: noun tower in spanish: torre, pronunciation: taʊɜr part of speech: noun mainstay in spanish: pilar, pronunciation: meɪnsteɪ part of speech: noun
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