Pifia in english


pronunciation: blʌndɜr part of speech: noun
In gestures

pifia = boner ; goof ; bobble ; clanger ; blooper ; blunder ; slip-up ; muck-up ; goof-up ; flub ; fumble ; foul-up ; fuck up ; cock-up. 

Example: Inferencing skills can be learned as students clarify contextual meanings of ambiguous statements, mispronunciations, and boners that may be found in newspaper headlines, texts, and conversations.Example: The film's supple structure, surprisingly light touch, and bravura performances make it perhaps the most fully formed, half-hearted goof ever.Example: Gary's back pass took a bobble from a divot and in that moment Robinson suddenly found himself the subject of ridicule.Example: Whilst this might work in the short term, this strategy is to be avoided even if the clanger isn't entirely your fault.Example: Throughout the year we collect bloopers, funny things that happen while we are producing the program.Example: There is no better way for reference librarians to see how their efforts are perceived by library users than to see themselves in action -- blunders and all.Example: Minor slip-ups are things like - your fly is undone while giving a presentation, you accidentally let out an audible burp at a work luncheon, wardrobe malfunctions, you pass gas.Example: We realise it's nobody's fault, but it's such a muck-up.Example: The best way to avoid such goof-ups in the kitchen is to read the recipe at least twice before you start.Example: While the money invested might be recovered, it remains to be seen what such a flub will cost the university.Example: But the other pleasures in this book are enough to make such fumbles dwindle in significance.Example: The program delay was a result of a foul-up in the documentation that was supposed to detail exactly how the aircraft was made.Example: I've come to realise that, how you react to a fuck up is often far worse and more detrimental than the fuck up itself.Example: The repatriation of the emigres was a tragic oversight rather than a war crime, a cock-up rather than a conspiracy.


» meter una pifiadrop + a bollockdrop + a clangermake + a blundermake + a bloomerblundermuff .

Example: But we are all only human and I have recently 'dropped a bollock' as we English say.

Example: After dropping a clanger, you are left with a sense of shame and you just want to disappear and hide away.

Example: Since its independence 61 years ago our nation has erred, but this time they have made a blunder.

Example: He is well-known for making bloomers in public engagements.

Example: Michael Howard has blundered again, and again he has done so by trying to imitate Blair while lacking his finesse.

Example: I've had my chance and I've muffed it.

» meter una pificaflub .

Example: He's the son of a vice president perhaps best known for enduring ridicule after he flubbed the spelling of the word 'potato'.

pifiar = blunder ; be caught out ; bark up + the wrong tree ; put + Posesivo + foot in it ; put + Posesivo + foot in + Posesivo + mouth ; shoot + Reflexivo + in the foot ; stick + Posesivo + foot in it ; screw up ; make + a bloomer ; slip up ; make + a blunder ; drop + a clanger ; drop + a bollock ; muck up ; goof up ; fuck up ; eff up ; flub ; blow it (all sky high) ; foul up ; muff ; cock up ; botch up. 

Example: Michael Howard has blundered again, and again he has done so by trying to imitate Blair while lacking his finesse.Example: All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted = All librarians can tell tales of being caught out in this way, to learn of their error only when the answer has been produced: information on dance-halls when dinosaurs was asked for, or on the grey starling when something on Grace Darling was what was wanted.Example: The article 'Barking up the wrong tree' argues that the belief, by many book publishers, that they can use the Internet to bypass booksellers and sell their books direct to purchasers, is fallacious.Example: She somehow manages to put her foot in it and get laughed at every time, usually as a direct consequence of her unsureness of her own capabilities.Example: She put her foot in her mouth when she asked a fat woman who was not pregnant when her baby was due.Example: In other words, we have become our worst enemy, continually shooting ourselves in the foot.Example: She's just always shooting her mouth off and sticking her foot in it.Example: Although we're lucky to have them, eager beavers can screw up if you give them the opportunity.Example: He is well-known for making bloomers in public engagements.Example: He knew that if he slipped up again, he could be shipped to a higher-security prison and lose many of his privileges.Example: Since its independence 61 years ago our nation has erred, but this time they have made a blunder.Example: After dropping a clanger, you are left with a sense of shame and you just want to disappear and hide away.Example: But we are all only human and I have recently 'dropped a bollock' as we English say.Example: Oh, well, at least try to keep it as simple as one can without mucking it up.Example: The initial thing you need to do is acknowledge that you goofed up -- don't make excuses for it and don't try to obscure it up.Example: They don't even have the balls to admit they fucked up big time!.Example: What has Obama done to eff up my country today?.Example: He's the son of a vice president perhaps best known for enduring ridicule after he flubbed the spelling of the word 'potato'.Example: I thought that I had everybody on my side, but I went and blew it all sky high.Example: So they aren't going to be able to teach it to them and those bastards will go on fouling up, making blunderers out of people who will then be turned loose to convince more generations of people that math is terrible stuff.Example: I've had my chance and I've muffed it.Example: They've got builders in rather than restorers and, as we say around here, they've cocked it up.Example: To make matters worse, the owner tried to amputate his paws himself, botching it up in the process and leaving Brutus barely able to walk.

Pifia synonyms

blow in spanish: soplo, pronunciation: bloʊ part of speech: noun, verb spoil in spanish: mimar, pronunciation: spɔɪl part of speech: verb, noun sin in spanish: pecado, pronunciation: sɪn part of speech: noun stumble in spanish: tropezón, pronunciation: stʌmbəl part of speech: verb, noun fumble in spanish: buscar a tientas, pronunciation: fʌmbəl part of speech: verb, noun fluff in spanish: pelusa, pronunciation: flʌf part of speech: noun boob in spanish: teta, pronunciation: bub part of speech: noun botch in spanish: chapucear, pronunciation: bɑtʃ part of speech: noun, verb boner in spanish: metedura de pata, pronunciation: boʊnɜr part of speech: noun goof in spanish: bobo, pronunciation: guf part of speech: noun, verb bollocks in spanish: cojones, pronunciation: bɑləks part of speech: verb muff in spanish: manguito, pronunciation: mʌf part of speech: noun flub in spanish: flub, pronunciation: flʌb part of speech: noun, verb bungle in spanish: estropear, pronunciation: bʌŋgəl part of speech: verb, noun blooper in spanish: blooper, pronunciation: blupɜr part of speech: noun bobble in spanish: borla, pronunciation: bɔbəl part of speech: verb screw up in spanish: arrugar, pronunciation: skruʌp part of speech: verb bollix in spanish: Bollix, pronunciation: bɑlɪks part of speech: verb mess up in spanish: estropear, pronunciation: mesʌp part of speech: verb mishandle in spanish: manejar mal, pronunciation: mɪshændəl part of speech: verb boo-boo in spanish: Boo Boo, pronunciation: bubu part of speech: noun trip up in spanish: tropezar, pronunciation: trɪpʌp part of speech: verb slip up in spanish: desliz, pronunciation: slɪpʌp part of speech: verb foul-up in spanish: cometer errores, pronunciation: faʊləp part of speech: noun muck up in spanish: arruinar, pronunciation: mʌkʌp part of speech: verb misdoing in spanish: error, pronunciation: mɪsdoʊɪŋ part of speech: noun foul up in spanish: estropear, pronunciation: faʊlʌp part of speech: verb ball up in spanish: pelota, pronunciation: bɔlʌp part of speech: verb botch up in spanish: chapucear, pronunciation: bɑtʃʌp part of speech: verb louse up in spanish: desperdiciar, pronunciation: laʊsʌp part of speech: verb bollix up in spanish: bollix hasta, pronunciation: bɑlɪksəp part of speech: verb bollocks up in spanish: bollocks hasta, pronunciation: bɑləksəp part of speech: verb
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