Pieza in english


pronunciation: pis part of speech: noun
In gestures

pieza = part ; building block ; workpiece ; piece. 

Example: Machines with interchangeable parts can now be constructed with great economy of effort.Example: This article seeks to explain why current on-line products have, despite tremendous capitalisation, not yet achieved satisfactory returns, but have provided the necessary building blocks towards future products.Example: This guide to punch press selection examines the advantages/disadvantages of available machine designs and stresses how workpiece size and shape is critical to every purchase plan.Example: Within one main class the same piece of notation may be used to signify different concepts.


» dejar de una piezaknock + the socks out ofknock + Posesivo + socks offleave + Nombre + speechlessfloorleave + Nombre + dumbfoundeddumbfoundthrow + Nombre + for a loopastonishknock + Nombre + for a loop .

Example: I started reading it the minute I got it and have to tell you it knocked the socks out of me!.

Example: One person that manages to perk up Simon's moods however, is his fiancé who he claims knocked his socks off.

Example: The teachings of Maimonides do not leave us speechless but enable us to reach a new level of understanding of the deity.

Example: My best friend floored me recently when casually revealed that women are constantly having a dig at her for deciding not to have children.

Example: She sprang to the door, flung it open, and disappeared, leaving the husband and wife dumfounded and quaking with fright.

Example: I told her that I thought he was a good president, which seemed to dumbfound her and wrecked my chances of appearing on her show.

Example: The unexpected sound of his voice -- she had no idea how he got her number -- threw her for a loop.

Example: But in his eyes she saw something she couldn't ignore, something that astonished her -- loneliness as deep as her own.

Example: She discovered a shocking secret about her mother's past that knocked her for a loop and suddenly called into question everything she knew about herself.

» pieza artísticaart piecepiece of art .

Example: Art pieces not only hold value for the beholder, but are fast becoming a sound investment option.

Example: Over the years, history's greatest painters, sculptors, and craftsman have toiled to create the iconic pieces of art we've all become familiar with.

» pieza clavecornerstone [corner-stone]building block .

Example: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.

Example: This article seeks to explain why current on-line products have, despite tremendous capitalisation, not yet achieved satisfactory returns, but have provided the necessary building blocks towards future products.

» pieza clave que faltamissing piece .

Example: If, in addition, this new piece of information provides an important missing piece of the 'mental jigsaw' or helps to restructure it, we tend to attach greater value to it.

» pieza de archivoarchival file .

Example: The initial task of the Archive, which in 1960 had a stock of 521 archival files, was to complete the transfer of stock from other archival workplaces and to make its stock available to research workers.

» pieza de arteart piecepiece of art .

Example: Art pieces not only hold value for the beholder, but are fast becoming a sound investment option.

Example: Over the years, history's greatest painters, sculptors, and craftsman have toiled to create the iconic pieces of art we've all become familiar with.

» pieza de carnecut of meat .

Example: Whole cuts of meat usually only have E. coli on the surface, which makes them easier to kill by cooking.

» pieza de carne asadameat jointjoint of meat .

Example: In order to minimise the growth of pathogens, EU guidelines demand that cooked meat joints be cooled within tight time limits post cooking.

Example: When you cook a joint of meat, the high temperatures force the meat juices to the surface.

» pieza de carne para asarmeat jointjoint of meat .

Example: In order to minimise the growth of pathogens, EU guidelines demand that cooked meat joints be cooled within tight time limits post cooking.

Example: When you cook a joint of meat, the high temperatures force the meat juices to the surface.

» pieza de recambiospare partrepair part .

Example: He recommends that the purchase of technology be supported by the purchase of sufficient spare parts.

Example: It is a wholesale distributor of industrial supplies, equipment, and repair parts.

» pieza de repuestopartspare partrepair part .

Example: Machines with interchangeable parts can now be constructed with great economy of effort.

Example: He recommends that the purchase of technology be supported by the purchase of sufficient spare parts.

Example: It is a wholesale distributor of industrial supplies, equipment, and repair parts.

» pieza de repuesto de cochecar partautopart .

Example: We called around but we weren't able to find the car part we needed = Llamamos a todos lados pero no pudimos encontrar la pieza de repuesto que necesitamos.

Example: The author compares experience in the book trade with that in the music industry, autoparts business and the fashion business.

» pieza eléctricaelectrical part .

Example: It relies on the proper performance of its electrical parts as much as it relies on the performance of its mechanical parts.

» pieza estrellashowpiecepiece of resistance .

Example: Every garden also needs a showpiece flower, easy to grow but fabulous and exotic in the vase.

Example: On the other hand, the greatest eye-catcher and the piece of resistance of this incredible home is the wood and iron grand staircase.

» pieza mecánicamechanical part .

Example: It relies on the proper performance of its electrical parts as much as it relies on the performance of its mechanical parts.

» pieza musicalpiece of musicitemmusical piece .

Example: When the cataloguer turns to the description of a piece of music a common problem will be the absence of a title page to be used as the chief source of information.

Example: The plate number is a numbering designation assigned to an item by a music publisher, usually printed at the bottom of each page, and sometimes appearing also on the title page.

Example: The introduction of this musical piece is so famous that it has almost become a cliché in popular culture.

» quedarse de una piezabe gobsmackedbe speechless .

Example: Lorene, who cut her spurs fighting for equal pay, said she was `absolutely gobsmacked' at having won the award.

Example: Arriving at the Bouchaine Winery in early September, I was speechless as I glanced over the breathtaking views of the famous wine country for the first time.

» una pieza más en el engranajea cog in the wheela cog in the machine .

Example: I'm just a cog in the wheel for making money, no recognition and no thanks for extra efforts.

Example: The problem with fitting in and being a cog in the machine is that cogs are intentionally designed to be easily replaceable.

» una pieza más en la organizacióna cog in the wheela cog in the machine .

Example: I'm just a cog in the wheel for making money, no recognition and no thanks for extra efforts.

Example: The problem with fitting in and being a cog in the machine is that cogs are intentionally designed to be easily replaceable.

Pieza synonyms

man in spanish: hombre, pronunciation: mæn part of speech: noun bit in spanish: poco, pronunciation: bɪt part of speech: noun spell in spanish: deletrear, pronunciation: spel part of speech: noun, verb part in spanish: parte, pronunciation: pɑrt part of speech: noun while in spanish: mientras, pronunciation: waɪl part of speech: noun patch in spanish: parche, pronunciation: pætʃ part of speech: noun pick in spanish: recoger, pronunciation: pɪk part of speech: verb composition in spanish: composición, pronunciation: kɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun opus in spanish: opus, pronunciation: oʊpəs part of speech: noun assemble in spanish: montar, pronunciation: əsembəl part of speech: verb set up in spanish: preparar, pronunciation: setʌp part of speech: verb, adjective slice in spanish: rebanada, pronunciation: slaɪs part of speech: noun, verb nibble in spanish: picar, pronunciation: nɪbəl part of speech: verb, noun firearm in spanish: arma de fuego, pronunciation: faɪɜrɑrm part of speech: noun put together in spanish: juntar, pronunciation: pʊttəgeðɜr part of speech: verb, adverb musical composition in spanish: composicion musical, pronunciation: mjuzɪkəlkɑmpəzɪʃən part of speech: noun piece of music in spanish: pieza musical, pronunciation: pisʌvmjuzɪk part of speech: noun small-arm in spanish: brazo pequeño, pronunciation: smɔlɑrm part of speech: noun
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