Pierna in english


pronunciation: leg part of speech: noun
In gestures

pierna = cheek ; leg ; gam. 

Example: The chief members of the impression carriage were two upright cheeks about 2 m. high and placed 60-65 cm. apart, carrying between them the winter and, above it, the head, two massive cross timbers mortised into the cheeks which contained the vertical thrust of the impression.Example: For, methinks, the present condition of man is like a field, where battle hath been lately fought, where we may see many legs, and arms, and eyes lying here and there, which, for want of a union, and a soul to quicken and enliven them, are good for nothing, but to feed ravens, and infect the air.Example: In fact, she received multiple compliments about her shapely gams and fancy footwork in the dance routine she performed.


» abrir las piernasspread open + Posesivo + legs [También escrito en este orden spread + Posesivo + legs open]open up + Posesivo + legs .

Example: I've heard that it's better when the child is being spanked to have them spread their legs open.

Example: There are a lot of inconsiderate people around who open up their legs so wide while sitting on the bus that no one else can sit beside them.

» abrirse de piernasspread open + Posesivo + legs [También escrito en este orden spread + Posesivo + legs open]open up + Posesivo + legs .

Example: I've heard that it's better when the child is being spanked to have them spread their legs open.

Example: There are a lot of inconsiderate people around who open up their legs so wide while sitting on the bus that no one else can sit beside them.

» abrirse de piernas en el suelodo + a split [Postura gimnástica]do + the splits [Postura gimnástica] .

Example: If you too always wanted to do a split, you need flexible hips and hamstrings.

Example: I cannot stress enough the key to doing the splits safely is stretch, stretch, stretch before attempting.

» afeitarse las piernasshave + Posesivo + legs .

Example: I think it totally depends on whether the girl needs to shave her legs or pluck her eyebrows.

» calienta piernasleg warmers .

Example: Thes new knitting machine comes with 2 balls of wool to make a hat and instructions to make a scarf, bag and leg warmers.

» carrera de tres piernasthree-legged race .

Example: The sack race and three-legged race have been banned from a school sports day because the children might fall over and hurt themselves.

» con el rabo entre las piernaswith a flea in + Posesivo + ear .

Example: So the unhappy lame man got up with a flea in his ear and went to the second Prince, but here, too, he got the rough edge of his tongue = Así pues, el cojo desafortunado se levantó con las orejas gachas y fue a ver al segundo príncipe, pero de nuevo salió escaldado.

» con las piernas cruzadascross-legged .

Example: Yoga itÚs not all cross-legged meditation.

» con piernaslegged .

Example: From a mechanical point of view, wheeled robots were the most common form of robot, but the exhibit also featured several legged robots and two humanoids.

» con una pierna a cada lado deastride .

Example: No person shall ride upon a motorcycle as a passenger unless, when sitting astride the seat, the person can reach the footrests with both feet.

» cruzar las piernascross + Posesivo + legsfold + Posesivo + legs .

Example: She sat back in her chair, crossed her legs, lighted a cigarette, and smoked herself into a cloud.

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

» cruzarse de piernasfold + Posesivo + legs .

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

» de dos piernastwo-legged .

Example: When people mindlessly do something without knowing any reason for doing it, they become like two-legged cattle.

» de piernas bonitasleggy [leggier -comp., leggiest -comp]  .

Example: Here's a fabulous leggy princess enjoying her nude slender body in front of the mirror.

» descansar las piernasrest + Posesivo + legs .

Example: A variety of ottomans were also provided to help those out who might have had one too many or simply needed to rest their legs after a razzle.

» dormir a pierna sueltasleep like + a log .

Example: Despite all the tea I drank yesterday, last night I slept like a log.

» enseñar las piernasbare + Posesivo + legs .

Example: With the summer sunshine and hot weather approaching, lace up sandals are the trendiest accessory you can wear when you decide to bare your legs.

» entrecruzar las piernasoverlap + legs .

Example: He adjusted himself comfortably in the chair, overlapped his legs, and blew a smoke ring that dissolved two feet above her head.

» espacio para las piernaslegroom .

Example: Reading desks should have under them legroom of 60-65 cm. in height.

» estirar las piernasstretch + Posesivo + legs .

Example: He also has a problem to sleep because he cannot stretch his legs.

» flexión de piernassquat .

Example: Fitness instructors laud the squat as being among the best strengthening moves for the lower body.

» irse con el rabo entre las piernasleave with + Posesivo + tail between + Posesivo + legs .

Example: They came with their heads high, but left with their tails between their legs.

» juego de piernasfootwork .

Example: A lot about the forehand stroke has to do with traditional footwork, body usage, and weight distribution.

» la mujer honrada, la pierna quebrada y en casaa woman's place is in the home .

Example: Research shows that the majority of people believe that a woman's place is in the home.

» lucir las piernasshow off + Posesivo + legs .

Example: She was seen showing off her legs as she was snapped coming back from an early morning gym session this weekend.

» mostrar las piernasbare + Posesivo + legs .

Example: With the summer sunshine and hot weather approaching, lace up sandals are the trendiest accessory you can wear when you decide to bare your legs.

» pierna de corderoleg of lamb .

Example: Leg of lamb is a little more challenging than cooking a rack of lamb, and since it's larger you'll need more people to feed.

» pierna de pavoturkey leg .

Example: Turkey legs are commonly neglected in favor of breasts and thighs as a main course.

» romperse una piernabreak + Posesivo + leg .

Example: Yosef jumped off the balcony, broke his leg and crawled away, leaving tracks in the snow, police said.

» salir con el rabo entre las piernasleave with + Posesivo + tail between + Posesivo + legs .

Example: They came with their heads high, but left with their tails between their legs.

» salir por piernasmake + a hasty exit .

Example: The women will either look uncomfortable and make a hasty exit or will stand there with blank looks on their faces pretending not to have heard.

» sentarse con las piernas cruzadassit + cross-legged .

Example: In Asia, many activities of daily living are performed while sitting cross-legged on the floor.

» sitio para las piernaslegroom .

Example: Reading desks should have under them legroom of 60-65 cm. in height.

» temblar las piernasquake at + the knees .

Example: His ability to fast put everyone at ease, when we were all quaking at the knees, was the first thing that impressed me about him.

Pierna synonyms

stage in spanish: escenario, pronunciation: steɪdʒ part of speech: noun branch in spanish: rama, pronunciation: bræntʃ part of speech: noun peg in spanish: clavija, pronunciation: peg part of speech: noun fork in spanish: tenedor, pronunciation: fɔrk part of speech: noun wooden leg in spanish: pierna de madera, pronunciation: wʊdənleg part of speech: noun pegleg in spanish: pata de palo, pronunciation: peglɪg part of speech: noun
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