Pienso in english

I think

pronunciation: aɪθɪŋk part of speech: none
In gestures

pensarlo = give it + some thought ; give it + a thought. 

Example: But after giving it some thought, we decided that we'd like it to stay that wa.Example: If something like that comes my way, I will certainly give it a thought.

pensar = believe ; contemplate ; feel ; occur ; think out ; think ; opine ; give + (some) thought to ; take + a view ; there + be + strong feeling ; take + thought ; teeter + on the edge of ; come up with ; figure ; take + the view ; ween. 

Example: The preferred citation order should be that order which is believed to match the approach of many users who can be expected to retrieve information on the topic.Example: These details are primarily useful as a record of expenditure or to organisations or individuals contemplating the purchase of a work.Example: Some feel that the non-expressive nature of the notation limits the scheme's usefulness in computerised data bases.Example: Various desirable features will be incorporated into a package which may not occur to the new user as being of importance.Example: A recitation of the best thought out principles for a cataloging code is easily drowned out by the clatter of a bank of direct access devices vainly searching for misplaced records.Example: Whether the juxtaposition of language with literature is as weighty an advantage as has on occasion been claimed is, I think, debatable.Example: Such techniques, she opined, emphasize production over people.Example: I encourage the reader to give thought to the longer case studies that have appeared in the library press.Example: There are those, sometimes found in the corridors of power, who would take such a view.Example: Furthermore there is a strong feeling amongst the journalists that information retrieval is not part of their job but should be carried out by trained librarians.Example: This an example of an interesting kind of genre that one encounters without taking any thought for it.Example: We would like to encourage other institutions who have been teetering on the edge of implementation to get on their running shoes and go for it.Example: Derfer corroborated her: 'I'd be very proud of you if you could come up with the means to draft a model collection development policy'.Example: I was skeptical, but I figured I'd give it a try.Example: With two exceptions, respondents took the view that incremental change would be adequate as a response to the new phenomenon.Example: For I ween that I have done nothing less than the great apostles.


» actuar sin pensarshoot from + the hip .

Example: It is therefore ironic that the one politican who has shown a willingness to act promptly is in fact accused of shooting from the hip.

» actuar sin pensar(lo)act without + thinking .

Example: Impulsive behavior means exactly what it sounds like: acting on impulse, or acting without thinking.

» actuar sin pensar(lo) dos vecesact without + thinking twice .

Example: Even adults act without thinking twice before they do things, but that is not the best way to solve problems.

» ahora que lo piensonow that I think of it .

Example: Now that I come to think of it, I have the distinct impression that this has been going on for some time but I'm only now really noticing it.

» ahora que pienso...while I think of it... .

Example: While I think of it, he also has one of those posters of a semi-nude Derek up on his closet door.

» algo sobre lo que pensarfood for thought .

Example: The article 'Food for thought' argues that libraries need to be more competitive and have much to learn from supermarkets.

» comenzar a pensar enturn + Posesivo + mind to .

Example: An alphabetical arrangement was out of the question in so aggressively international an enterprise, and they turned their minds to systematic arrangement.

» comúnmente + pensarse quebe commonly believed .

Example: It is commonly believed that a screw propeller for ships is more efficient than a paddle wheel.

» conocer cómo piensa Alguienget + inside the mind of .

Example: The book focuses on Nixon's two terms in office and draws on solid, original source material to get inside the minds of the president and his chief hatchetman, Chief of Staff H. R. Haldeman, in particular.

» daría cualquier cosa por saber qué piensasa penny for your thoughts .

Example: He was staring out at the water so seriously that I said, 'A penny for your thoughts?'.

» daría lo que fuera por saber qué estás pensandoa penny for your thoughts .

Example: He was staring out at the water so seriously that I said, 'A penny for your thoughts?'.

» dar mucho en qué pensargive + Nombre + much to think aboutgive + Nombre + a lot to think about .

Example: I have to admit that you've given me much to think about.

Example: Mr. Berman has given us a lot to think about.

» dar que pensarfood for thought .

Example: The article 'Food for thought' argues that libraries need to be more competitive and have much to learn from supermarkets.

» deber pensarsethought + must be given .

Example: The scheme may well now be complete, but revision is recommended from time to time, and thought must be given as to how this might be achieved.

» decir lo que Uno piensaspeak upspeak + Posesivo + mind .

Example: 'When you've been here a while, you'll see that it's hard to avoid run-ins with her,' Lehmann spoke up.

Example: She has never been afraid to speak her mind, even if she risked offending her senior colleagues.

» dejar de pensar enget + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + mindget + Nombre + out of + Posesivo + head .

Example: After visiting her several more times he finds that he wants her very much and cannot get her out of his mind.

Example: Children and adults with obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) suffer from unwanted and intrusive thoughts that they can't seem to get out of their heads (obsessions).

» de pensar enat the thought of .

Example: Although the consensus among linguists was that prescriptive grammar was too rigid, they were still appalled at the thought of thoroughly descriptive grammar.

» detenerse a pensarpause + to thinkstep backtake + a step back(ward(s))pause for + thought .

Example: If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.

Example: Before that, however, let us step back for a moment and look at the total picture from the user's point of view.

Example: To make sure why we believe it important to bring up children as willing, avid, responsive readers of literature we have to take a step back and sort out why literature is important to ourselves.

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

» detenerse a pensar enspare + a thought for .

Example: As people embark on the festive season's usual round of drinking they should spare a thought for the damage they are doing to their brains.

» echarse a temblar con sólo pensar enshudder at + the thought of .

Example: I shudder at the thought of actually having to live in one of these God-forsaken places.

» empezar a pensar enturn + Posesivo + mind to .

Example: An alphabetical arrangement was out of the question in so aggressively international an enterprise, and they turned their minds to systematic arrangement.

» es lo que yo piensomy two (2) cents(' worth) [Usado de diferentes maneras: my two cents' worth o my 2 cents' worth o my two cents o my 2 cents] .

Example: Thought I should throw my two cents into this debate about the Forbes article where in the author admonishes men from marrying women with careers.

» forma de pensarthinkingbelief systemset of opinionsmode of thoughtmode of thinking .

Example: Let us attempt to examine first the thinking and philosophy behind the arrangement of libraries designed in this period.

Example: Librarians need to examine their methods of clinical practice to determine whether there is a true congruence between their belief system and their style of service.

Example: Sometimes we perceive selectively hearing only those messages that fit our own worldview and set of opinions.

Example: The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.

Example: For most of its modern history library and information science (LIS) has been governed by the mode of thinking best characterized as positivism.

» generalmente + pensarse quebe/have generally held that .

Example: Historians have generally held that before the Civil War the popular press did little to help the women's rights movements.

» hablar sin pensarshoot from + the hip .

Example: It is therefore ironic that the one politican who has shown a willingness to act promptly is in fact accused of shooting from the hip.

» hacer Algo sin pensarlojump in + guns blazing .

Example: So while no-one should be exempt from criticism, I do feel that people should give her a fair crack of the whip before jumping in guns blazing.

» hacer pensarprovoke + thoughtmake to + thinklull + Nombre + into thinkingsummon up + imageset + Nombre + thinkingget + Nombre + thinking .

Example: This article suggests different functions of printed material and computer use as educational media to provoke thought and combat all kinds of totalitarianism.

Example: Then there are those children made to think themselves failures because of the hammer-blow terms like dull, backward, retarded, underprivileged, disadvantaged, handicapped, less able, slow, rejected, remedial, reluctant, disturbed.

Example: One is sometimes lulled into thinking that there might be a grain of rationality in his commentaries.

Example: To most people in Britain, the phrase 'clotted cream' instantly summons up an image of teatime.

Example: Then on the screen came a story that moved me and set me thinking about what a lucky sod I am.

Example: This event has really got me thinking not about politics per se but about the marketing of a candidate.

» hacer pensar enconjureconjure up + a picture ofbring to + mindconjure up + an image ofconjure upconjure up + a vision ofbring + a picture ofcall to + mind .

Example: Any funeral scene in a story inevitably conjures in myself memories of my childhood spent as the son of an undertaker.

Example: This article argues in favour of the term 'conservator' rather than 'restorer' of books as the former does not conjure up a picture of the Victorian artisan vandalising documents with irreversible treatments simply for effect.

Example: These commands bring to mind word frequency-based automatic indexing algorithms of the past 3 decades.

Example: If one were to think of an analogue outside the library situation, one would conjure up the image of a miser cackling with delight as he counts and recounts his beloved coins.

Example: As we enter full-throttle into the Information Age, the mere mention of 'the information highway' conjures up a predictable set of high-tech images.

Example: The scythe, to me, conjures up a vision of warm summer days and lingering sunsets, straw hats, sackcloth and shire horses.

Example: The name brings a picture of colorful wagons being drawn by pied horses.

Example: This case calls to mind other recent demonstrations in the U.S. over police killings of unarmed civilians.

» hacer pensar quelead + Nombre + to believe .

Example: The sci-fi movie she watched led her to believe her family was being taken over by aliens and that the parade float they were constructing was really a spaceship.

» hay que pensar en el futurothe show must go on .

Example: He concludes that in both democracy and art, we have reached a point of stasis in which the show must go on because there is nothing to replace it.

» hay razones para pensar quethere + be + reason to believe that .

Example: There is no particular reason to believe that the author interfered with the punctuation.

» hay suficientes motivos para pensar quethere + be + every reason to think that .

Example: There is every reason to think that the same will be true of digital resources = Hay suficientes motivos para pensar que lo mismo ocurrirá con las colecciones digitales.

» las grandes mentes pensamos igualgreat minds think alike .

Example: My boss and I both said something at the same time and I said 'great minds think alike' -- to which she replied 'fools seldom differ'.

» las mentes brillantes pensamos igualgreat minds think alike .

Example: My boss and I both said something at the same time and I said 'great minds think alike' -- to which she replied 'fools seldom differ'.

» los genios pensamos igualgreat minds think alike .

Example: My boss and I both said something at the same time and I said 'great minds think alike' -- to which she replied 'fools seldom differ'.

» manera de pensarway of thinking .

Example: But we fully subscribe to the 'different strokes for different folks' way of thinking that brought him childhood fame.

» modo de pensarthinkingway of thinkingmindset [mind-set]mode of thoughtmode of thinking .

Example: Let us attempt to examine first the thinking and philosophy behind the arrangement of libraries designed in this period.

Example: But we fully subscribe to the 'different strokes for different folks' way of thinking that brought him childhood fame.

Example: The article 'The emergence of a new mindset' argues that despite an evolving sense of social responsibility by librarians, confusion as to the public library's mission still persists.

Example: The result might be greater efficiency and the narrowing of the gap between different modes of thought regarding library classification.

Example: For most of its modern history library and information science (LIS) has been governed by the mode of thinking best characterized as positivism.

» mucha gente + pensar quebe widely believed .

Example: It is widely believed that the earth's natural ozone layer is being depleted because of chlorofluorocarbons.

» ni pensarlono way .

Example: I said no way and said you must be trying to evade the truth.

» ¡ni pensarlo!over + Posesivo + dead body .

Example: 'Over my dead body' was his response to proposals to scale back the $1.35 trillion in tax cuts planned for the next ten years = "Por encima de mi cadáver" fue su respuesta a los propuestas de recortar los 1.35 trillones de dólares en los presupuestos planeados para los próximos diez años.

» no dejar de pensar en el pasadodwell on/upon + the past .

Example: The following are famous quotes about the present, advocating living for today instead of dwelling on the past.

» no importar lo que + pensar dewhatever + Pronombre + make of .

Example: But whatever we make of their buccaneering spirit, the apostolic passion firing their hearts is surely beyond contention.

» no pensar en otra cosa quebe wrapped up in .

Example: He had been wrapped up in a new project that was closely tied to the company's new growth.

» no pensar más en Algodismiss + Nombre + from + Posesivo + mind .

Example: Quickly recognizing the futility of trying to decipher the purpose of the call, she dismissed it from her mind and continued on.

» no pensar más que enbe wrapped up in .

Example: He had been wrapped up in a new project that was closely tied to the company's new growth.

» no querer ni pensarlonot want to even think about it .

Example: I didn't want to even think about it but I can see your heart isn't with us.

» no querer ni pensar lo quenot want to even think what .

Example: I do not want to even think what could have happened if we had not discovered the cause of their illness.

» no querer ni pensar quecan't/couldn't bear the thought ofcan't/couldn't stand the thought of .

Example: I can't bear the thought of my mother having to push me around in a wheelchair -- I'd rather die quickly.

Example: I always wanted a bird, but I can't stand the thought of keeping him or her in a cage.

» no + ser + una locura pensar quebe not a stretch to say that... .

Example: So it's not a stretch to say that housing is a big problem in many major cities.

» nunca + pensar + quethe thought never + enter + Posesivo + head (that)the thought never + enter + Posesivo + mind (that)the thought never + cross + Posesivo + mind (that) .

Example: The thought never entered my head that a gollywog was offensive until it got banned -- to me it was just a doll.

Example: She feared anyone else would drop her, but the thought never entered her mind with Dax = Temía que cualquier otra persona la dejaría, pero nunca pensar que Dax lo haría.

Example: Many thought I should leave her, but the thought never crossed my mind = Mucha gente pensaba que debería dejarla, pero yo nunca me lo planteé.

» pararse a pensarpause + to thinkstep backtake + a step back(ward(s))pause for + thought .

Example: If you pause to think of all the form concepts you will soon realize that this policy would result in a massive and uneconomical number of rather unhelpful index entries.

Example: Before that, however, let us step back for a moment and look at the total picture from the user's point of view.

Example: To make sure why we believe it important to bring up children as willing, avid, responsive readers of literature we have to take a step back and sort out why literature is important to ourselves.

Example: As endless stories around corruption continue to spill over into the main news and business pages, businesses should pause for thought before jumping on the sport sponsoring gravy train.

» pensaba(n)once thought .

Example: Scientists once thought that deep-sea volcanic vents were a rare occurrence.

» pensando en el pasadoreminiscently .

Example: He rubbed his head reminiscently and the boys returned to the old man, who was maundering ecstatically about his squaw.

» pensándolo bienon second thought(s) .

Example: I found that a little odd at first but, on second thought, it dawned on me that there could be something here worth giving a thought about.

» pensándolo mejoron second thought(s) .

Example: I found that a little odd at first but, on second thought, it dawned on me that there could be something here worth giving a thought about.

» pensar a lo grandethink + big .

Example: The project's creators 'think big,' in ways libraries alone cannot.

» pensar ante todo en Uno mismolook after + number onelook out for + number one .

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» pensar claramentethink + straightthink + clearly .

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

Example: Whenever you have a lot on your mind and are stressed out, it is very hard to think clearly and make a decision.

» pensar concienzudamentethink + hard .

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

» pensar con claridadthink + straightthink + clearly .

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

Example: Whenever you have a lot on your mind and are stressed out, it is very hard to think clearly and make a decision.

» pensar con lucidezthink + straightthink + clearly .

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

Example: Whenever you have a lot on your mind and are stressed out, it is very hard to think clearly and make a decision.

» pensar con rapidezthink on + Posesivo + feet .

Example: When you're called on to thinking on your feet, it can be intimidating and stressful.

» pensar creativamentethink out(side) + (of) the box .

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

» pensar demake of .

Example: What I make of it isn't necessarily what anyone else makes of it either.

» pensar de forma creativathink out(side) + (of) the box .

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

» pensar de la misma formathink + alikebe of one mindbe on the same wavelengthbe on the same page .

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

Example: Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.

Example: When two people experience a deep connection, they're informally described as being on the same wavelength.

Example: Everyone on the team was on the same page; everyone had a shared vision and similar expectations -- it seemed like the meeting was productive.

» pensar de la misma manerathink + alikebe of one mindbe on the same wavelengthbe on the same page .

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

Example: Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.

Example: When two people experience a deep connection, they're informally described as being on the same wavelength.

Example: Everyone on the team was on the same page; everyone had a shared vision and similar expectations -- it seemed like the meeting was productive.

» pensar del mismo modothink + alikebe of one mindbe on the same wavelengthbe on the same page .

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

Example: Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.

Example: When two people experience a deep connection, they're informally described as being on the same wavelength.

Example: Everyone on the team was on the same page; everyone had a shared vision and similar expectations -- it seemed like the meeting was productive.

» pensar de nuevothink + again .

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

» pensar detenidamentebe carefully considered .

Example: Of course, this very broad analysis contains a number of problems which must be carefully considered.

» pensar de un modo diferentethink out(side) + (of) the box .

Example: Metrosexuals are an emerging breed of men who think outside the box of male stereotypes.

» pensar encome into + Posesivo + mindhave in + mindthink oftoy withtoy with + idea ofspare + a thought forflirt with + the idea oflook tocome to + Posesivo + mindcross + Posesivo + mindthink back (to)think + Nombre + overdream up .

Example: According to Coates, this results in headings whose first component is the most likely to come into the mind of the searcher.

Example: Library users may not all be scholars -- they often do not have a particular title in mind -- but they do have serious information needs and they seriously need access to the library's collection.

Example: To overcome these problems users must think of all the various names that might have been applied, and must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned.

Example: For some years people have toyed with the pleasing vision of the end-user in need of information turning to his terminal and running off any search in 5 minutes, with total recall and splendid precision.

Example: I've tried using special characters and underline, and I've toyed with the idea of creating some graphic images.

Example: As people embark on the festive season's usual round of drinking they should spare a thought for the damage they are doing to their brains.

Example: An avid scuba diver, Keller once flirted with the idea of a career in marine biology.

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

Example: Other questions come to mind: Will there still be paper books printed? Will libraries still carry these.

Example: While he supports the fight for gay marriage, the 70-year-old star recently confessed tying the knot never crossed his mind.

Example: Think back to the last person you were in a serious relationship with, would you ever get back together with them?.

Example: I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision = Tendré que considerar esta oferta de trabajo antes de tomar una decisión.

Example: Scientists have created a liquid goo that turns into a rubbery solid when shaken and they are inviting the public to help dream up uses for it.

» pensar (en)reflect (on) .

Example: However, reflect that every character or form of heading which might feature in a catalogue or index must have a uniquely defined place in a sequence.

» pensar encome into + Posesivo + mindhave in + mindthink oftoy withtoy with + idea ofspare + a thought forflirt with + the idea oflook tocome to + Posesivo + mindcross + Posesivo + mindthink back (to)think + Nombre + overdream up .

Example: According to Coates, this results in headings whose first component is the most likely to come into the mind of the searcher.

Example: Library users may not all be scholars -- they often do not have a particular title in mind -- but they do have serious information needs and they seriously need access to the library's collection.

Example: To overcome these problems users must think of all the various names that might have been applied, and must understand something of the geography and administration of the locality concerned.

Example: For some years people have toyed with the pleasing vision of the end-user in need of information turning to his terminal and running off any search in 5 minutes, with total recall and splendid precision.

Example: I've tried using special characters and underline, and I've toyed with the idea of creating some graphic images.

Example: As people embark on the festive season's usual round of drinking they should spare a thought for the damage they are doing to their brains.

Example: An avid scuba diver, Keller once flirted with the idea of a career in marine biology.

Example: If you're looking to refinish and waterproof some outdoor furniture you might want to consider using teak oil.

Example: Other questions come to mind: Will there still be paper books printed? Will libraries still carry these.

Example: While he supports the fight for gay marriage, the 70-year-old star recently confessed tying the knot never crossed his mind.

Example: Think back to the last person you were in a serious relationship with, would you ever get back together with them?.

Example: I'll have to think this job offer over before I make my final decision = Tendré que considerar esta oferta de trabajo antes de tomar una decisión.

Example: Scientists have created a liquid goo that turns into a rubbery solid when shaken and they are inviting the public to help dream up uses for it.

» pensar en el futurolook down + the road .

Example: Today, as he looks down the road for new challenges, he only half-mockingly suggests he might become a death row lawyer.

» pensar en el pasadolook back .

Example: In the long run, electronic uinformation technology will very likely have important effects, but many of the changes will be so gradual as to be unnoticeable to those experiencing them until they look back.

» pensar en + Posesivo + interéslook out for + Reflexivolook after + Reflexivolook after + number onelook out for + number one .

Example: In other words, our culture is a culture of narcissism, a culture of looking out for oneself, seeking after what is going to benefit me and my family.

Example: Other types of conditions might affect a person's ability to cook, get dressed or look after oneself.

Example: The article is entitled 'Looking after number one'.

Example: Never allow anything to have a higher priority than looking out for number one -- you are all you have.

» pensar en/sobrethink about .

Example: Not only is the material I have constantly changing but the way people think about it is constantly changing.

» pensar en suicidarsecontemplate + suicide .

Example: Preliminary analyses show that married women sometimes feel that they are losing their mind and that they have contemplated suicide.

» pensar en una ideathink up + an ideacome up with + an initiative .

Example: The committee thought up the idea about a decade ago, when fund-raising cocktail parties failed to raise sufficient money.

Example: You can get together with your work colleagues and come up with an initiative that you can work on together, raising much-needed funds.

» pensar en una solucióncome up with + a solution .

Example: Using Microsoft technology, she came up with a solution that satisfied all our requirements in a very short period of time.

» pensar en voz altathink + aloudthink + out loud .

Example: When asked if she was serious about that idea, she answered that she wasn't, that she was just thinking aloud.

Example: I am here to rant, think out loud and possibly provide relevant information for all.

» pensar igualbe of one mindbe on the same wavelengthbe on the same pagethink + alike .

Example: Finally, all of you should be of one mind, love each other as brothers and sisters, and keep a humble attitude.

Example: When two people experience a deep connection, they're informally described as being on the same wavelength.

Example: Everyone on the team was on the same page; everyone had a shared vision and similar expectations -- it seemed like the meeting was productive.

Example: The 'commercial' and 'academic' worlds have merged -- they think alike, talk alike, look alike -- both inhabit 'campuses' and play volleyball at breaktimes, and drink fruit juice.

» pensar intensamentethink + hard .

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

» pensarlogive it + some thoughtgive it + a thought .

Example: But after giving it some thought, we decided that we'd like it to stay that wa.

Example: If something like that comes my way, I will certainly give it a thought.

» pensar lúcidamentethink + clearlythink + straight .

Example: Whenever you have a lot on your mind and are stressed out, it is very hard to think clearly and make a decision.

Example: By the time we were done with the job, we were covered in guck, coughing up brown fluids and unable to think straight.

» pensar muchothink + hard .

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

» pensar otra vezthink + again .

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

» pensar pausadamente enlinger over .

Example: A wistful look appeared in his eyes as he lingered over memories of President Langeford.

» pensar por Uno Mismothink for + Reflexivo .

Example: Is television programming pacifying the masses by conditioning them not to think for themselves?.

» pensar queshare + the view thatPosesivo + feeling is thatharbour + the belief thatbe of the view thatbe of the opinion that .

Example: Not all librarians share the view that outreach is a good thing for the public library.

Example: My feeling is that Labor is hitting Boren more as a warning shot to others who might be considering breaking ranks.

Example: I harbor the belief that to a multitude of people music has always meant, an will continually mean, but one thing out of two: something melodious or odious.

Example: The majority of respondents were of the view that their programmes now comprehend broader interests than might be suggested by the term 'librarianship'.

Example: Some considered the rules over-complicated and fussy, whereas others were of the opinion that more detail was required.

» pensar (que + ser) necesariodeem + necessary .

Example: In early Gothic ecclesiastical work, transoms are found only in belfry unglazed windows, where they were deemed necessary to strengthen the mullions.

» pensar rápidamentethink on + Posesivo + feet .

Example: When you're called on to thinking on your feet, it can be intimidating and stressful.

» pensar rápidothink on + Posesivo + feet .

Example: When you're called on to thinking on your feet, it can be intimidating and stressful.

» pensarsemake out to be .

Example: This description suggests that OPAC searching is less dauntingly complex than it is often made out to be.

» pensárselogive it + a thoughtgive it + some thought .

Example: If something like that comes my way, I will certainly give it a thought.

Example: But after giving it some thought, we decided that we'd like it to stay that wa.

» pensárselo detenidamentegive it + a lot of thought .

Example: I gave it a lot of thought but sadly I couldn't come up with a way to go about it.

» pensárselo dos vecesthink + twicegive it + a second thought .

Example: I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.

Example: If I had known it would be like this I might have given it a second thought.

» pensárselo mejorthink + again .

Example: If you thought you knew the best places to go sightseeing then you need to think again.

» pensárselo muchogive it + a lot of thought .

Example: I gave it a lot of thought but sadly I couldn't come up with a way to go about it.

» pensárselo seriamentegive it + a lot of thought .

Example: I gave it a lot of thought but sadly I couldn't come up with a way to go about it.

» pensarse muy bienthink + hardthink + twice .

Example: Jay thought hard for a few moments.

Example: I would urge you most sincerely and strongly to think twice or three times before putting your shelflist into an undeveloped system.

» pensarse quebe under the illusion that .

Example: Kids are under the illusion that the 'shotgun' seat holds more importance than the back seats.

» pensar sobre la marchathink on + Posesivo + feet .

Example: When you're called on to thinking on your feet, it can be intimidating and stressful.

» pensar un momento enspare + a thought for .

Example: As people embark on the festive season's usual round of drinking they should spare a thought for the damage they are doing to their brains.

» piensas que...?do you reckon...? .

Example: Do you reckon stress can make your blood sugar numbers suddenly go high?.

» Pienso, luego existoCogito Ergo SumI think then/therefore/thus/so I am .

Example: Descartes' Cogito, ergo sum is a source of continuing perplexity and controversy = La frase de Descartes Pienso, luego existo sigue siendo fuente de perplejidad y controversia.

Example: While he is remembered today as the philosopher who said, 'I think, therefore I am,' Descartes' work extended much further.

» poner a pensarset + Nombre + thinkingget + Nombre + thinking .

Example: Then on the screen came a story that moved me and set me thinking about what a lucky sod I am.

Example: This event has really got me thinking not about politics per se but about the marketing of a candidate.

» ponerse a pensarput + Posesivo + thinking cap on .

Example: When teachers use the tongue-in-cheek phrase, 'put on your thinking cap,' they're asking students to concentrate and do their best.

» ponerse a temblar con sólo pensar enshudder at + the thought of .

Example: I shudder at the thought of actually having to live in one of these God-forsaken places.

» que da que pensarsobering .

Example: A new Federal regulation aimed at tackling white-collar crime has sobering implications for managers.

» que se piensaperceived .

Example: The arrangements should also negotiate resistance to perceived 'American dominance', erode price differentials between Europe and the US, and permit each country to support its own online services.

» seguir pensandogive it + more thoughtkeep + thinking .

Example: 'I'll give it more thought,' she said with a sharp frown, resuming her former posture.

Example: I had beef tongue curry for lunch yesterday and kept thinking about it the rest of the day.

» seguir pensándoselogive it + more thought .

Example: 'I'll give it more thought,' she said with a sharp frown, resuming her former posture.

» ser de los que piensan quesubscribe to + view .

Example: Magro was on record as subscribing to the view that the public library as a democratically based public institution had no business using a disproportionate amount of its resources to support an elitist program for a tiny minority of the community.

» ser lo primero en lo que + pensarbe (the) first to mind .

Example: Renting is the first to mind and probably the option that most of us can readily afford, short of living with your folks until they kick you out.

» ser lo último en lo que + pensarbe the last thing on + Posesivo + mind .

Example: Till now the comfort of fans has been the last thing on the minds of many clubs.

» sin necesidad de pensarthought-free .

Example: Intenrnet also enables enterprising would-be cheaters to cut and paste material for easy and relatively thought-free composition of essay assignments.

» sin parar a pensárselooff-hand [offhand] .

Example: They suggest that instead of undergoing off-hand destruction, ephemera be considered a necessary part of a comprehensive archival collection.

» sin pararse a pensaroff-the-cuffoff the top of + Posesivo + head .

Example: Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.

Example: Pricing trends for periodicals are discussed with reference to charts not reproduced in the article 'Publishing policies, off the top of my head' but shown at the conference session.

» sin pensarmindlessly .

Example: When people mindlessly do something without knowing any reason for doing it, they become like two-legged cattle.

» sin pensar enunmindful ofwith little or no thought ofwithout regard to/for .

Example: Unmindful of the epic moves that made it what it is today, Elwood Bibeau fastened his seat belt as his plane approached the Wexler airport.

Example: The concern was usually on the present, with little or no thought of what rapid change might dictate.

Example: The term 'corporate name heading' is used to designate the type of heading by reference to the type of name or title on which the heading is based, without regard to its function or relationship to other headings.

» sin pensar (en)without thinking (about) .

Example: Many simple actions such as eating or reaching for a pain reliever, which we perform without thinking, are tied to chemistry.

» sin pensar enunmindful ofwith little or no thought ofwithout regard to/for .

Example: Unmindful of the epic moves that made it what it is today, Elwood Bibeau fastened his seat belt as his plane approached the Wexler airport.

Example: The concern was usually on the present, with little or no thought of what rapid change might dictate.

Example: The term 'corporate name heading' is used to designate the type of heading by reference to the type of name or title on which the heading is based, without regard to its function or relationship to other headings.

» sin pensarlospur-of-the-momenton the spur of the momenton impulse .

Example: According to their friends, the couple made a spur-of-the-moment decision to tie the knot during a holiday = Según sus amigos, la pareja tomó la decisión de casarse de improviso durante las vacaciones.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

Example: On impulse, she poured a second glass and plunked it down on the countertop next to the man.

» sin pensarlo demasiadooff-the-cuffoff the top of + Posesivo + head .

Example: Someone's off-the-cuff idea may be the clue that will tap another's thought and lead to a successful solution.

Example: Pricing trends for periodicals are discussed with reference to charts not reproduced in the article 'Publishing policies, off the top of my head' but shown at the conference session.

» sin pensarlo detenidamenteout of + Posesivo + head .

Example: Their problems are never so simple that the librarian can produce the answers out of his head.

» sin pensarlo muchooff the top of + Posesivo + headright off the bat .

Example: Pricing trends for periodicals are discussed with reference to charts not reproduced in the article 'Publishing policies, off the top of my head' but shown at the conference session.

Example: I can't think of an exact example to give you right off the bat.

» sin pensárselospur-of-the-momenton the spur of the moment .

Example: According to their friends, the couple made a spur-of-the-moment decision to tie the knot during a holiday = Según sus amigos, la pareja tomó la decisión de casarse de improviso durante las vacaciones.

Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.

» sin pensárselo dos veceswithout a second thoughtspur-of-the-momenton the spur of the momentat the drop of a hat .

Example: The worst interruptions of all, in my experience, come from those public address systems rigged in many schools in eve
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