Piel in english


pronunciation: skɪn part of speech: noun
In gestures

piel1 = skin ; fur ; peel ; hide. 

Example: A strip of paper or vellum was pasted on to the spine to reinforce it, and a skin of the right size was stuck down over the spine and the outside of both boards.Example: The article 'Furs, feathers and fins: recommended reading' presents a selected, annotated list of especially outstanding periodicals about pets is provided.Example: Food samples included a selection of sausages, beverages, sliced meat products, including chicken liver, and some fruits, including raspberries, bananas, and banana peels.Example: She uses alder bark for dye, whale sinew for thread, sealskin for trim, a tough piece of hide for a thimble, a sharpened ground-squirrel leg bone for a needle, and an awl made from moose antler.


» abrigo de pielesfur coat .

Example: The author likens the activity of scientometrics to the measurement of a fur coat with a micrometer.

» arrancar la piel a tirasflay + Nombre + aliveskin + Nombre + alive .

Example: Both were justifiable expenses in his eyes, and he'd flay her alive if he learned she was squandering his money on fripperies.

Example: One of these days the natives of the Amazon jungle will get her, skin her alive and feed her to the crocodiles. that's what will happen.

» arrancarle la piel atake + the skin off .

Example: The other day I was trying to take the skin off drumsticks and what a job it was!.

» cambiar la pielmoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» cáncer de pielskin cancer .

Example: The author examines the relationship between tea consumption and oesophageal, stomach, colorectal, skin, bladder and kidney cancers, and leukoplakia.

» cazador de pielesfur trapper .

Example: Popular quarry of fur trappers are beaver, coon, mink, ermine, marten and muskrat.

» chaqueta de pielleather jacket .

Example: That was also the conference where we presented her with a leather jacket ... it was a great time.

» cola de piel de conejorabbit-skin glue .

Example: Some gilders would mix bole with rabbit-skin glue to stick gold leaf on objects.

» comercio de pielesfur trade .

Example: The book centres on the life styles and other aspects of early 19th century fur trade society.

» con la sensibilidad a flor de pielthin-skinned .

Example: Thin-skinned and narrow-minded people may not particularly enjoy a pluralistic society, but their discomfort is vastly outweighed by the benefits most of us.

» con los nervios a flor de pieledgy [edgier -comp., edgiest -sup.]  ; nervy [nervier -comp., nerviest -sup.]  ; on edgehighly-strung .

Example: His selection of films suggests a temperamental bias toward strong, violent, edgy scenes with killings, face-slappings, and confrontations.

Example: The article 'Nervy Days for Office Suppliers' reviews the present state of affairs of office automation.

Example: The combination of trade deficit, budget deficit, and threat of war has international investors completely on edge.

Example: He had expected more from his highly-strung dramatic finessing but the author rarely focused on personal influences or special affinities.

» crema para la pielskin cream .

Example: Oils extracted from these dried seeds are used for the preparation of resin, oil paints, polish, wood varnish and skin cream.

» cuidado de la pielskin care .

Example: The domains covered in the performance tests for the area of cosmetology were: haircut, permanent wave, shampooing, wigs and hairpieces, skin care, hair conditioners (scalp and treatment), and manicuring.

» curtido de la pielleatherwork .

Example: For example, a book on leatherwork, basketry and metalwork may best be entered under the general class of Handicrafts.

» dejarse la pielsweat + bloodwork + Posesivo + butt offslog + Posesivo + guts outplay out + Posesivo + skinwork + Posesivo + tail offwork + Posesivo + ass offwork + Posesivo + arse offwork + Posesivo + proverbials offwork to + the bonework to + death .

Example: After spending a year sweating blood to write a novel, tossing it into a sock drawer isn't easy if you know it's good.

Example: They've been working their butts off since the program was launched to appease the crowd.

Example: It is a disgrace when you consider that there are people slogging their guts out and only getting paid a minimum wage of £3.70 per hour.

Example: James played out his skin and always led by example both in defence and attack.

Example: A winner is someone who recognizes his God-given talents, works his tail off to develop them into skills, and uses these skills to accomplish his goals.

Example: What do you think of a woman expecting a baby working her ass off supporting a sorry ass man that will not work?.

Example: She did what she could and worked her arse off to complete her assignment not only on time but to the best of her abilities.

Example: To his credit, he's worked his proverbials off since he realised that reaching the 'Promised Land' was not just a daydream.

Example: She worked to the bone for him when he was sick.

Example: He scored but also helped the team a lot and he worked to death to help us defend when we didn't have the ball.

» dejarse la piel trabajandowork + Posesivo + fingers to the bonego at it + hammer and tongswork + Posesivo + to the bonework to + deathwork to + the bone .

Example: There are plenty of those out there who are working their fingers to the bone and still have a hard time keeping their heads above water.

Example: If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.

Example: If you make the conscious decision to go at it hammer and tongs and work yourself to the bone, then your colleagues may view your actions as something that could bring the company back from the depths.

Example: He scored but also helped the team a lot and he worked to death to help us defend when we didn't have the ball.

Example: She worked to the bone for him when he was sick.

» de piel blancawhite-skinnedlight-skinned .

Example: White-skinned people with blue eyes aren't just responsible for the current crisis; the blue-eyed palefaces are responsible for saddling the world with a financial system that has a built-in tendency to crash.

Example: The light-skinned vs. dark-skinned debate has been a heated topic within the black community for decades.

» de piel claralight-skinned .

Example: The light-skinned vs. dark-skinned debate has been a heated topic within the black community for decades.

» de piel gruesathick-skinned .

Example: The manatee is a nearly hairless, thick-skinned marine mammal without hindlimbs and with paddle-like forelimbs.

» de piel morenaswarthy [swarthier -comp., swarthiest -sup.]  ; swarthy-skinneddusky [duskier -comp., duskiest -sup.]  ; dark-skinned .

Example: According to family legend, some of them had 'dark hair and swarthy skin' = Según la leyenda familiar, algunos de ellos tenían el pelo negro y la piel morena.

Example: I tend to be attracted to swarthy-skinned black-haired people -- just because I am the opposite, I guess.

Example: The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky kin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.

Example: The light-skinned vs. dark-skinned debate has been a heated topic within the black community for decades.

» de piel oscuradark-skinneddusky [duskier -comp., duskiest -sup.]  .

Example: The light-skinned vs. dark-skinned debate has been a heated topic within the black community for decades.

Example: The film centers on a non-white secretary who believes that her dusky kin and non-Nordic features prevent her boss from returning her affections.

» enfermedad de la pielskin diseaseskin disorder .

Example: Cutaneous mycoses are the most common fungal skin diseases seen in dogs.

Example: It is used as an antiseptic cream to treat skin disorders such as minor wounds and burns, cuts, abrasions and nappy rash.

» escocedura de la piel del bebé causada por el pañaldiaper rashnappy rash .

Example: Most diaper rash is caused by friction that develops when sensitive baby skin is rubbed by wet diapers.

Example: Clearly nappy rashes occur in the area where the nappy is being worn, i.e. in the groin, on the buttocks and on the thighs.

» estrías de la pielstretch marks [Generalmente provocadas por el embarazo o por un gran pérdida de peso] .

Example: Many women would do pretty much anything to get shot of stretch marks.

» injerto de pielskin graft .

Example: In similarly superficial wounds that were larger, the wounds were covered with skin grafts.

» irritación de la pielskin irritation .

Example: This article considers the problem of skin irritation and dermatitis caused by the chemical ingredients of printing inks.

» irritación de la piel del bebé causada por el pañaldiaper rashnappy rash .

Example: Most diaper rash is caused by friction that develops when sensitive baby skin is rubbed by wet diapers.

Example: Clearly nappy rashes occur in the area where the nappy is being worn, i.e. in the groin, on the buttocks and on the thighs.

» irritación de la piel producida por el vientowindburn .

Example: The next morning I wasn't sore at all (since I had taken it easy) but both Jason and I had second-degree sun and wind burns.

» irritar la pielirritate + Posesivo + skin .

Example: These were the only diapers that did not irritate her skin.

» jugarse la pielrisk + Posesivo + liferisk + life and limbrisk + Posesivo + neckPosesivo + head + be + on the blockput + Posesivo + head on the blockput + Posesivo + neck on the blocklay + Posesivo + neck on the blockput + Posesivo + head on the line .

Example: Risking their lives, Iraqi shepherds venture into these deadly fields to dig up mines planted during the Iran-Iraq war two decades ago.

Example: The draw of earning up to 30 pounds per cadaver without risking life or limb proved too tempting for some of the more barbarous resurrectionists, however, leading them to commit murder.

Example: And the news coverage of the girl named Katrina Kivi, who'd risked her neck to speak sense into a crowd of angry students, had just begun.

Example: Ernie told them that I was now in charge; they were to listen to me; and, if I made a mistake, 'my head was on the block'.

Example: She has put her head on the block in defending her principles, which she insists her staff must also abide by.

Example: This ministry requires a no-nonsense and thick-skinned person who is not scared to put his neck on the block in fighting crime, not a softie like him.

Example: That means that he is foolish enough to lay his neck on the block for someone else and that he is a weak-willed man.

Example: A lot of the correspondents in Germany knew that if they wrote something that displeased the Nazis they would be expelled, but he wasn't afraid to put his head on the line by telling the truth.

» mancha de la pielage spot [Generalmente las que aparecen con la edad] .

Example: The most overlooked secret to perfect skin is avoiding conditions that lead to wrinkling, age spots, saggy skin and in general all around skin damage.

» moreno de la pielduskiness  .

Example: Keith's complexion is dark and his duskiness is attractive, but somehow his huskiness makes him scary.

» mudar la pielmoult [molt, -USA] .

Example: It is late winter and bitterly cold outside, so why have some of my hens have just now started molting?.

» parche para la pielskin patch .

Example: These travel sickness tablets and skin patches are only provided on prescription.

» personas de piel blanca, lasfair skinned, the .

Example: Research has also found that the fair skinned Eurocentric model is the somatic norm for advertising.

» piel blancafair skin .

Example: Freckles are caused by exposure to sunlight, especially on those with fair skin.

» piel de animalpelt .

Example: When balls were compared with rollers in the ninenteenth century, their chief disadvantage was their cost: they involved a considerable regular outlay on the materials of their construction, especially pelts.

» piel de antesuede .

Example: English riders will wear riding breeches with swede patches that fit very snugly.

» piel de becerrocalfskin .

Example: Tanned calfskin was the commonest covering material in the sixteenth century, followed by vellum and pigskin.

» piel de cabragoat [Utilizada en la encuadernación en piel]goatskinmorocco [En la encuadernación, nombre general dado a los distintos tipos de piel de cabra] .

Example: Various skins were used for leather bindings -- calf, goat, and sheep were the commonest -- and the surface was often decorated with heated brass tools, either using gold leaf (gilt) or plain (blind).

Example: Vellum remained popular on the continent, less so in England; while goatskin (morocco), although well established by this time for fine work, was seldom used in trade binding except for prayer books.

Example: Much the commonest grains were rib, the various moroccos, sand, and pebble; while plain (ungrained) cloth was never rare.

» piel de carnerosheep [Utilizada en la encuadernación en piel]sheepskin .

Example: The normal trade binding for most of the hand-press period was an inexpensive covering of calf or sheep.

Example: The ball pelts, which were usually sheepskin, were fixed to the handles with nails which were only lightly knocked in, and were removed after the day's work (and often during the midday break as well).

» piel de cerdopigskin .

Example: Tanned calfskin was the commonest covering material in the sixteenth century, followed by vellum and pigskin.

» piel de focasealskin .

Example: She uses alder bark for dye, whale sinew for thread, sealskin for trim, a tough piece of hide for a thimble, a sharpened ground-squirrel leg bone for a needle, and an awl made from moose antler.

» piel de gallinagoosebumps [Utilizado más comúnmente in inglés americano]goose pimples [Utilizado más comúnmente en inglés británico]goosefleshgoose skinchicken skinchill bumps .

Example: Goosebumps are a vestige from the days when humans were covered with hair.

Example: Supposedly goosepimples are found where our ancestors had hair so it's as if the body is trying to erect hair we don't have.

Example: In addition, patients were asked to mark start and propagation of gooseflesh symptoms on a body sketch.

Example: Attached to the follicle are tiny muscles which erect the follicle and with it the hair, a mechanism which also accounts for gooseskin.

Example: She has really bad chickenskin all over her upper arms and patches on her thighs and upper and lower back.

Example: Another cause for chill bumps and shivers is your autonomic nervous system 'fight or flight' response = Una explicación para la piel de gallina y los escalofríos es la respuesta de "lucha o huída" por parte de nuestro sistema nervioso autónomo.

» piel delicadadelicate skin .

Example: Go easy on cosmetics -- individuals who have delicate skin must be extremely careful when purchasing and applying cosmetics.

» piel de naranjacellulite [Condición de la piel]orange skin .

Example: Hormonal abnormalities and genetic syndromes are related to obesity and its dermatoses; however, cellulite is not related to obesity.

Example: The depressions of the surface that give the appearance of orange skin are the exaggerated pits of the hair follicles.

» piel de patatapotato skin .

Example: It's true, most potato skin recipes do call for bacon but I opted to leave it out this time around.

» piel de patata asadapotato jacket .

Example: Suggestions included eating potato jackets rather than disposing of peelings and saving bread leftovers for stuffing.

» piel de plátanobanana skinbanana peel .

Example: The cinema would be enormously the poorer if deprived of its loaded pistols, banana skins, ticking timebombs and dripping taps.

Example: Banana peels gets rid of warts and when toasted to a crisp, gives roses and other flowers a huge boost of potassium to help them flower.

» piel de topomoleskin .

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

» piel de vacacowhidecowskin .

Example: I agree with the article, cowhides add a flare of elegance and originality in any decor.

Example: That night, I drank cow milk from a giant gourd, listened to tribal songs, and slept on a floating cowskin stretched between four poles.

» piel grasaoily skin .

Example: Rub a rind of lemon over your face if you have an oily skin and this will lessen grease and whiten your complexion.

» piel rojaredskinRed Indian .

Example: The redskins hate the palefaces and their hatred has been glowing for centuries ever since the first white man appeared on this continent.

Example: I had always liked Red Indians (or Native Americans as I believe they are called now) and in my misspent youth, I read a number of books about them.

» piel sintéticaleatherettefun furfake furfaux fur .

Example: Glue, card, paper, gauze, leatherette, calico, scissors, ruler, set-square, hammer, binding-knife and press are necessary for rebinding.

Example: People from all walks of life are beginning to use fun fur instead of buying animal pelts which mostly likely come from abused animals.

Example: First introduced in 1929, advances in polymer technology have tremendously improved fake fur quality.

Example: Consumers in the market for faux fur must be extra vigilant after an investigation has revealed that real fur from animals is being used instead.

» piel tostada y crujiente del cerdo al hornocrackling .

Example: To my mind, one of the treats when you cook roast pork is the crackling which should always be golden brown in colour and crispy in texture.

» poner la piel de gallinamake + Posesivo + skin crawlgive + Nombre + the williesgive + Nombre + the creepsgive + Nombre + the shiversgive + Nombre + the heebie-jeebiesgive + Nombre + goosebumpsget + goose pimplesgive + Nombre + chicken skingive + Nombre + goose pimplesget + goosebumpsbreak out in + goosebumpsbreak out in + goose pimplesgive + Nombre + goosefleshget + chicken skinget + chill bumpsgive + Nombre + chill bumpsget + goosefleshcome out in + goosefleshcome out in + goosebumpscome out in + goose pimplesmake + Posesivo + flesh creepmake + Posesivo + flesh crawlgive + Nombre + the jim-jamsgive + Nombre + the shudders .

Example: Lots of people using the English language make my skin crawl, mostly for the way they butcher it.

Example: The romance fizzled -- Rogers later said the idea of being holed up with the tycoon on the isolated hilltop gave her the willies.

Example: He had dozens of these in his basement, and his wife asked him to get rid of them because they were giving her the creeps.

Example: The black void of a room before her gave her the shivers, for she knew nothing of what was within.

Example: The film didn't give her the heebie-jeebies, but the national anthem before the film gave her goose bumps.

Example: The film didn't give her the heebie-jeebies, but the national anthem before the film gave her goosebumps.

Example: We can't control whether we get goosepimples or not because it's an automatic reaction or reflex.

Example: His voice or his appearance gives me chickenskin ever since I read about him and his granddaughter.

Example: His blonde hair shining in the sun and the heat from the sun, for some reason gave her goosepimples.

Example: For some reason, I always get goosebumps really easily and even when I am not cold.

Example: In the span of one paragraph, he made me break out in goosebumps then made me laugh and cry at the same time.

Example: She shut her eyes and stayed glued to the chilly tiled wall, even though it caused her skin to break out in goosepimples.

Example: When I first read this a year ago, it gave me gooseflesh.

Example: I saw this game in 1986 and I've got chickenskin watching it now just like back then.

Example: Why do you get chill bumps when you get out of a pool during a hot summer day?.

Example: The smell of a wood fire gave her chill bumps as it reminded her of her mother's fireplace at home in Tennessee.

Example: I swear I got gooseflesh the first time I listened to this track.

Example: You come out in gooseflesh when they tell you what they have lived through in these 15 years of hardship.

Example: When I first heard the song I came out in goosebumps and felt my heart, brain, mouth, skin, belly, soul alter.

Example: Despite all this, her performance had me coming out in goose pimples.

Example: The mere thought of feathered things flying anywhere near her, particularly indoors, was enough to make her flesh creep.

Example: The odor got worse as she went closer, to the point that it make her flesh crawl with every breath.

Example: She declined his invitation and afterward remarked 'that he gave her the Jim-jams'.

Example: Even just being near him gave her the shudders -- his breath smelt like a mix of alcohol and cigarettes.

» quitarle la piel atake + the skin off .

Example: The other day I was trying to take the skin off drumsticks and what a job it was!.

» respuesta galvánica de la pielskin conductivityskin electrical conductivity .

Example: A polygraph (also known as a lie detector) is a device that measures blood pressure, pulse, respiration and skin conductivity while the subject is asked a series of questions.

Example: The standard method of polygraphy depends on four measurements: heart rate, breathing rate, blood pressure, and skin electrical conductivity.

» sentir hormigueo en la pieltingle .

Example: In the initial stage of frostbite the flesh may tingle, be numb, or feel hot.

» ser de raza negra o de piel morenabe coloured .

Example: In the United Kingdom the London borough of Lambeth includes some 25,000 young persons, many of whom are unemployed, homeless and coloured.

» sin pielskinless  .

Example: Of 33 retail products examined, including skinless sausages, hot-dog sausages and frankfurters, 25 (75%) contained levels of mineral hydrocarbons from 10 to 105 milligrams per kilogram.

» tela de piel de topomoleskin .

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

» trastorno de la pielskin disorder .

Example: It is used as an antiseptic cream to treat skin disorders such as minor wounds and burns, cuts, abrasions and nappy rash.

» trozo de pielskin .

Example: A strip of paper or vellum was pasted on to the spine to reinforce it, and a skin of the right size was stuck down over the spine and the outside of both boards.

» verruga de la pielskin wart .

Example: Skin warts are the most common sign of infection with papillomavirus.

piel2 = morocco. 

Example: Much the commonest grains were rib, the various moroccos, sand, and pebble; while plain (ungrained) cloth was never rare.


» encuadernación editorial en pielpublishers' leather [Encuadernación en piel de un libro tal cual la ha realizado el editor] .

Example: Bibles and prayer books may still be had in publishers' leather today.

» encuadernación en pielleather binding .

Example: Various skins were used for leather bindings -- calf, goat, and sheep were the commonest -- and the surface was often decorated with heated brass tools, either using gold leaf (gilt) or plain (blind).

» encuadernación en piel de becerroprize binding .

Example: And there was a steady output in the later nineteenth century of well-made prize bindings in gilt-tooled calf, which were slickly produced by specialist firms.

» encuadernado en pielleather-bound .

Example: Westley and Clark of London had a busy roan shop which mass-produced leather-bound school books = Westley y Clark de Londres tenía una tienda de badana que fabricaba en serie libros de texto encuadernados en piel.

» forrado en pielleather-covered .

Example: The room was large, and contained tables, newspaper shelves, and leather-covered chairs.

Piel synonyms

hide in spanish: esconder, pronunciation: haɪd part of speech: verb, noun struggle in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: strʌgəl part of speech: noun scramble in spanish: lucha, pronunciation: skræmbəl part of speech: noun bark in spanish: ladrar, pronunciation: bɑrk part of speech: noun peel in spanish: pelar, pronunciation: pil part of speech: noun, verb scrape in spanish: raspar, pronunciation: skreɪp part of speech: verb, noun stub in spanish: talón, pronunciation: stʌb part of speech: noun pare in spanish: cortar, pronunciation: per part of speech: verb pelt in spanish: piel, pronunciation: pelt part of speech: noun, verb abrade in spanish: desgastar, pronunciation: əbreɪd part of speech: verb shin in spanish: espinilla, pronunciation: ʃɪn part of speech: noun rind in spanish: corteza, pronunciation: raɪnd part of speech: noun sputter in spanish: chisporroteo, pronunciation: spʌtɜr part of speech: noun, verb clamber in spanish: trepar, pronunciation: klæmbɜr part of speech: verb shinny in spanish: brillante, pronunciation: ʃɪni part of speech: verb cutis in spanish: cutis, pronunciation: kjutɪs part of speech: noun tegument in spanish: tegumento, pronunciation: tegjəmənt part of speech: noun
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