Piedra in english


pronunciation: stoʊn part of speech: noun
In gestures

piedra = stone ; rock. 

Example: A manuscript is a writing made by hand (including musical scores), typescripts, and inscriptions on clay tablets, stone, etc.Example: The Museum's scientific research draws on unique fossil, rock and mineral collections.


» algo grabado en piedratablet of stone .

Example: While the operating instructions must be regarded as authoritative, they should not be seen as sacrosanct tablets of stone.

» arco de piedrastone arch .

Example: Behind the canal is the viaduct with its large stone arches.

» a un tiro de piedrajust a shot awaywithin a stone's throw (away/from)a stone's throw away/from .

Example: The song's lyrics paint a picture of social apocalypse -- storm, fire, flood, war, rape, murder, all 'just a shot away'.

Example: His childhood home is a squat little bungalow perched on a hill within a stone's throw from Jack London's cabin.

Example: Though only a stone's throw away across the grand Atlantic, Europeans and Americans are as different as night and day.

» banco de piedrastone bench .

Example: Evan took a seat on the stone bench, eagerly folding his legs into the lotus position.

» bloque de piedrastone block .

Example: A famous gaolbreak there led to Henry VIII ordering re-enforcement of the floor with giant stone blocks.

» caer como una piedrazonk out .

Example: Whatever the reason, this pup is zonked out and won't even budge when mom tries to wake him.

» cartón piedrapapier mâché .

Example: When appropriate, give the material(s) of which the object is made; e.g., 1 diorama (various pieces) : plywood and papier mâché.

» con corazón de piedrastony-hearted .

Example: In vain I walked from one end of London to the other, and trod the 'stony-hearted streets' from morning to night, day after day.

» con (muchas) piedrasstony [stonier -comp., stoniest -sup.]  .

Example: Nice hotel but no air con in restaurant and very stony beach.

» corazón de piedrastony heartheart of stonecold-hearted .

Example: In fact, then as now, a publisher, to achieve success, needed charm, financial acumen, a knowledge of the future, a stony heart, and a very rich wife.

Example: This is a film that that will melt hearts of stone, with its cast of scruffy urchins who learn both song and life lessons under the tutelage of a paternalistic mentor at a grim boarding school for 'difficult' boys .

Example: He treats others in a very callous manner, throwing in his opinion no matter how cold-hearted it is and not caring for whatever the response is.

» cubierto de piedrasstony [stonier -comp., stoniest -sup.]  .

Example: Nice hotel but no air con in restaurant and very stony beach.

» dejar de piedrathrow + Nombre + for a loopfloorastonishknock + Nombre + for a loop .

Example: The unexpected sound of his voice -- she had no idea how he got her number -- threw her for a loop.

Example: My best friend floored me recently when casually revealed that women are constantly having a dig at her for deciding not to have children.

Example: But in his eyes she saw something she couldn't ignore, something that astonished her -- loneliness as deep as her own.

Example: She discovered a shocking secret about her mother's past that knocked her for a loop and suddenly called into question everything she knew about herself.

» de piedrastoneflinty [flintier -comp., flintiest -sup.]  .

Example: Selection, in this broad sense, is a stone adze in the hands of a cabinet maker.

Example: 'I wish she'd tell me when she asks one of my people to do something,' she added in the same flinty tone.

» de tirar la piedra y esconder la manohit-and-run .

Example: But on the other hand, these electronic message boards can have a hit-and-run quality where vitriolic or off-topic comments are posted by contributors hidden in the safety of anonymity.

» devolver a la Edad de Piedratake + Nombre + back to the Dark Ages .

Example: This decision is a threat to Yemen as a whole and will take Yemen back to the Dark Ages.

» duro como una piedrarock-hard .

Example: In this article we have discussed the most popular and efficient workout program to get rock-hard abs and gain muscle.

» Edad de Piedra, laStone Age, the .

Example: Generally made from massive tree trunks, dugouts are known as the best prehistoric boats, which date back to the Stone Age.

» en la edad de la piedrain the dark ages .

Example: It would be highly desirable to have a phone sitting on top of the library catalogue (if your are still in the dark ages with a card catalogue that is).

» grabado en piedracarved in a tablet of stone .

Example: What the presidency needs is a job description; not one carved in a tablet of stone and certainly not one which would form all future presidents in the same sanitised mould.

» grabar en piedraengrave in + stone .

Example: In no sense are policies engraved in stone and unchangeable.

» más duro que una piedraas tough as nutsas tough as nailsas tough as leatheras tough as old bootsas tough as shoe leather .

Example: Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.

Example: She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

Example: Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.

Example: Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.

» más frío que una piedraas cold as a stonestone cold .

Example: I wanted to be free from my pathological father and cold as a stone mother.

Example: Our order took forever to arrive and when it did there was something missing and what was served was stone cold.

» más muerto que una piedrastone deadas dead as a stoneas dead as a doornail .

Example: I assumed she was stone dead when he told me she wasn't breathing.

Example: And there is a world of difference between these and an artificial, plastic plant, which may look very real but is dead as a stone.

Example: They found the poor dog as dead as a doornail, poisoned by the burglars.

» más tieso que una piedrastone deadas dead as a stoneas dead as a doornail .

Example: I assumed she was stone dead when he told me she wasn't breathing.

Example: And there is a world of difference between these and an artificial, plastic plant, which may look very real but is dead as a stone.

Example: They found the poor dog as dead as a doornail, poisoned by the burglars.

» mojón de piedrascairn .

Example: Continue ahead and take the right-hand fork as the path splits to head up towards a cairn about a further hundred yards ahead = Continúe todo recto por este sendero y cuando llegue a un desvío siga por el camino de la derecha que asciende en dirección de un mojón de piedras que se encuentra a unos cien metros.

» muralla de piedrastone walldry-stone wall .

Example: There may be millions of fine thoughts, all encased within stone walls of acceptable architectural form.

Example: The most numerous and impressive networks of dry-stone walls in Australia are found on the western volcanic plains of Victoria.

» muro de piedrastone wallmasonry walldry-stone wallmasonry stone wall .

Example: There may be millions of fine thoughts, all encased within stone walls of acceptable architectural form.

Example: The perfect sealing of a masonry wall surface is almost impossible since fine cracks and joints will allow the passage of water into the wall.

Example: The most numerous and impressive networks of dry-stone walls in Australia are found on the western volcanic plains of Victoria.

Example: This photographic still features a masonry stone wall with rocks in a very wide range of colors and textures.

» piedra ágataagate stone .

Example: The design of these napkin rings is inspired by natural patterns in semi-precious agate stone.

» piedra angularcornerstone [corner-stone]keystonelinchpin [lynchpin] .

Example: Abstracts are the cornerstone of secondary publications.

Example: These, then, are keystones to labor relations today.

Example: Staff are the organisation's communication gatekeepers, they are linchpins in the change process and determine the effectiveness of the communication process.

» piedra areniscasandstone .

Example: These tombs are made out of grey sandstone which crumbles when outdoors over a hundred years.

» piedra calizalimestone .

Example: With the rain, the limestone rocks and stiles were very slippy and at least one of our party came a cropper.

» piedra + charca + formar + ondasstone + pond + cast + ripples .

Example: This rather large stone in the pond will cast quite widespread ripples.

» piedra de afilarsharpening stonewhetstone .

Example: Do not use sharpening stone on pinking shears.

Example: Some whetstones have a coarse side and a fine side for more accurate sharpening.

» piedra de amolarsharpening stone .

Example: Do not use sharpening stone on pinking shears.

» piedra de encendedorlighter flint .

Example: Cerium is used in lighter flints because it will ignite in air when heated.

» piedra de mecherolighter flint .

Example: Cerium is used in lighter flints because it will ignite in air when heated.

» piedra de molergrinding stonemillstonegrindstone .

Example: He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.

Example: Granite millstones were quarried in Louisiana as early as 1810.

Example: Grindstones were made of imported lava or basalt and were relatively expensive.

» piedra de molinogrinding stonemillstonegrindstone .

Example: He covered the roof with tiles, installed new waterwheels and grinding stones, and produced flour that was white as snow.

Example: Granite millstones were quarried in Louisiana as early as 1810.

Example: Grindstones were made of imported lava or basalt and were relatively expensive.

» piedra de toquetouchstone .

Example: The touchstone for professional practice are the professional codes of ethics that govern medicine in face-to-face relationships with patients.

» piedra en el zapatostone in + Posesivo + shoe [Usado tanto literalmente como metafóricamente] .

Example: Nerve damage may mean that you no longer notice the stone in your shoe, due to loss of sensation to your feet.

» piedra fisosofal, laphilosopher's stone, the .

Example: The philosopher's stone is a mythical substance that supposedly could turn inexpensive metals into gold.

» piedra litográficapress stonelitho stonelithographic stone [Piedra utilizada para imprimir en la litografía]limestone [En impresión, piedra caliza sobre la que se dibuja la imagen que se ha de imprimir] .

Example: When a forme was in place on the press stone, paper was lowered on to it by means of a tympan and frisket.

Example: The 1850s also saw the appearance of photolithography, whereby a chemical film spread on the surface of a litho stone or plate was rendered insoluble and water-repellent by exposure to light.

Example: Lithographic stones are easy to prepare, they can give a very large number of impressions, and they can be resurfaced by polishing with an abrasive.

Example: Porous Bavarian limestone was used as this absorbs grease and water equally.

» piedra litográfica de colorcolour stone .

Example: But for the most part chromolithographers combined the three-colour method with the superimposition of flat tones and used a larger number of colour stones than the basic three.

» piedra miliarmilestone .

Example: On their way back the driver lost control over the wheel and the car dashed against a milestone and fell into the river.

» piedra miliariamilestone .

Example: On their way back the driver lost control over the wheel and the car dashed against a milestone and fell into the river.

» piedra movediza nunca moho la cobijaa rolling stone gathers no moss .

Example: There's a saying that many people are familiar with that goes: 'A rolling stone gathers no moss'.

» piedra pómezpumicepumice stone .

Example: The Romans mixed pumice with their cement to make it lighter when they made the dome of the Pantheon in Rome.

Example: Using a pumice stone or an emery board can also help with removing hard skin but they don't work well for corns.

» piedra preciosagemcameo [Figurilla tallada en piedra preciosa y usada como joya]precious stonegemstone .

Example: For example, DIAMONDS could not be a NT under CUTTING TOOLS as well as under gems.

Example: The article 'A passage to India: a bibliographical cameo' celebrates the bibliographical ties between the India and Britain.

Example: Mineralogists analyze and classify minerals and precious stones according to their composition and structure.

Example: In 1897 he quit a wretchedly underpaid job and set out to make his fortune as a prospector in the gemstone fields of Alice Springs.

» piedra renalkidney stone .

Example: The author examines the relationship between tea consumption and oral health, bone health, thermogenesis, cognitive function, and kidney stones.

» piedra rojizabrownstone .

Example: The library building is noteworthy for it use of granite and brownstone on the exterior.

» piedra RosetaRosetta stone .

Example: In the narrow case, reductionist processes reveal a common underlying principle or process which can serve as a Rosetta stone.

» piedra semipreciosasemi-precious stone .

Example: Some of these exotic bindings were sometimes enriched with chased metal, semi-precious stones, or pasted-on pictures.

» piedra volcánicalava rock .

Example: It is an old legend that taking lava rocks from Hawaii results in being followed by bad luck.

» quedarse de piedraYou could have pushed + Nombre + over with a feather .

Example: You could have pushed the young man over with a feather.

» sacar agua de las piedrasget + water from/out of (a) stoneget + blood from/out of (a) stone .

Example: Blood may be thicker than water, but you can't get water from a stone either.

Example: We might say that getting information from them is like trying to get blood from a stone.

» ser de piedraas cold as a stone .

Example: I wanted to be free from my pathological father and cold as a stone mother.

» sólido como una piedrarock solid .

Example: The numbers in the ad, which are quite eye-opening, are rock-solid.

» tablilla de piedrastone tablet .

Example: The library also collects old and rare books, rubbings from stone tablets, oracle bones and maps.

» tan duro como la piedraas hard as nails .

Example: From a distance she gives the impression of being as hard as nails.

» tan duro como una piedraas hard as nailsas tough as nutsas tough as nailsas tough as leatheras tough as old bootsas tough as shoe leather .

Example: From a distance she gives the impression of being as hard as nails.

Example: Not only was he talented, but he was tough as nuts and rarely has anyone personified grit and determination more than he.

Example: She was a tough-as-nails realist ready to see the dark side of things.

Example: Moleskin is a wonderfully comfortable, tough and hard-wearing cotton fabric that is as tough as leather but as soft as velvet to the touch.

Example: Ferns are as tough as old boots even if the top dies off there is plenty under the ground waiting for the warmer weather so they can erupt.

Example: Chefs sometimes use the term 'shoemaker' as an insult, implying that the chef in question has made his food as tough as shoe leather.

» tan frío como una piedraas cold as a stonestone cold .

Example: I wanted to be free from my pathological father and cold as a stone mother.

Example: Our order took forever to arrive and when it did there was something missing and what was served was stone cold.

» tirarse piedras contra + Posesivo + propio tejadocut + the branch + you sit oncut off + Posesivo + nose to spite + Posesivo + faceshoot + Reflexivo + in the footbe + Posesivo + (own) worst enemy .

Example: It may sound as if the librarians and information professionales are about to cut the branch on which they sit, but progress aimed toward informational self-service cannot be stopped.

Example: The article 'Cutting off one's nose to spite one's face' discusses the harmful results to British libraries of increasing fees for overseas library students.

Example: In other words, we have become our worst enemy, continually shooting ourselves in the foot.

Example: If you put a lot of effort into losing weight but just don't seem to get results, you may be your own worst enemy.

» tropezar dos veces con la misma piedramake + the same mistake twice .

Example: And the conventional wisdom is don't make the same mistake twice, learn from your mistakes.

» volver a la Edad de Piedrago back to + the Dark Ages .

Example: We feel like we have gone back to the Dark Ages where politics has trumped science.

Piedra synonyms

rock in spanish: rock, pronunciation: rɑk part of speech: noun pit in spanish: pozo, pronunciation: pɪt part of speech: noun gem in spanish: joya, pronunciation: dʒem part of speech: noun colored in spanish: de colores, pronunciation: kʌlɜrd part of speech: adjective chromatic in spanish: cromático, pronunciation: kroʊmætɪk part of speech: adjective gemstone in spanish: piedra preciosa, pronunciation: dʒemstoʊn part of speech: noun hailstone in spanish: granizo, pronunciation: heɪlstoʊn part of speech: noun lapidate in spanish: lapidar, pronunciation: læpədeɪt part of speech: verb
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