Pictórico in english


pronunciation: pɪktɔriəl part of speech: adjective, noun
In gestures

pictórico = pictorial ; representational ; painterly. 

Example: Forms of symbol used for presentation are: 1 language, eg Arabic; 2 mathematical, eg. graphs, formulae; 3 pictorial, eg drawings.Example: 'Data base' is a term referring to machine-readable collections of information, whether numerical, representational or bibliographic.Example: In his early years he consciously emulated both the painterly style and persona of the much-admired artist Drouais, who became something of a cult figure in early 19th c. Paris.


» colección de arte pictóricopictorial art collection .

Example: At present, development is stagnant; there are over 40 libraries with pictorial art collections but most lend to institutions rather than individuals.

» colección pictóricapictorial collection [Conjunto de representaciones pictóricas que forman una colección] .

Example: This article describes the layout, curatorial responsibility and files of the pictorial collections of the Alexander Turnbull Library, Wellington.

» documento pictóricoimage document [Imagen asociada a datos y que forma parte de una base de datos bibliográfica] .

Example: The system provides the capability to index and store both alphanumeric data objects and image doucments on on-line storage media.

» información pictóricapictorial datapictorial information .

Example: There is a growing need for the storage and management of pictorial data.

Example: This article proposes that Integrated Services Digital Networks (ISDNs) can be used to educate groups of people by means of dialogue featuring an interactive exchange of textual, voice, graphic, and pictorial information.

» mapa pictóricopictorial map [Representación gráfica por medios de dibujos o imágenes] .

Example: Graphic displays are an intriguing step towards a multi-dimensional pictorial map of the subject areas covered by a thesaurus.

» obra pictóricapictorial work .

Example: This would eliminate the restrictions on multiple copying, on systematic copying, and on copying of musical, pictorial and audiovisual works.

» patrimonio pictóricopictorial heritage .

Example: Theses paintings represent the continuation of China's long pictorial heritage in an era of radical change and challenges for artists.

» representación pictóricapictorial representation .

Example: An architectural rendering is a pictorial representation of a building intended to show, before it has been built, how the building will look when completed.

Pictórico synonyms

vivid in spanish: vívido, pronunciation: vɪvəd part of speech: adjective graphic in spanish: gráfico, pronunciation: græfɪk part of speech: adjective realistic in spanish: realista, pronunciation: riəlɪstɪk part of speech: adjective lifelike in spanish: natural, pronunciation: laɪflaɪk part of speech: adjective illustrated in spanish: ilustrado, pronunciation: ɪləstreɪtəd part of speech: verb pictural in spanish: pictural, pronunciation: pɪktʃɜrəl part of speech: adjective
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