Picardía in english


pronunciation: pɪkɑrdi part of speech: noun
In gestures

picardía = savvy. 

Example: This article reveals seven key points which apply street savvy psychology in the workplace.


» con picardíaslylywickedly .

Example: The author suggests slyly that, while word processors may have increased writing speed, they cannot ensure improved writing quality.

Example: The author demonstrates a wickedly funny eye for human frailty without succumbing to cynicism or misanthropy.

» inclinado y con picardíarakishly [Generalmente referido a la forma de llevar un sombrero o de posar] .

Example: She pulled the hat out of the chest, whacked it against her rump to dust it, and set it rakishly on the scarecrow's head.

» picardía callejerastreet knowledge .

Example: A contrast is made between academic knowledge (or theory) and street knowledge (or praxis).

Picardía synonyms

picardie in spanish: picardía, pronunciation: pɪkɜrdi part of speech: noun
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