Picada in english
pronunciation: tʃɑpt part of speech: adjective

» caer en picada = plummet .
Example: The costs of retrieval and distribution of information have plummeted and may be further reduced in future.» caer en picada al suelo = plummet to + the ground .
Example: Police said a paraglider pilot died Sunday evening after his paraglider suddenly plummeted to the ground.» descender en picada = swoop .
Example: Magpies are very protective of their young and may swoop on intruders if they feel threatened.picado = choppy ; chopped ; ground ; minced ; miffed.
Example: So far, Internet retailers have not been able to take the bread out of the mouths of the terrestrial booksellers, as had been feared, but the trading waters remain choppy.Example: Between 9 and 12 months, lumpy or chopped foods, such as vegetables, meats, or cottage cheese, may be introduced.Example: For red ink the usual colour was ground vermilion (i.e. red mercuric sulphide).Example: Ninety-one percent of cats tested prefer minced foods.Example: These are just superfluous rantings of miffed children.more:
» caer en picado = plummet ; swoop ; take + a nosedive ; nosedive .
Example: The costs of retrieval and distribution of information have plummeted and may be further reduced in future. Example: Magpies are very protective of their young and may swoop on intruders if they feel threatened. Example: His career took a nosedive after he piddled from his hotel balcony onto a passing parade led by the President. Example: As the economy has nosedived, hospitals have seen their uncollected debt increase -- from low, single digits to more than 5 percent.» caer en picado al suelo = plummet to + the ground .
Example: Police said a paraglider pilot died Sunday evening after his paraglider suddenly plummeted to the ground.» caída en picado = plunge ; nosedive ; swoop .
Example: The teacher flipped over the document and examined her scored evaluations: all, except for attendance and punctuality, were in the low 70's, a devastatingly dramatic plunge from the former heights of her 97 to 99 scores. Example: The article 'After the crash: librarians take stock following the market's recent nosedive' discusses the possible effects of the recent stock market crash on U.S. libraries and suggests how libraries can protect themselves during economic recession. Example: The birds were again skimming the water or were seen poised high above the tops of the tallest pines ready to make their swoops.» carne de cerdo picada = minced pork .
Example: Minced pork omelet is an easy dish to prepare.» carne de ternera picada = ground beef .
Example: Meatloaf is a meat dish consisting of seasoned ground meat (usually ground beef or a combination of ground beef with veal, lamb or pork), which is formed into loaf shape and baked.» carne de vaca picada = ground beef .
Example: Meatloaf is a meat dish consisting of seasoned ground meat (usually ground beef or a combination of ground beef with veal, lamb or pork), which is formed into loaf shape and baked.» carne picada = ground meat ; minced meat ; mince .
Example: Meatloaf is a meat dish consisting of seasoned ground meat (usually ground beef or a combination of ground beef with veal, lamb or pork), which is formed into loaf shape and baked. Example: Shoppers are often being misled by minced meat labels which claim that the product contains less fat than it actually does. Example: So here's the plan -- I want to get a meat mincer to make my own mince, and have a bash at some bangers.» descenso en picado = swoop .
Example: The birds were again skimming the water or were seen poised high above the tops of the tallest pines ready to make their swoops.» empezar a caer en picado = hit + the skids ; be on the skids .
Example: Economic data released Friday in Tokyo leaves no doubt that Japan's economy has hit the skids. Example: But will Barack Obama dare to touch this sacred cow that seems as American as apple pie -- especially now, when the housing market is on the skids?.» hielo picado = crushed ice .
Example: Some cocktails call for crushed ice rather than ice cubes.» mar picada = heavy sea ; choppy sea .
Example: This procedure when mooring a vessel can be hazardous, especially in heavy seas, since a person must walk forward on deck. Example: High winds and choppy seas have thwarted the efforts to contain the oil spill seeping into the fishing grounds.» mar picado = choppy sea .
Example: High winds and choppy seas have thwarted the efforts to contain the oil spill seeping into the fishing grounds.» ternera picada = minced beef .
Example: The main dish sold is pie and mash -- a minced beef pie and mashed potato.picar1 = smart ; itch.
Example: The Soviet hosts, meanwhile, still smarting over myriad implications of inferiority, found themselves in the novel position of being expected to instruct and enlighten Westerners.Example: Until your skin gets use to it, it will itch but non-scented talcum powder will help, just make sure you don't inhale any of that shit.more:
» picar la curiosidad = pique + Posesivo + curiosity .
Example: His curiosity was piqued as he glanced at the words again -- 'Would you drop by my office at your earliest convenience?'.» picar la palma de la mano = have + an itchy/itching palm [Expresión generalmente usada para indicar que pronto se recibirá dinero] .
Example: Next time you have an itchy palm, don't scratch it, spit in it three times and bingo you'll receive money.» picar los ojos = have + itchy eyes .
Example: Use ultraviolet light if you have itchy eyes, runny nose or wheezing.» que pica = itchy [itchier -comp., itchiest -sup.] ; scratchy [scratchier -comp., scratchiest -sup.] .
Example: Even the ones who don't complain say they have coughing fits at times, and itchy eyes, and headaches. Example: Many of us suffer from scratchy throat allergies on account of the seasonal changes.picar2 = mince ; chop up.
Example: A rotary machine invented in Holland in the late seventeenth century did not pound but minced the rags into pulp with revolving knives.Example: The writer bemoans record studios' tendency to chop up and fiddle with opera performances.more:
» máquina de picar alimentos = food grinder .
Example: Food grinders are the convenient and modern version of the traditional mortar and pestle and can be used to grind everything from spices to nuts to larger items.» máquina de picar carne = meat grinder ; meat mincer .
Example: These institutions are like meat grinders, they lure you in with cheap wine and cheese and then pull the rug out from under you once you get there. Example: So here's the plan -- I want to get a meat mincer to make my own mince, and have a bash at some bangers.» tabla de picar = chopping board .
Example: Lay the monkfish pieces on a chopping board and slice them horizontally almost in half, so they open out like a book.picar3 = sting.
Example: When threatened, a stingray lashes out with its tail and tries to sting the intruder with one of its spines, which contain poison glands.more:
» haberle picado la moscarda a Uno = be jinxed .
Example: So today I just came to realization that I've been jinxed somewhere along the way in my life.picar4 = peck ; snack.
Example: They sold both the land and the animals, keeping only a dog and a few hens that walked freely, pecking and cackling in the garden.Example: I stayed there for several hours, snacking on hunks of bread and cheese and putting pen to paper.more:
» algo para picar = finger food .
Example: The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.» comida para picar = finger food .
Example: The building has two levels, the first being a café where people can sit and hang out with some finger food whereas the upper storey is a music studio.» picar en una trampa = fall for + a joke ; fall for + it .
Example: Some people understood the joke and laughed, others fell for the joke and took it seriously. Example: The classic form of April fool hoax is to present an improbable situation in such a convincing way that people fall for it on the spur of the moment but later cannot understand why they did so.picar5 = keyboard.
Example: One use of the Mouse is in free-hand drawing, but it also promises to improve drastically the way in which data can be manipulated once it has been keyboarded into a file.