Piadoso in english


pronunciation: paɪəs part of speech: adjective
In gestures

piadoso = devotional ; prayerful ; saintly ; merciful ; pious ; God-fearing ; godly . 

Example: With its riverfront orientation and steps leading down to the esplanade, the library evokes a Greek devotional temple.Example: The article 'Man proposes, God disposes' is reminder that all planning should take place in a spirit of prayerful reliance on God.Example: All people, regardless of how saintly or naughty, merited a notice of their important contributions or personal characteristics.Example: Whatever their beliefs, artists who depicted the return of the prodigal son presented the message that God is merciful and willing to forgive repentant sinners.Example: This pious plantation owner wanted to teach Christianity to 12 of his slaves by inviting them to participate in a reenactment of the Last Supper.Example: On this increasingly God-fearing globe, only Western Europe looks like the last bastion of secularism -- or are the faithful here too returning to the fold?.Example: Many people want to have a godly home but are putting the 'cart before the horse'?.


» mentira piadosacivil lie .

Example: Civilization is built on many such civil lies, like the efficacy of juries, the impartiality of judges, or the inherent worth of money.

» obra piadosawork of piety .

Example: Edition binding in leather was offered as an alternative to cloth or printed paper boards for such things as poetical gift books, works of piety, and textbooks.

Piadoso synonyms

sanctimonious in spanish: mojigato, pronunciation: sæŋktəmoʊniəs part of speech: adjective self-righteous in spanish: justo en sí mismo, pronunciation: selfraɪtʃəs part of speech: adjective religious in spanish: religioso, pronunciation: rɪlɪdʒəs part of speech: adjective devout in spanish: devoto, pronunciation: dɪvaʊt part of speech: adjective reverent in spanish: reverente, pronunciation: revɜrənt part of speech: adjective godly in spanish: piadoso, pronunciation: gɑdli part of speech: adjective devotional in spanish: piadoso, pronunciation: dɪvoʊʃənəl part of speech: adjective pharisaical in spanish: farisaico, pronunciation: ferəseɪkəl part of speech: adjective pharisaic in spanish: farisaico, pronunciation: ferɪseɪɪk part of speech: adjective holier-than-thou in spanish: más santo que tú, pronunciation: hoʊliɜrθænθu part of speech: adjective pietistic in spanish: pietista, pronunciation: pitɪstɪk part of speech: adjective worshipful in spanish: honorable, pronunciation: wɜrʃəpfəl part of speech: adjective prayerful in spanish: devoto, pronunciation: prerfəl part of speech: adjective god-fearing in spanish: temor de Dios, pronunciation: gɑdferɪŋ part of speech: adjective pietistical in spanish: pietista, pronunciation: piətɪstɪkəl part of speech: adjective
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