Pez in english


pronunciation: fɪʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pez = fish. 

Example: What is absolutely certain is that without some preparation by the teacher, a visitor cannot hope to achieve very much; he is in little better a position than cold fish on a marble slab.


» animal que come pecesfish eater .

Example: Now, I'm not much of a fish eater because I typically don't like the smell of fish.

» animal que se alimenta de pecesfish eater .

Example: Now, I'm not much of a fish eater because I typically don't like the smell of fish.

» banco de pecesschool of fishshoal of fish .

Example: Aggregations of animals, including schools of fish, flocks of birds, or herds of mammals, are often composed of more than one species.

Example: The dark blue blob is a moving shoal of fish fry pursued by a flock of pelicans above and a school of tarpon below.

» cardumen de pecesschool of fishshoal of fish .

Example: Aggregations of animals, including schools of fish, flocks of birds, or herds of mammals, are often composed of more than one species.

Example: The dark blue blob is a moving shoal of fish fry pursued by a flock of pelicans above and a school of tarpon below.

» charca con pecesfish pond [fishpond] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.

» como pez fuera del agualike a fish out of water .

Example: Every leader faces them: times when they are out of their league, times when they feel like a fish out of water.

» criadero de pecesfisheryhatchery  .

Example: This programme was devoted to promote agricultural competitiveness by developing productivity and improving products in agriculture and fisheries.

Example: This type of pearl culture using the spats produced in the hatchery is the first in its kind in India.

» criar pecesfarm + fish .

Example: Farming fish and rice together achieves the same rice yield as growing rice alone, but uses 68% less pesticide and 24% less chemical fertilizer.

» escama de pezfish scale .

Example: Because it was a glory hole full of junk and lots of spiders and other nasties, I still have a bug hanging over one of the windows, but its made of wire and fish scales.

» estanque con pecesfish pond [fishpond] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.

» estar como pez en el aguabe in + Posesivo + element .

Example: It's like how William is totally in his element when he talks about cosmology, because he's an astrophysicist.

» fuente con pecesfish pond [fishpond] .

Example: The article is entitled 'Optimising fisheries information for decision making among Kenyan fish pond smallholders'.

» nadar como un pezswim like + a fish .

Example: She swam like a fish, and preferred to spend as much time as possible in a bathing suit.

» peces gordos, lostop brass, the .

Example: Women account for just about 14 per cent of the top brass at companies in India, as against 21 per cent across the world.

» pescar un pezland + a fishcatch + a fish .

Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.

Example: A farmer may have made fishing history recently by catching a fish with nothing but the help of his trusty drone.

» pez agujamarlin .

Example: Marlins prey on pelagic fish such as mackerel, tuna, and dolphin.

» pez de agua dulcefreshwater fish .

Example: This publication reviews the literature on the effect of culverts on migrating indigenous and exotic freshwater fish.

» pez de agua saladasaltwater fish .

Example: Cigarette butts, one of the most ubiquitous forms of garbage in the world, have been found to be toxic to saltwater and freshwater fish.

» pez de coloresgoldfish [Generalmente usado con significado de plural]tropical fish .

Example: This resource book presents 37 behavioral experiments that can be performed with commonly-found classroom animals including hamsters, gerbils, mice, goldfish, guppies, lizards, kittens, and puppies = Este cuaderno de prácticas contiene 37 experimentos conductistas que se pueden realizar con animales que comúnmente se usan en los laboratorios de las escuelas como los hámsters, jerbos, ratones, peces de colores, lebistes, lagartijas, gatitos y cachorros.

Example: Dressed to the nines, the three characters shimmer like tropical fish beached in the desert.

» pez de fondogroundfish [Generalmente con significado de plural y referido a los peces que habitan el suelo de los cuerpos de agua]bottom fish [Generalmente con significado de plural y referido a los peces que habitan el suelo de los cuerpos de agua] .

Example: For centuries, cod and other groundfish have sustained New England's coastal fishing communities.

Example: Freshwater bottom fish are uniquely shaped with a flattened stomach, wide mouth, and barbels to make feeding easier.

» pez de marsaltwater fish .

Example: Cigarette butts, one of the most ubiquitous forms of garbage in the world, have been found to be toxic to saltwater and freshwater fish.

» pez de ríofreshwater fishriver fish .

Example: This publication reviews the literature on the effect of culverts on migrating indigenous and exotic freshwater fish.

Example: River fish travel anywhere from a few feet to up to several hundred feet, several times a day to eat.

» pez de valorgame fish [Que merece la pena pescar] .

Example: With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot -- feeding like mad -- the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.

» pez escorpiónscorpion fish .

Example: Also known as ocean perch or rosefish in North America and as Norway haddock in Europe, the redfish is one of a number of red-coloured scorpion fish.

» pez espadaswordfish .

Example: Samples of various seafood (anchovy, flounder, hake, herring, mackerel, bass, pilchard, sardine, sprat, swordfish) were analyzed for contamination.

» pez globopuffer fishblowfishglobefishpuffer  .

Example: Puffer fish contains tetrodotoxin, a neurotoxin that can be deadly to humans and for which there is no known antidote.

Example: Blowfish, known as fugu in Japan, is a local delicacy with a nasty catch: not processed correctly, it can, and does kill people.

Example: Yesterday 16 people were treated in hospital after mistakenly eating globefish.

Example: The next day I spent a couple hours in the shallows and watched puffers and rays.

» pez gordopower playerbig wheelbig shotbig noisebig wigfat cattop dogbig cheesebig fish .

Example: Based on hundreds of interviews with Hollywood's power players, she weaves Eisner's story together with those who have crossed his path.

Example: She is nothing but a narcissist that wants to hang out with the so-called big wheels in this city.

Example: Having been a big shot in Monrovia, he is accustomed to being waited on by servants, his wife and concubines alike.

Example: Anyone claiming to be a big noise in the business who doesn't have an address in one of those cities is probably blowing smoke.

Example: It seems that the big wigs caught by the army launched anti-corruption move have no other option but to face their trial.

Example: The fat cats who placed the entire economy at risk with their greed and manic irresponsibility are trying to lay claim to every last dime in the national Treasury.

Example: The article 'Timesharing companies specializing in text: sitting ducks or top dogs?' considers the likely effects of technological developments, such as CD-ROMs, on the traditional on-line vendors.

Example: I can hardly believe you've got a brother who's such a big cheese in the rock world.

Example: The police should prosecute the big fish like the Ansar brothers who have spent time in the nick for durg dealing but are now back to they old ways.

» pez gordo, eltop banana, the .

Example: I don't mean to oversimplify life, but on some days it seems to me that society divides into two categories: the top bananas and the second bananas.

» pez gotablobfish .

Example: Seriously, the blobfish is the worst looking creature I've ever clapped eyes on.

» pez mantaraymanta raymanta .

Example: The next day I spent a couple hours in the shallows and watched puffers and rays.

Example: Despite their size, manta rays are usually graceful and tend to be tolerant with divers.

Example: Remoras are frequently seen with mantas, staying near the manta's mouth (even inside the gill cavities).

» pez marinomarine fish .

Example: Anglerfish are marine fish that attract prey by dangling a fleshy, bait-like appendage in front of their heads.

» pez óseobony fish .

Example: The skeleton of bony fishes is made of bone and cartilage.

» pez pequeñominnowbait fish [Que no merece la pena pescar] .

Example: It only contributes to user frustration and a very poor library image when material on minnows is cataloged under FUNDULUS HETEROCLITUS.

Example: With hundreds of bait fish swarming your spot -- feeding like mad -- the game fish get extremely excited and start to move into the area to feed on the bait fish.

» pez pilotopilot fish .

Example: The pilot fish leads the shark to food, then lives off the crumbs of the shark's meals.

» pez planoflatfishflatfish .

Example: With dabs and most of the flatfish, the bone structure makes filleting a doddle because you can lay the knife against the central skeleton to take off the fillets.

Example: With dabs and most of the flatfish, the bone structure makes filleting a doddle because you can lay the knife against the central skeleton to take off the fillets.

» pez plateado pequeñoshiner [Usado comúnmente como cebo] .

Example: Already there are minnows in the bays, so it shouldn't be long before they're followed by shiners.

» pez remooarfish .

Example: Oarfish feed primarily on zooplankton, selectively straining tiny euphausiids, shrimp, and other crustaceans from the water.

» pez tropicaltropical fish .

Example: Dressed to the nines, the three characters shimmer like tropical fish beached in the desert.

» pez velamarlin .

Example: Marlins prey on pelagic fish such as mackerel, tuna, and dolphin.

» pez voladorflying fish .

Example: A white bird in the distance was seen to dart down like a bolt from the blue and seize a flying fish in the air.

» población de pecesfish stock .

Example: There should be an official close season for fishing, certain periods where there is no fishing, to allow rejuvenation of the fish stock.

» poner cara de pezlook + puzzled .

Example: Aladyn looked puzzled for a moment, and then he replied: 'All parties desire universal suffrage -- naturally that includes women'.

» que se alimenta de pecesfish-eating .

Example: Japanese are the most-recognized example of a fish-eating population enjoying a low incidence of diseases common to Americans (heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, etc.), and a trim appearance.

» quien quiera peces que se moje el culoyou cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs .

Example: You cannot make an omelette without breaking eggs; you cannot destroy the practices of barbarism which for centuries have desolated Africa without the use of force.

» sentirse como pez en el aguatake to + Nombre + like duck(s) to watertake to + Nombre + like fish to water .

Example: We can easily believe that students would take to Google like ducks to water.

Example: Many of these girls were virgins to the stage then, but they took to it like fish to water, strutting their stuff while making their perfectly choreographed dance moves.

» sentirse como pez fuera del aguabe out of + Posesivo + element .

Example: His urbane manner, formidable erudition, and background experience might have led one to conclude that perhaps he was somewhat out of his element there on the prairie.

» sueldo de pez gordofat-cat salary .

Example: As debate rages about fat-cat salaries, a newspaper has revealed that the 10 highest paid chief executives receive, on average, more than 200 times the average workers' salary.

» tener memoria de pezhave + a head like a sievePosesivo + memory + be + like a sievePosesivo + head + be + like a sieve .

Example: I'm pleased the tablets are all marked with the days of the week as I have a head like a sieve when it comes to taking pills.

Example: Sometimes she surprises us with the things she remembers, but sometimes her memory is like a sieve.

Example: Your mother has always been absent-minded but these days her head is like a sieve.

» tener muy mala memoriahave + a memory like a sieve .

Example: I usually have a memory like an elephant, yet when it comes to supermarket shopping, it seems I have a memory like a sieve.

Pez synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb angle in spanish: ángulo, pronunciation: æŋgəl part of speech: noun fool in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: ful part of speech: noun mug in spanish: jarra, pronunciation: mʌg part of speech: noun gull in spanish: gaviota, pronunciation: gʌl part of speech: noun sucker in spanish: ventosa, pronunciation: sʌkɜr part of speech: noun patsy in spanish: patsy, pronunciation: pætsi part of speech: noun chump in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: tʃʌmp part of speech: noun schlemiel in spanish: schlemiel, pronunciation: ʃlemil part of speech: noun shlemiel in spanish: Shlemiel, pronunciation: ʃlemil part of speech: noun go fish in spanish: ve pez, pronunciation: goʊfɪʃ part of speech: noun fall guy in spanish: chivo expiatorio, pronunciation: fɔlgaɪ part of speech: noun soft touch in spanish: tacto suave, pronunciation: sɑfttʌtʃ part of speech: noun
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