Peyorativo in english


pronunciation: pədʒɔrətɪv part of speech: adjective
In gestures

peyorativo = pejorative ; snide ; deprecating ; snarky . 

Example: One of the chief aims was to eliminate any discriminatory or pejorative terminology.Example: XML Spy does some things XMetal doesn't do, but I've also heard snide remarks about its parser.Example: The author examines under what conditions deprecating speech is perceived as harmful.Example: He notes that almost always snarky, contemptuous behavior is the result of some other issue in our lives.

Peyorativo synonyms

dyslogistic in spanish: despectivo, pronunciation: dɪslədʒɪstɪk part of speech: adjective uncomplimentary in spanish: no complementario, pronunciation: ənkəmplaɪmənteri part of speech: adjective dislogistic in spanish: deslogistico, pronunciation: dɪslədʒɪstɪk part of speech: adjective
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