Petrolero in english


pronunciation: ɔɪl part of speech: noun
In gestures

petrolero1 = petrol tanker ; tanker ; oil tanker. 

Example: In any case the great petrol tankers cannot reach Antwerp, whence the need to lay oil pipelines from Rotterdam to improve the supplying of crude oil to the refineries.Example: The author discusses identifies the information needs and problems of the maritime industry using its tanker chartering section as an example.Example: Oil tankers passing through waterways threatened by pirates could soon carry weapons to ward off attacks.

petrolero2 = petroliferous ; oil-bearing. 

Example: Geological assessments are preferred as long as no potentially petroliferous region is arbitrarily excluded for technical, economic or political reasons.Example: It requires almost two tonnes of oil-bearing sand to be mined in order to produce one 159-litre barrel of crude oil.


» compañía pretroleraoil company .

Example: This technology is moving from the relatively obscure domains of oil companies and military strategists to the attention of those concerned with the consequences of access to and distribution of information.

» depósito petrolerooil reservoir .

Example: Priority is awarded to projects aiming to maximise the yield from oil reservoirs where the natural drive is weak so as to increase their flow rate and make marginal fields viable.

» empresa petroleraoil firm .

Example: Ecuador auctions off Amazon to Chinese oil firms = Ecuador subasta Amazon a empresas petroleras chinas.

» instalación petroleraoil installation .

Example: Hold-ups and thefts in the sector are on the rise, according to interviews with around 40 people, including oil workers, opposition politicians, and people who live near oil installation.

» trabajador petrolerooil worker .

Example: Hold-ups and thefts in the sector are on the rise, according to interviews with around 40 people, including oil workers, opposition politicians, and people who live near oil installation.

Petrolero synonyms

anoint in spanish: ungir, pronunciation: ənɔɪnt part of speech: verb lube in spanish: lubricante, pronunciation: lub part of speech: verb anele in spanish: anele, pronunciation: ænəl part of speech: verb lubricate in spanish: lubricar, pronunciation: lubrɪkeɪt part of speech: verb oil color in spanish: color de aceite, pronunciation: ɔɪlkʌlɜr part of speech: noun ambrocate in spanish: ambrocate, pronunciation: æmbrəkeɪt
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