Pestilente in english


pronunciation: pestəlentʃəl part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pestilente = malodourous [malodorous, -USA] ; reeking ; putrid. 

Example: Today's sewage nutrients, dyes and toxic or malodorous substances which can be degraded only with difficulty or very slowly.Example: He is a modernist abandoning himself to romanticism and finding beauty in rotting corpses and reeking cities.Example: Social conventions can influence the labeling of odors, especially those that have putrid, rancid, urinous or sweaty qualities.

Pestilente synonyms

epidemic in spanish: epidemia, pronunciation: epədemɪk part of speech: noun, adjective pestilent in spanish: pestífero, pronunciation: pestələnt part of speech: adjective plaguey in spanish: latoso, pronunciation: plægi part of speech: adjective plaguelike in spanish: plaguelike, pronunciation: plægɪlaɪk part of speech: noun
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