Pesimismo in english


pronunciation: pesəmɪzəm part of speech: noun
In gestures

pesimismo = pessimism ; doom and gloom ; gloom. 

Example: The results show that there are reasons for both optimism and pessimism as regard the future of computers in education.Example: Amid all the doom and gloom in panic-stricken nation-state capitals, nowadays, something completely different may be exactly what we all need.Example: However, short breaks and budget flights are exceptions to the general travel gloom.


» con pesimismopessimisticallygloomily .

Example: Becker concludes, pessimistically, that the library has 'no role to play in solving the problem of how non-college youth are to achieve maturity'.

Example: He began by gloomily reflecting that 'the only version of national pride encouraged by American popular culture is a smipleminded militaristic chauvinism'.

» pesimismo económicoeconomic gloom .

Example: With uncertainty over the country's government and the economic gloom only set to worsen, even the most patriotic amongst us must be thinking about emigrating.
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