Pescador in english


pronunciation: fɪʃɜrmæn part of speech: noun
In gestures

pescador = fisherman [fishermen, -pl.] ; angler ; fisher. 

Example: However, in addition to the couple of examples that Ms Marshall cited from the extant and altogether active LC subject thesaurus, there are also BUS BOYS, MAN, LUMBERMEN, LONGSHOREMEN, FISHERMEN, etc.Example: Most anglers use hooks that are entirely too large for trout fishing.Example: The only fish we saw was about 14" caught by some fishers on the east end of the reservoir.


» águila pescadoraospreyfish hawkfish eaglesea eaglesea hawk .

Example: Osprey numbers declined drastically in 1950-1970s, from pesticide poisoning and eggshell thinning.

Example: Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.

Example: The article is entitled 'Cry of the fish eagle'.

Example: Sea eagles are not actually true eagles (which have feathered legs) but giant kites.

Example: Kevla glimpsed milky pale skin dotted with freckles before Copper dove like a sea hawk into the ocean.

» botas de pescadorwaders .

Example: An example of this kind, taken from UDC: waders (birds) 598.3 waders (footwear) 685.315.

» comunidad de pescadoresfishing community .

Example: Until very recently, fishing communities have sustained themselves through their reliance upon the sea, in the context of cultures that have resisted outside forces of change.

» gavilán pescadorospreyfish hawksea hawk .

Example: Osprey numbers declined drastically in 1950-1970s, from pesticide poisoning and eggshell thinning.

Example: Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.

Example: Kevla glimpsed milky pale skin dotted with freckles before Copper dove like a sea hawk into the ocean.

» halcón pescadorospreyfish hawksea hawk .

Example: Osprey numbers declined drastically in 1950-1970s, from pesticide poisoning and eggshell thinning.

Example: Fish hawks needed a helping hand and their comeback is one of the great wildlife success stories of our time.

Example: Kevla glimpsed milky pale skin dotted with freckles before Copper dove like a sea hawk into the ocean.

» martín pescadorkingfisher .

Example: Kingfishers are often seen perched on a branch or rock close to water before plunging in head-first after their fish prey.

» picnic de pescadorshore dinner .

Example: The tradition of the shore dinner dates back to the late 1800s when the oarsmen would row passengers in their skiffs to and from fishing grounds.

» pueblo de pescadoresfishing communityfishing village .

Example: Until very recently, fishing communities have sustained themselves through their reliance upon the sea, in the context of cultures that have resisted outside forces of change.

Example: The 2 communities investigated with the help of library school students were Looe, a fishing village, and Hatherleigh, a market centre.

Pescador synonyms

fisher in spanish: pescador, pronunciation: fɪʃɜr part of speech: noun
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