Pescado in english


pronunciation: fɪʃ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pescado = seafood ; fish. 

Example: A search of the term 'shellfish' selects a further 126 terms, of which the six most highly ranked are: oysters, mussels, clams, tides, estuaries, and seafoods.Example: What is absolutely certain is that without some preparation by the teacher, a visitor cannot hope to achieve very much; he is in little better a position than cold fish on a marble slab.


» aceite de pescadofish oil .

Example: Specifically, he found 25 biomedical articles central to the argument that dietary fish oil causes certain blood changes.

» albóndiga de pescadofish cake [Tortillita frita en forma de bola redonda o aplastada que se hace con los restos de pescado y patatas hechas puré] .

Example: Fish cakes are a great way of using up leftovers such as cooked fish and mashed potatoes, which might otherwise be thrown away.

» caldereta de pescadofish stew .

Example: This fish stew was very spicy though, four spoonfuls and the lips were left burning.

» caldo de pescadofish stock .

Example: With the fish stock on hand, making this fish soup is certainly easy-peasy.

» carne de pescadofish meal .

Example: Fish meals and shellfish meals are manufactured as by-products from the waste or inedible parts of fish and shellfish found in our fishery industries.

» cazuela de pescadofish casserole .

Example: When you can't face any more meat after Christmas try this warming and healthy fish casserole.

» comedor de pescadofish eater .

Example: Now, I'm not much of a fish eater because I typically don't like the smell of fish.

» croqueta de pescadofish cake [Tortillita frita en forma de bola redonda o aplastada que se hace con los restos de pescado y patatas hechas puré] .

Example: Fish cakes are a great way of using up leftovers such as cooked fish and mashed potatoes, which might otherwise be thrown away.

» filete de pescadofish fillet .

Example: Fish fillets, boneless poultry, pork cutlets, and veal cutlets are some of the foods that are often dredged in flour before cooking.

» fuente de pescadoseafood platter .

Example: Lunch and dinner menus include shrimp, soups and salads, seafood platters, chicken, steak, and pasta.

» guiso de pescadofish stew .

Example: This fish stew was very spicy though, four spoonfuls and the lips were left burning.

» laja de pescadoflake of fish .

Example: All of the cod served into the restaurant is cut from the loin of the fillet which provides the thickest, largest flakes of fish.

» lomo de pescadofish loin .

Example: Flavored with paprika, chili pepper, and thyme, these fish loins brings out the bright, well-spiced flavors Mexico is known for.

» lonja de pescadofish market .

Example: The fresh catch is sold in the fish market located on the quayside.

» mercado de pescadofish market .

Example: The fresh catch is sold in the fish market located on the quayside.

» oler a pescadosmell + fishy .

Example: Does anyone have any idea why my dog's urine smells fishy? Could it be an infection or the food he's eating?.

» persona que le gusta comer pescadofish eater .

Example: Now, I'm not much of a fish eater because I typically don't like the smell of fish.

» pescado blancowhitefish .

Example: They serve a range of Spannish dishes like a heart of lettuce served with filet of whitefish and fresh vegetables.

» pescado inmadurofish fry .

Example: The Government is turning on the heat in the fight against catching and selling fish fry.

» pescado menudosmall fry, thefish fry .

Example: From the 1680s several large publishers formed a more permanent association which came to be known as the `conger' (the name being variously derived from congerere, `to bring together', and from the big eel which gobbles up the small fry).

Example: The Government is turning on the heat in the fight against catching and selling fish fry.

» pescado y patatasfish and chips [Comida muy popular en las Islas Británicas y algunos otros países de influencia británica] .

Example: I'm looking for some good places for fish and chips in Melbourne, not so much 'best ones' as such, more like your favourite ones.

» que come pescadofish-eating .

Example: Japanese are the most-recognized example of a fish-eating population enjoying a low incidence of diseases common to Americans (heart disease, breast cancer, diabetes, etc.), and a trim appearance.

» sopa de pescadofish soup .

Example: With the fish stock on hand, making this fish soup is certainly easy-peasy.

» tienda de pescado y patatas fritaschippy [Muy populares en las Islas Británicas y en algunos otros países de influencia británica. Abreviatura de fish and chips shop]fish and chips shop [Muy populares en las Islas Británicas y en algunos otros países de influencia británica. A vcces abreviado como chippy] .

Example: As I drew up outside the little village chippy, the car clock turned to 1 pm.

Example: We've no shortage of great fish and chips shops so, we've compiled a list of the best chippies for you to sample at your own discretion.

» vendedor de pescadofish merchant .

Example: A fish merchant who assaulted another man outside a pub has been spared jail so the family business can stay afloat.

» zarzuela de pescadofish casserole .

Example: When you can't face any more meat after Christmas try this warming and healthy fish casserole.

pescar = fish for ; fish ; land + a fish ; catch + a fish. 

Example: The article 'Catfish ain't ugly' reviews the range of Web sites providing information about the catfish in the USA and places to go to fish for catfish.Example: Anyone age 16 and older must have a current fishing license in their possession while fishing in freshwater or saltwater in Georgia.Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.Example: A farmer may have made fishing history recently by catching a fish with nothing but the help of his trusty drone.


» buen sitio para pescarfishing spot .

Example: A battle over lucrative baby eels has turned a Somerset fishing spot into a war zone = En Somerset, las disputas sobre las lucrativas angulas han convertido una zona de pesca popular en una zona de guerra.

» caña de pescarfishing rodfishing pole .

Example: There are also devices which can be attached to a fishing rod to indicate when the fishing line moves as would be the case when a fish strikes.

Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.

» cesta para pescar langostaslobster trap .

Example: We will see the mountains of lobster traps and the charming crooked streets and hazy seascapes that charmed painter Fitzhugh Lane.

» pescar con red de arrastretrawl .

Example: Trawling for fish and scallops by fishermen has been shown to be putting these animals at risk.

» pescar en excesooverfish  .

Example: The following is a list of those fish which are being overfished or caught using wasteful or destructive fishing methods.

» pescar furtivamentepoach .

Example: Fifty-eight deer died: 12 due to predation, 6 due to malnutrition, 14 due to other or unknown sources, and 26 killed by hunters (including 1 that was poached).

» pescarlas al vuelobe quick on the uptake .

Example: Lauren is very quick on the uptake and picks up on everything going on around her but knows it doesn't pay to have loose lips.

» pescar un pezland + a fishcatch + a fish .

Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.

Example: A farmer may have made fishing history recently by catching a fish with nothing but the help of his trusty drone.

» red de pescarfishnetfishing net .

Example: The garden is protected from woodland creatures by a hanging of fishnet.

Example: Abandoned fishing nets trap animals and destroy seafloor habitat.

» salir a pescargo out + fishing .

Example: The wave breakers also shield the fishermen from choppy waves when they go out fishing and when their boats return to shore.

» vara de pescarfishing rodfishing pole .

Example: There are also devices which can be attached to a fishing rod to indicate when the fishing line moves as would be the case when a fish strikes.

Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.

Pescado synonyms

mark in spanish: marca, pronunciation: mɑrk part of speech: noun, verb angle in spanish: ángulo, pronunciation: æŋgəl part of speech: noun fool in spanish: tonto, pronunciation: ful part of speech: noun mug in spanish: jarra, pronunciation: mʌg part of speech: noun gull in spanish: gaviota, pronunciation: gʌl part of speech: noun sucker in spanish: ventosa, pronunciation: sʌkɜr part of speech: noun patsy in spanish: patsy, pronunciation: pætsi part of speech: noun chump in spanish: cabeza, pronunciation: tʃʌmp part of speech: noun schlemiel in spanish: schlemiel, pronunciation: ʃlemil part of speech: noun shlemiel in spanish: Shlemiel, pronunciation: ʃlemil part of speech: noun go fish in spanish: ve pez, pronunciation: goʊfɪʃ part of speech: noun fall guy in spanish: chivo expiatorio, pronunciation: fɔlgaɪ part of speech: noun soft touch in spanish: tacto suave, pronunciation: sɑfttʌtʃ part of speech: noun
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