Pesca in english


pronunciation: fɪʃɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

pesca = catch ; fishing ; angling ; landing. 

Example: The CRONOS data bank includes a FISH domain, with data on catches and fleet statistics, and the COMEXT data bank covers the external trade statistics of fisheries.Example: The user will automatically retrieve the same records regardless of whether 'Angling' or 'Fishing' is used as the search term.Example: The user will automatically retrieve the same records regardless of whether 'angling' or 'Fishing' is used as the search term.Example: Heavy landings of Norwegian cod and haddock have brought prices down sharply.


» aficionado a la pescafishing-hobbyist .

Example: So we see extraordinary hardships cheerfully borne (indeed, apparently enjoyed) by zealous mountaineers, earnest single-handed yachtsmen floating round the world, and all-weather fishing-hobbyists sit patiently at the side of, and sometimes in, rivers, undeterred by the paucity of their catches.

» aparejos de pescafishing tacklefishing gearfishing equipmentangling equipment [Con caña] .

Example: The fishing tackle we use can have an unintended and negative impact on marine wildlife.

Example: Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks from becoming accidental bycatch.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

Example: Some people wrongly believe their household contents insurance will cover their angling equipment.

» avíos de pescafishing tacklefishing gearfishing equipmentangling equipment [Con caña] .

Example: The fishing tackle we use can have an unintended and negative impact on marine wildlife.

Example: Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks from becoming accidental bycatch.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

Example: Some people wrongly believe their household contents insurance will cover their angling equipment.

» barco dedicado a la pesca de la langostalobster boat .

Example: The harbour is usually crowded with lobster boats, fishing trawlers and yachts.

» barco de pescafishing vesselfishing boat .

Example: The higher proportion of port visits by reefers compared with fishing vessels can be explained at least partially by two causes.

Example: Our cruiser had a close brush with disaster yesterday when it narrowly avoided colliding with a fishing boat.

» barco de pesca a la derivadrifter .

Example: The fishing vessel, known as a drifter, moves slowly downwind while the drift net is paid out until the full length has been put into the water.

» barco de pesca de arrastretrawlerfishing trawler .

Example: Trawlers and other ships pollute the sea when they dump water from the fuel tanks, which has oil mixed in it.

Example: The harbour is usually crowded with lobster boats, fishing trawlers and yachts.

» cebo de pescafishing bait .

Example: Those of you who doubt that the worm is a divine creation, consider this: the worm is the perfect fishing bait.

» enseres de pescafishing tacklefishing gearfishing equipmentangling equipment [Con caña] .

Example: The fishing tackle we use can have an unintended and negative impact on marine wildlife.

Example: Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks from becoming accidental bycatch.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

Example: Some people wrongly believe their household contents insurance will cover their angling equipment.

» equipo de pescafishing tacklefishing gearfishing equipmentangling equipment [Con caña] .

Example: The fishing tackle we use can have an unintended and negative impact on marine wildlife.

Example: Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks from becoming accidental bycatch.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

Example: Some people wrongly believe their household contents insurance will cover their angling equipment.

» exceso de pescaoverfishing  .

Example: Saltwater fishing using seines can contribute to overfishing and subsequent environmental degradation.

» la pesca del díathe day's catchthe catch of the day .

Example: The all-time favourite dish is the shellfish platter with lobster, oysters, scallops, prawns, mussels, crab and sea snails, according to the day's catch.

Example: In keeping with tradition, they offer a selection of fresh fish daily, which will vary according to the catch of the day.

» licencia de pescafishing licence .

Example: Anyone age 16 and older must have a current fishing license in their possession while fishing in freshwater or saltwater in Georgia.

» permiso de pescafishing permit .

Example: The environment is threatened because the observance of environmental regulations is not strictly controlled and fishing and hunting permits and licenses are granted all too easily.

» pertrechos de pescafishing tacklefishing gearfishing equipmentangling equipment [Con caña] .

Example: The fishing tackle we use can have an unintended and negative impact on marine wildlife.

Example: Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks from becoming accidental bycatch.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

Example: Some people wrongly believe their household contents insurance will cover their angling equipment.

» pesca con moscafly fishing .

Example: This is far from traditional fly fishing and some anglers will throw their arms up in horror but others will love it.

» pesca de agua dulcefreshwater fishing .

Example: This book assumes you're an adult with no previous knowledge of freshwater fishing.

» pesca de aguas profundasdeep-sea fishing .

Example: The spice island of Zanzibar is home to some of the best big game and deep-sea fishing opportunities in the Indian Ocean.

» pesca de alturadeep-sea fishing .

Example: The spice island of Zanzibar is home to some of the best big game and deep-sea fishing opportunities in the Indian Ocean.

» pesca de ríoriver fishingfreshwater fishing .

Example: For anglers who enjoy river fishing, there are several vantage points easily accessible within the park.

Example: This book assumes you're an adult with no previous knowledge of freshwater fishing.

» pesca incidentalincidental catch [Generalmente se refiere a todo aquel pescado que no es el objeto de la pesca pero que se atrapa accidentalmente]bycatch [Generalmente se refiere a todo aquel pescado que no es el objeto de la pesca pero que se atrapa accidentalmente] .

Example: Incidental catches of cetaceans during fishing threaten the conservation of marine mammals.

Example: Frigate mackerel, more closely related to tunas than mackerels, is only caught as bycatch of larger tunas.

» pesca marinasaltwater fishingsea fishing .

Example: Saltwater fishing using seines can contribute to overfishing and subsequent environmental degradation.

Example: Sea fishing is a sport or pastime which is extremely popular all around the world.

» red de pesca a la derivadrift net .

Example: The fishing vessel, known as a drifter, moves slowly downwind while the drift net is paid out until the full length has been put into the water.

» señuelo de pescafishing lure .

Example: This fishing lure has a weak point so as to avoid losing the body of the lure if the hook of the lure snags a large submerged object.

» una buena pescaa good catch .

Example: We know nothing about the appearance of Filipa, but whether she was attractive or not, she was undoubtedly 'a good catch'.

» útiles de pescafishing tacklefishing gearfishing equipmentangling equipment [Con caña] .

Example: The fishing tackle we use can have an unintended and negative impact on marine wildlife.

Example: Fishing gear that produces an electric field in sea water could help prevent sharks from becoming accidental bycatch.

Example: No survivor at sea should be without fishing equipment but if you are, improvise fishhooks as shown in Chapter 8.

Example: Some people wrongly believe their household contents insurance will cover their angling equipment.

» veda de pescaclose season [closed season, -USA]close(d) season for fishing .

Example: Females do become pregnant in January so a close season beginning in mid-February might be more appropriate.

Example: There should be an official close season for fishing, certain periods where there is no fishing, to allow rejuvenation of the fish stock.

» vivir de la pescalive off + fishing .

Example: The Uros tribe lives off hunting, fishing, and selling their beautiful handicrafts.

» y toda la pescaand whatnotand what have you .

Example: I'd been toying with the idea of having my hair cut at a hairdressing academy for a while and took the plunge when my hair got out of control with split ends and whatnot.

Example: Yes, I have eyes; I realise Blanchett is extremely attractive and talented and what have you.

» zona de pescafishing spot .

Example: A battle over lucrative baby eels has turned a Somerset fishing spot into a war zone = En Somerset, las disputas sobre las lucrativas angulas han convertido una zona de pesca popular en una zona de guerra.

pescar = fish for ; fish ; land + a fish ; catch + a fish. 

Example: The article 'Catfish ain't ugly' reviews the range of Web sites providing information about the catfish in the USA and places to go to fish for catfish.Example: Anyone age 16 and older must have a current fishing license in their possession while fishing in freshwater or saltwater in Georgia.Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.Example: A farmer may have made fishing history recently by catching a fish with nothing but the help of his trusty drone.


» buen sitio para pescarfishing spot .

Example: A battle over lucrative baby eels has turned a Somerset fishing spot into a war zone = En Somerset, las disputas sobre las lucrativas angulas han convertido una zona de pesca popular en una zona de guerra.

» caña de pescarfishing rodfishing pole .

Example: There are also devices which can be attached to a fishing rod to indicate when the fishing line moves as would be the case when a fish strikes.

Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.

» cesta para pescar langostaslobster trap .

Example: We will see the mountains of lobster traps and the charming crooked streets and hazy seascapes that charmed painter Fitzhugh Lane.

» pescar con red de arrastretrawl .

Example: Trawling for fish and scallops by fishermen has been shown to be putting these animals at risk.

» pescar en excesooverfish  .

Example: The following is a list of those fish which are being overfished or caught using wasteful or destructive fishing methods.

» pescar furtivamentepoach .

Example: Fifty-eight deer died: 12 due to predation, 6 due to malnutrition, 14 due to other or unknown sources, and 26 killed by hunters (including 1 that was poached).

» pescarlas al vuelobe quick on the uptake .

Example: Lauren is very quick on the uptake and picks up on everything going on around her but knows it doesn't pay to have loose lips.

» pescar un pezland + a fishcatch + a fish .

Example: A man has survived for hours in cold, shark-infested waters after being dragged out of his boat as he struggled to land a large fish.

Example: A farmer may have made fishing history recently by catching a fish with nothing but the help of his trusty drone.

» red de pescarfishnetfishing net .

Example: The garden is protected from woodland creatures by a hanging of fishnet.

Example: Abandoned fishing nets trap animals and destroy seafloor habitat.

» salir a pescargo out + fishing .

Example: The wave breakers also shield the fishermen from choppy waves when they go out fishing and when their boats return to shore.

» vara de pescarfishing rodfishing pole .

Example: There are also devices which can be attached to a fishing rod to indicate when the fishing line moves as would be the case when a fish strikes.

Example: Suddenly there was a loud 'whack-whack-whack' and I looked back to see the guide slapping the water with his fishing pole.
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