Pesar in english

To weigh

pronunciation: tuweɪ part of speech: none
In gestures

pesar1 = grief ; regret ; chagrin ; heartache. 

Example: This paper discusses the ways in which books may be used to help bereaved children to understand death and other aspects of grief.Example: Spalding's regret is quite understandable, for few of those seeking to identify particular editions in the catalog will fail to be confused by the results of this decision.Example: Much to her nanny's surprise and chagrin, she was fully potty-trained by her first birthday.Example: Lovelorn staff at a Japanese company can take paid time off after an upsetting break-up with a partner, with more 'heartache leave' offered as they get older.


» a pesar dein the teeth of .

Example: They remain a people who cling to their distinct identity in the teeth of persistent rejection.

» a pesar de (que)albeit (that)despitein spite ofnotwithstandingalthoughdespite the fact thatin spite of the fact that .

Example: Present, classical catalog designs are elaborations, albeit considerable elaborations, of these sixteenth-century developments.

Example: The scheme covers all knowledge, despite being special in purpose.

Example: In spite of its inherent conservatism, the BM code favours direct entry.

Example: Notwithstanding these activities, the printed word remains an essential vehicle for transmitting information to both specialized and general audiences.

Example: These are the strengths of the Journal of Common Market Studies, although even this journal has a wider remit than its title suggest.

Example: Strangely enough, despite the fact that he was buddies with Henry Kissinger at Harvard, he is registered as a member of the Democratic Party.

Example: In spite of the fact that the investigation of the relationship of these two factors would be very important, there is still hardly any research done on this topic.

» a pesar de todoall the samein spite of everythingdespite everythingdespite it allin spite of it allall this saidregardless  .

Example: All the same, I think the incident improbable because he has been represented up till then as a cold, careful character.

Example: The film is less about idealism in the face of adversity than dumb resilience in spite of everything.

Example: The novel describes people waging an unequal struggle against circumstances and remaining hopeful despite everything.

Example: However, despite it all, Ludlam remains something of an enigma.

Example: Wharton makes it abundantly clear that, in spite of it all, she has numerous chances to take charge of her life.

Example: All this said, he is a restless person, but in the active, productive sense rather than a fidget.

Example: What can we do is rethink our query, or we can 'bash on regardless' using the power of the computer to perform lots more searches in the hope that 'something will turn up'.

» a pesar de todo + Posesivo + Nombrefor all + Posesivo + Nombre .

Example: For all our catholicity, freedom and desire to serve all who can be served there is a distinct difference between the library as an indiscriminate universal provider and the library as an instrument for the creation of whole personalities.

» con pesarwith regret .

Example: The author notes with regret that there is not a single library in Africa that is systematically collecting creative writing in the African languages.

» muy a + Posesivo + pesarto + Posesivo + chagrinmuch to + Posesivo + regretmuch to + Posesivo + sorrowmuch to + Posesivo + chagrin .

Example: To their chagrin, he was not on the job a month when he announced that he was leaving.

Example: Considering her upbringing, it is ironical that she was often cast as a maid and, much to her regret, hardly ever as the leading lady.

Example: Much to her sorrow, her son had impregnated his girlfriend.

Example: Mom, much to her chagrin, was not able to have other children after having undergone such a physically traumatic childbirth.

» para + Posesivo + pesarto + Posesivo + dismaymuch to + Posesivo + dismay .

Example: To her dismay, she found her ailing father was dependent on him, and she, too was in his debt.

Example: Much to her dismay, she rarely encounters supernatural beings other than on paper.

pesar2 = weigh. 

Example: Letters and parcels would be weighed by library staff and franked to show the correct amount in lieu of sticking on postage stamps.


» pesar más queoutweigh  ; outbalance  .

Example: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.

Example: The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.
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