Pésame in english


pronunciation: kəndoʊləns part of speech: noun
In gestures

pésame = condolence. 

Example: Letters and cards of condolence can be sent to: The Lubetzkys, c/o David Lubetzky, 1250 H Street, D.C. 20005.


» dar el pésamepass + Posesivo + condolencesgive + Posesivo + condolences .

Example: He will be sorely missed by all those who knew him and we pass our condolences to those closest to him.

Example: She praised the actions of officers and gave her condolences to the families of the three victims.

pesar2 = weigh. 

Example: Letters and parcels would be weighed by library staff and franked to show the correct amount in lieu of sticking on postage stamps.


» pesar más queoutweigh  ; outbalance  .

Example: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.

Example: The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.

Pésame synonyms

commiseration in spanish: conmiseración, pronunciation: kəmɪsɜreɪʃən part of speech: noun
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