Pesadez in english


pronunciation: hevinəs part of speech: noun
In gestures

pesadez = heaviness ; clunkiness. 

Example: Despite the heaviness of the air -- the humidity, even at this early time of the day, was thick -- and the impressive Corinthian-columned facade of the library, she felt happy, almost light-headed.Example: They managed to recreate the look and feel of Britannica without the clunkiness of the paper index and difficult page navigation of the paper Encyclopaedia Britannica.


» andar con pesadeztrudge .

Example: In the heat of a Turkish autumn he trudged back about 3 miles to my hotel with a sackful of oranges slung over his shoulder.

» caminar con pesadeztrudge .

Example: In the heat of a Turkish autumn he trudged back about 3 miles to my hotel with a sackful of oranges slung over his shoulder.

Pesadez synonyms

thickness in spanish: espesor, pronunciation: θɪknəs part of speech: noun weightiness in spanish: pesadez, pronunciation: weɪtinəs part of speech: noun
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