Pesa in english


pronunciation: weɪt part of speech: noun
In gestures

pesa = weight. 

Example: The vocabulary used in conjunction with PRECIS is split in two sections, one part for Entities (or things) and the other for Attributes (properties of things, for example colour, weight; activities of things, for example flow, and properties of activities, for example, slow, turbulent).


» entrenamiento con pesasweight training .

Example: During the past thirty or so years, the popularity of weight training has increased enormously.

» levantador de pesasweightlifter [weight lifter]  .

Example: Interviews were conducted with three physically active groups (ballet dancers, bodybuilders, & weightlifters).

» levantamiento de pesasweightlifting [weight lifting] .

Example: He describes the weightlifting culture as a 'masculine cosmogony' based on a creed of dedication, determination, & discipline.

» sala de pesasweight room .

Example: She rested her gaze on a group of students in the center of the weight room who were gathered around a very large and well-built boy.

pesar2 = weigh. 

Example: Letters and parcels would be weighed by library staff and franked to show the correct amount in lieu of sticking on postage stamps.


» pesar más queoutweigh  ; outbalance  .

Example: It may be decided that the practical impediments to the distribution and assignment of such numbers outweigh their potential usefulness.

Example: The large profits to be made in this field will outbalance the problems that may lie ahead.

Pesa synonyms

angle in spanish: ángulo, pronunciation: æŋgəl part of speech: noun burden in spanish: carga, pronunciation: bɜrdən part of speech: noun weighting in spanish: ponderación, pronunciation: weɪtɪŋ part of speech: noun burthen in spanish: engrosar, pronunciation: bɜrθən part of speech: noun weight down in spanish: peso hacia abajo, pronunciation: weɪtdaʊn part of speech: verb exercising weight in spanish: peso de ejercicio, pronunciation: eksɜrsaɪzɪŋweɪt part of speech: noun weight unit in spanish: unidad de peso, pronunciation: weɪtjunət part of speech: noun system of weights in spanish: sistema de pesos, pronunciation: sɪstəmʌvweɪts part of speech: noun
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