Pervertido in english


pronunciation: pɜrvɜrtɪd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pervertido1 = pervert ; sicko ; psycho ; perve. 

Example: The ratings war between TV programmes has produced an emphasis on 'nuts, sluts, & perverts' & their victims, & discussion of sexual problems are commonplace on TV talk shows.Example: It angers me that such sickos are molesting animals and getting away with it.Example: The book 'Psychos in the Library' provides guidance to librarians on how respond to such dangerous conduct as sprinkling acid on chairs or clothing, mutilating books, tampering with the card catalog, or obscene behavior.Example: He was such a perve all through school with how he was and the disgusting things he used to say to us.

pervertido2 = perverse ; kinky ; perverted ; debauched. 

Example: The demand for business information, in relation to its price, is rather perverse in that high price often generates a high demand.Example: However, those desiring something off-the-wall, borderline kinky, and just plain mad might appreciate the novel.Example: Most men are by nature rather perverted, and if given half a chance, would engage in quite a variety of the most revolting practices.Example: A political analyst has told a judge that he regards his estranged wife's 'un-Islamic' lifestyle as 'debauched'.

pervertir = pervert ; debauch. 

Example: Humans have an extraordinary capacity for perverting well-intended laws to evil purposes.Example: In her mind, she still feared becoming another woman he'd check off the list after debauching her, almost as if he'd be done with her the second he walked out that door.

Pervertido synonyms

disingenuous in spanish: falso, pronunciation: dɪsɪndʒenjuəs part of speech: adjective corrupt in spanish: corrupto, pronunciation: kɜrʌpt part of speech: adjective reprobate in spanish: reprobar, pronunciation: reprɔbeɪt part of speech: noun perverse in spanish: perverso, pronunciation: pɜrvɜrs part of speech: adjective depraved in spanish: depravado, pronunciation: dipreɪvd part of speech: adjective immoral in spanish: inmoral, pronunciation: ɪmɔrəl part of speech: adjective kinky in spanish: rizado, pronunciation: kɪŋki part of speech: adjective abnormal in spanish: anormal, pronunciation: æbnɔrməl part of speech: adjective twisted in spanish: retorcido, pronunciation: twɪstəd part of speech: adjective artful in spanish: ingenioso, pronunciation: ɑrtfəl part of speech: adjective distorted in spanish: distorsionado, pronunciation: dɪstɔrtəd part of speech: adjective misrepresented in spanish: tergiversado, pronunciation: mɪsreprɪzentɪd part of speech: adjective
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