Perturbado in english


pronunciation: dɪstɜrbd part of speech: adjective
In gestures

perturbado = unsettled ; insane ; unhinged. 

Example: In this unsettled atmosphere, it is not surprising that enthusiasm for membership of the Community should tail off.Example: Ramakrishna was deemed holy by his followers but considered insane by many non-Hindus chiefly because of his behavior when interacting with the goddess Kali.Example: But the really interesting question is -- what is it about this silly but trivial thing that drives Dan into such an unhinged fury?.


» perturbado y violentoviolently insane .

Example: The author discusses the problems facing public libraries in the USA caused by library users who are mentally disturbed, violently insane, or engaged in illegal activities.

perturbar = disturb ; unsettle ; jar ; perturb ; disrupt ; fudge ; faze. 

Example: Transcribe the data as found, however, if case endings are affected, if the grammatical construction of the data would be disturbed, or if one element is inseparably linked to another.Example: It is a source of innovation and strength, but it blurs traditional distinctions and can unsettle professional convictions.Example: She analyzes how her memory was jarred by this massacre.Example: She wanted to suggest some course of action splendid and decisive, and was perturbed to find that she could not.Example: Essentially, problem patrons can be considered in three groups: (1) the dangerous or apparently dangerous; (2) the patron who disrupts readers; and (3) the nuisance whose focus is the librarian.Example: This adaptation of David Leavitt's novel wobbles between comedy and melodrama, ultimately fudging the novel's spiky empathy.Example: Arranged marriages, which are so the norm here in India, always seem to faze the non-Indians.


» perturbar la pazdisturb + the peacedisrupt + peacerock + the boatmake + wavesstir + things up .

Example: If you own a dog, you must not allow it to continually or frequently bark, howl, or yelp, disturbing the peace of others.

Example: The government will crush foreign elements trying to disrupt peace in the country with an iron hand.

Example: It's very often easier to just 'go with the flow' and 'not rock the boat' by revealing that you disagree with some of the most fundamental beliefs of those around you.

Example: Hernandez decided that if he wished to survive in this restrictive atmosphere his options were clearly the following: don't make waves, do a good job with no fuss of which he could be proud, and try to gain Balzac's respect.

Example: I think Pope Francis wants to stir things up and allow people to raise questions.

» perturbar la paz y la tranquilidaddisturb + the peace and tranquillity .

Example: Everyone will get equal opportunities for expansion and growth without disturbing the peace and tranquility of others = Todos tendrán igualdad de oportunidades para la expansión y el crecimiento sin perturbar la paz y la tranquilidad de otros.

» perturbar + Posesivo + pazdisturb + Posesivo + peaceshatter + Posesivo + peace .

Example: And yet I've never told people to pipe down when they were disturbing my peace with their too loud blatherings on a cell phone.

Example: The growing of hair on the palm or any such place where hair does not grow suggests that he will incur debts which will shatter his peace.

» perturbarsebecome + unhingedget + unhingedcome + unhinged .

Example: It was here, in the middle of WWII, that Avery became truly unhinged and produced what many consider to be his best work.

Example: It seems that Bachmann is getting more unhinged by the week.

Example: Dad had been dead now for four months and as a family our world had come unhinged.

Perturbado synonyms

upset in spanish: trastornado, pronunciation: əpset part of speech: verb, noun sick in spanish: enfermos, pronunciation: sɪk part of speech: adjective crazy in spanish: loco, pronunciation: kreɪzi part of speech: adjective mad in spanish: enojado, pronunciation: mæd part of speech: adjective insane in spanish: insano, pronunciation: ɪnseɪn part of speech: adjective neurotic in spanish: neurótico, pronunciation: nʊrɑtɪk part of speech: adjective distressed in spanish: afligido, pronunciation: dɪstrest part of speech: adjective demented in spanish: demente, pronunciation: dɪmentɪd part of speech: adjective distracted in spanish: distraído, pronunciation: dɪstræktəd part of speech: adjective unhinged in spanish: desquiciado, pronunciation: ənhɪndʒd part of speech: adjective worried in spanish: preocupado, pronunciation: wɜrid part of speech: adjective unstable in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsteɪbəl part of speech: adjective unbalanced in spanish: desequilibrado, pronunciation: ənbælənst part of speech: adjective troubled in spanish: preocupado, pronunciation: trʌbəld part of speech: adjective unsettled in spanish: inestable, pronunciation: ənsetəld part of speech: adjective disquieted in spanish: inquieto, pronunciation: dɪskwitɪd part of speech: adjective maladjusted in spanish: inadaptado, pronunciation: mælədʒʌstɪd part of speech: adjective brainsick in spanish: trastornado mentalmente, pronunciation: breɪnsɪk part of speech: adjective psychoneurotic in spanish: psiconeurótico, pronunciation: saɪkoʊnjɜrɑtɪk part of speech: adjective disarranged in spanish: desorganizado, pronunciation: dɪsɜrændʒd part of speech: adjective
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