Perturbación in english


pronunciation: dɪstɜrbəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

perturbación = disruption ; derangement ; disturbance ; unsettling ; discomfiture. 

Example: An academic library should be extendible to permit future growth with minimum disruption.Example: George Watson Cole refers to his mental derangement and pecuniary embarrassment.Example: A centralised system was chosen to ensure speedy receipt and dissemination with minimal disturbances.Example: Perhaps the unsettling that is experienced in a predicament is because these situations create an opening for messy emotional responses that draw on feelings.Example: Anxiously, she sought to steer the conversation away from her own discomfiture.

Perturbación synonyms

upset in spanish: trastornado, pronunciation: əpset part of speech: verb, noun noise in spanish: ruido, pronunciation: nɔɪz part of speech: noun fray in spanish: refriega, pronunciation: freɪ part of speech: noun turmoil in spanish: confusión, pronunciation: tɜrmɔɪl part of speech: noun stir in spanish: remover, pronunciation: stɜr part of speech: verb commotion in spanish: conmoción, pronunciation: kəmoʊʃən part of speech: noun disruption in spanish: ruptura, pronunciation: dɪsrʌpʃən part of speech: noun interference in spanish: interferencia, pronunciation: ɪntɜrfɪrəns part of speech: noun ruffle in spanish: volante fruncido, pronunciation: rʌfəl part of speech: verb, noun perturbation in spanish: perturbación, pronunciation: pɜrtɜrbeɪʃən part of speech: noun affray in spanish: refriega, pronunciation: əfreɪ part of speech: noun to-do in spanish: que hacer, pronunciation: tudu part of speech: noun hurly burly in spanish: hurly corpulento, pronunciation: hɜrlibɜrli part of speech: noun mental disorder in spanish: trastorno mental, pronunciation: mentəldɪsɔrdɜr part of speech: noun mental disturbance in spanish: trastorno mental, pronunciation: mentəldɪstɜrbəns part of speech: noun
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