Pertinente in english


pronunciation: reləvənt part of speech: adjective
In gestures

pertinente = apposite ; appropriate ; pertinent ; relevant ; responsive ; apropos ; need oriented ; germane ; fit for purpose. 

Example: All terms may be included, and placed in the most apposite position in the hierarchy of the subject = All terms may be included, and placed in the most apposite position in the hierarchy of the subject.Example: Informative abstracts are appropriate for texts describing experimental work.Example: An organisation engaged in the preparation of abstracts for some information tool cannot realistically hope to compile an abstract for every document that is pertinent to the topic that aims to cover.Example: Most such bulletins list titles or abstracts, together with citations of relevant new documents in the subject area.Example: This catalog would then present a much more revealing, helpful, and responsive picture to the actual needs of the library user than the finding catalog.Example: The beauty the low-brow reader finds in an apropos use of a familiar expression may be as satisfying to him as the high-brow's appreciation of Proustian style.Example: Based on findings, some important observations relating to the functioning of the library were made to make its services more need oriented.Example: The bibliography lists documents expressly recommended to the researchers in this area and documents of interest which are not specifically germane.Example: Commercial pressures are placing demands on the designer to provide solutions which are fit for purpose for all user groups.


» con datos no pertinentesdirty [dirtier -comp., dirtiest -sup.]  .

Example: An authority file can also be used to clean up an inconsistent, dirty data base.

» considerar pertinenteconsider + appropriate .

Example: Entries may be as brief or as full as each member library considers appropriate.

» cuando sea pertinentewhere applicablewhere appropriate .

Example: For specifications pertaining to the form and structure to be used within a defined element, reference should be made, where applicable to other IFLA documents.

Example: Most CABx operate a rota system of local solicitors who will provide free legal advice sessions, but not take any follow-up action, although cases are frequently transferred to the solicitor's normal practice under the Legal Aid Scheme where appropriate.

» documento recuperado no pertinentefalse drop .

Example: False drops are cards which drop from the needle when the documents that the cards represent are not truly relevant to the topic of a search.

» hacer que algo sea pertinente a las necesidades de algo o Alguienmake + Nombre + relevant to .

Example: The incentive to make library services more relevant to the community became increasingly urgent from the mid-seventies as the attacks on local government finance gathered momentum.

» muy pertinente paracentral to .

Example: Specifically, he found 25 biomedical articles central to the argument that dietary fish oil causes certain blood changes.

» pertinente a la recuperaciónretrieval-related .

Example: Follow a list of retrieval-related elements that should be included in abstracts.

» pertinente a las bibliotecaslibrary-related .

Example: In the USA 29% of CD-ROMs contain library-related information.

» resultar pertinenteprove + relevant .

Example: We said that 20 documents were retrieved, but only some of these proved relevant.

» según sea pertinenteas applicable .

Example: The entry contains, as applicable: information notes; a record of all variant and related headings; notes recording sources consulted, etc.

» ser pertinenteapplybe in ordercommend + Reflexivo + for a situationbe to the pointbe on topic .

Example: This could apply particularly if the figures are to be incorporated into annual reports or other documents.

Example: Indexing and searching, then, are integral one to another, and so a few comments on searching are in order here = Por lo tanto, la indización y la búsqueda son complementarios y así pues es pertinente hacer algunos comentarios aquí sobre la búsqueda.

Example: None of these classification schemes commended itself for the particular situation of the library.

Example: It might be to the point to mention that most printed bibliographical tools are of this kind.

Example: Reading through the comments, some of them were off-topic but a surprising number of them were on-topic and very thoughtful, forcing me to reconsider some of the viewpoints I'd expressed.

» si fuera pertinenteif applicable .

Example: First, conduct your search as usual, and then sort the retrieved records if applicable.

» si fuese pertinenteif applicable .

Example: First, conduct your search as usual, and then sort the retrieved records if applicable.

Pertinente synonyms

pertinent in spanish: pertinente, pronunciation: pɜrtɪnɪnt part of speech: adjective material in spanish: material, pronunciation: mətɪriəl part of speech: noun crucial in spanish: crucial, pronunciation: kruʃəl part of speech: adjective applicable in spanish: aplicable, pronunciation: æpləkəbəl part of speech: adjective related in spanish: relacionado, pronunciation: rɪleɪtɪd part of speech: adjective
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