Pertinencia in english


pronunciation: reləvəns part of speech: noun
In gestures

pertinencia = appropriateness ; precision ; relevance ; relevancy ; responsiveness ; aptness ; pertinence. 

Example: The quality and appropriateness of the end product of a search depends upon the recognition of these factors = The quality and appropriateness of the end product of a search depends upon the recognition of these factors.Example: As discussed above, precision, or the proportion of relevant documents retrieved, is related to recall, the extent of retrieval of relevant documents.Example: Searching can be tedious and prone to error, and relevance judgements can only be made by reference to a second list or index.Example: Software has been developed which orders citations retrieved from an on-line data base in terms of relevancy.Example: Immeasurable recognition can be gained from increasing the library's responsiveness to the business community.Example: This article considers current management theory and its aptness for libraries in a period of rapid change.Example: Selection then takes place based on the pertinence of the information.


» algoritmo de ordenación por pertinenciaranking algorithm [Algoritmo que ordena los documentos recuperados según su grado de pertinencia con la ecuación de búsqueda] .

Example: Ranking algorithms based on document and query term weighting significantly outperform Boolean systems.

» clasificación por pertinenciarelevance ranking .

Example: SABRE (Semi-Automated Bibliographic Environment) provides semi-automatic relevance ranking of citations obtained from bibliographic data base searches.

» coeficiente de pertinenciaprecision ratio [Relación existente entre el número de documentos pertinentes obtenidos y el número total de documentos pertinentes y no pertinentes]precision ratio [Relación existente entre el número de documentos pertinentes obtenidos y el número total de documentos pertinentes y no pertinentes]relevance ratingrelevance ranking .

Example: The precision ratio (originally called the relevance ratio) is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of documents searched and retrieved and its formula is: precision ratio = number of relevant documents retrieved / total number of documents retrieved X 100%.

Example: The precision ratio (originally called the relevance ratio) is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of documents searched and retrieved and its formula is: precision ratio = number of relevant documents retrieved / total number of documents retrieved X 100%.

Example: Various scales of relevance ratings may be established.

Example: SABRE (Semi-Automated Bibliographic Environment) provides semi-automatic relevance ranking of citations obtained from bibliographic data base searches.

» falta de pertinenciairrelevance .

Example: Coblans shows in his paper that the 'information explosion' is largely immaterial anyway due to the sheer irrelevance of much published literature.

» grado de pertinenciarecall tendency .

Example: Recall tendency was defined as the degree to which recall was of concern in a search.

» índice de pertinenciarelevance ratingrelevance ranking .

Example: Various scales of relevance ratings may be established.

Example: SABRE (Semi-Automated Bibliographic Environment) provides semi-automatic relevance ranking of citations obtained from bibliographic data base searches.

» mejorar la pertinenciaimprove + precision .

Example: To help eliminate false drops, and thereby improve precision, certain devices can be employed at the indexing stage.

» ordenación por pertinenciarelevance ranking .

Example: SABRE (Semi-Automated Bibliographic Environment) provides semi-automatic relevance ranking of citations obtained from bibliographic data base searches.

» ordenar los documentos recuperados en orden de pertinenciarank + document output .

Example: Systems which rank document output do already exist, for example the SMART system discussed in chapter 28.

» pertinencia con respecto al génerogender relevance .

Example: The author integrates evidence on gender relevance for substance use prevention research.

» tasa de pertinenciaprecision ratio [Relación existente entre el número de documentos pertinentes obtenidos y el número total de documentos pertinentes y no pertinentes] .

Example: The precision ratio (originally called the relevance ratio) is the number of relevant documents retrieved, in proportion to the total number of documents searched and retrieved and its formula is: precision ratio = number of relevant documents retrieved / total number of documents retrieved X 100%.

» valoración de pertinenciarelevance judgement [Elementos usados para determinar la pertinencia o no de los documentos] .

Example: This article reports on the nature of scaled, dichotomous relevance judgements which questioned the use of the mid-point in a scale as the break between relevant and non-relevant documents.

» valor de pertinenciaestimation of relevance [Juicio emitido por el que hace una búsqueda sobre la relevancia de los documentos recuperados a la búsqueda que se ha hecho] .

Example: The system then prints out the titles in rank order, with the user responding to show his estimation of relevance.

Pertinencia synonyms

relevancy in spanish: pertinencia, pronunciation: reləvənsi part of speech: noun
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