Pértiga in english


pronunciation: poʊl part of speech: noun
In gestures

pértiga = pole. 

Example: That night, I drank cow milk from a giant gourd, listened to tribal songs, and slept on a floating cowskin stretched between four poles.


» conducir una barca con una pértigapole .

Example: A ferryman in a traditional costume will pole the skiff through a seemingly endless labyrinth of brooks, rivers and canals which earned the land the name of Venice of the North.

» pértiga de podarpruning pole .

Example: Small, woody branches with leaves attached can be removed using pruning shears or pruning poles.

» salto de pértigapole vaultpole vaulting .

Example: The author focuses on five sports in which women are relative newcomers: boxing, ski jumping, hammer throwing, triple jump and pole vault.

Example: In crossbars used in pole vaulting and high jumping a well known problem exists due to the tendency of the crossbar to sag under its own weight.

Pértiga synonyms

rod in spanish: barra, pronunciation: rɑd part of speech: noun perch in spanish: perca, pronunciation: pɜrtʃ part of speech: noun terminal in spanish: terminal, pronunciation: tɜrmənəl part of speech: adjective, noun punt in spanish: batea, pronunciation: pʌnt part of speech: noun magnetic pole in spanish: polo magnético, pronunciation: mægnetɪkpoʊl part of speech: noun celestial pole in spanish: polo celeste, pronunciation: səlestʃəlpoʊl part of speech: noun
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