Perteneciente in english


pronunciation: bɪlɔŋɪŋ part of speech: noun
In gestures

perteneciente = pertaining. 

Example: The full edition is published in a number of separate volumes each pertaining to a specific subject area.


» no perteneciente a la Comunidad Europeanon-EC .

Example: Permission has been granted to introduce a system of surveillance licensing for the purpose of monitoring imports of low-priced goods, such as clothing and footwear originating in non-EC countries.

» no perteneciente al juzgadoout-of-court .

Example: Strategies that may be employed by law firms for using medical data bases to locate potential expert witnesses or out-of-court specialty consultants are illustrated.

» perteneciente a una confesión religiosadenominational .

Example: The mix of religious publishing is widespread including denominational and non-denominational presses, as well as secular and university presses.
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