Pertenecido in english


pronunciation: bɪlɔŋd part of speech: verb
In gestures

pertenecer = fall into. 

Example: Certain words may fall into a short list of 35 common words such as analysis, which do not give rise to inversion within the cross-reference.


» al que perteneceparent .

Example: Library schools must build bridges such as joint programmes and joint professorships that link them with their parent academic institution.

» institución a la que se pertenecehome institution .

Example: These resources are too often on individual computers or on computers at a scholar's home institution.

» no pertenecer ahave + no place in .

Example: Luhmann understands emotions essentially as perturbing individual phenomena that have no place in sociology.

» organización a la que perteneceparent organisation .

Example: It was apparent that, within their parent organizations, SLIS were favourably regarded for their willingness to adopt and adapt to IT initiatives, and for their educational innovativeness.

» pertenecer (a)belong (to) .

Example: 24.17 declares Enter a body created or controlled by a government under its own name unless it belongs to one or more of the types listed in 24.18.

» pertenecer acome frompertain to .

Example: I come from a private institution supported by an endowment.

Example: Official documents pertaining to college studies must sometimes be authenticated before they can be used in another country.

» pertenecer al pasadobe a thing of the pastbecome + a thing of the pastbe in the past .

Example: It is increasingly obvious that we are as a nation one and indivisible, that divisive tendencies are a thing of the past, but there are still too many inheritors of the old indifference, and who flinch at co-operation as at an evil.

Example: Bunking classes might soon become a thing of the past in schools across the city thanks to radio frequency identification (RFID).

Example: The reason I haven't named names is because that stuff is in the past and this is about moving forward.

» pertenecer a otra categoría de cosasbe of a different order .

Example: Equipment is clearly a factor of a different order here.

» que no pertenece a una confesión religiosa concretanondenominational [non-denominational] .

Example: The archives of the Billy Graham Center document the nondenominational efforts of North American fundamentalist and evangelical Protestants to spread the gospel.

» que no pertenece a un sindicatonon-unionised .

Example: Employees of a non-unionized organization who are dissatisfied with the policies and practices of the organization may solicit the help of an organizer.

» sentimiento de pertenecer a un lugarsense of belonging .

Example: I am no management guru, but I believe that one of the key components to making a job great is that we are able to have a sense of belonging.
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