Perspectiva in english


pronunciation: pɜrspektɪv part of speech: noun
In gestures

perspectiva = angle ; insight ; prospect ; twist ; outlook ; vista ; insight ; vision. 

Example: References or added entries must supplement the first or main entry and cater for access from other angles.Example: The second edition of Austin's PRECIS manual adds additional insights into the evolution and application of PRECIS.Example: At the time OCLC started, there was no prospect for a national authority file.Example: Given such a narrow area in which to write it would be argued that the miracle is how so many authors can continue to find new twists to such a restricted basic theme.Example: In their first review article of children's reference books in 1982, the School Library Journal's Review Committe for children's reference books presents a bleak outlook.Example: From the library she could see miles and miles of unobstructed vistas of rich, coffee-brown, almost black soil, broken only by occasional small towns, farms, and grain elevators.Example: The human indexer works mechanically and rapidly; he should require no insight into the document content.Example: Several of the librarians reported that their sites were currently undergoing major revisions -- some because they were dull and uninteresting to teens and others because the vision of the page has changed = Several of the librarians reported that their sites were currently undergoing major revisions -- some because they were dull and uninteresting to teens and others because the vision of the page has changed.


» analizar desde una perspectivasee through .

Example: This is an examination of attitudes towards the reference interview by librarians over the past 100 years as seen through the literature.

» concebirse desde una nueva perspectivastand in + a new light .

Example: The author demonstrates how notions of equivalent behaviour -- substantial for process algebras -- stand in a new light for stochastic process algebras.

» considerar desde una perspectivahold + a perspective on .

Example: It is easy to see that users and separate pieces of literature may hold different perspectives on one subject.

» dar a Algo una nueva perspectivagive + Nombre + a new twist .

Example: People who have used cases in teaching know from experience that some person or persons will give an entirely new interpretation to case data and so will give a case a new twist.

» desde esta misma perspectivaalong the same lines .

Example: This has provided several new schedules for the revised edition, and substantial progress has been made in working out others along the same lines.

» desde la perspectiva deagainst a backdrop ofin (the) light of [La combinación in the light of es de uso menos frecuente]against a background of .

Example: Thus, any examination of the provision to local authorities of information about the Community, and their use of it, should be seen against this backdrop.

Example: This is essentially the traditional enterprise of cataloguing theory, but it is explored in light of current standards and developments.

Example: Problems, potential and standards for WORMs and WORM drives are discussed against a background of recent market surveys.

» desde una perspectiva + Adjetivoalong + Adjetivo + line .

Example: The idea of fuzzy data base has been investigated along many different lines.

» dotar de una perspectiva históricahistoricise [historicize, -USA] .

Example: This volume aims to historicize and theorize the writing of early modern women.

» en perspectivain the offing .

Example: There would be obvious advantages in relating retrieval discussions to semantic issues to prepare for the more complex forms of information systems in the offing.

» estudiar desde una perspectivasee through .

Example: This is an examination of attitudes towards the reference interview by librarians over the past 100 years as seen through the literature.

» integración de la perspectiva de género en el conjunto de las políticasgender mainstreaming .

Example: For feminist scholars of international relations, gender mainstreaming in global public policy opens up an important new area for critical scrutiny.

» mantener Algo en perspectivakeep + Nombre + in perspective .

Example: Terrorism is a real and growing problem, but it must be kept in perspective.

» nueva perspectivanew light .

Example: The article is entitled 'The suggestion box: new light on an old technique'.

» obtener una perspectivagather + a perspective .

Example: Interesting perspectives of cross-disciplinary developments can be gathered from citation indexes in a way that would be difficult with traditional indexes.

» obtener una perspectiva degain + a perspective on .

Example: All of the Fellows gained a new perspective on themselves and others through this experience.

» ofrecer una perspectivaoffer + a perspective .

Example: Archivists who do have such material in their charge are the keepers of a largely untapped source of historical material which offers a different and balancing perspective on history.

» perspectiva de crecimientogrowth pattern .

Example: The shift was planned so that available space was distributed according to the growth patterns of the collection, to prevent the need for further shifting within 10 years.

» perspectiva de génerogender perspective .

Example: The study investigates the information behaviour of male and female postgraduate students from a gender perspective.

» perspectiva doblebifocal vision .

Example: Library professionals need bifocal vision which enable commitment to a plan but the ability to adapt to changes in business environment.

» perspectivas de futurofuture prospectsfuture perspectivesfuture development(s)future opportunitiesprospects for the future .

Example: It describes the structure of library and information education in the UK and examines current trends and future prospects.

Example: This paper presents the problems connected with user education during the last 20 years as well as future perspectives in this area.

Example: This article outlines the international cooperation of the UK meteorological service and examines its future development.

Example: The author examines the accomplishments of international cooperation efforts, identifies barriers, and speculates on future opportunities.

Example: He, on the other hand, has long hair, unevenly cut, and not a penny to his name and hardly any prospects for the future.

» perspectivas futurasfuture perspectivesfuture opportunities .

Example: This paper presents the problems connected with user education during the last 20 years as well as future perspectives in this area.

Example: The author examines the accomplishments of international cooperation efforts, identifies barriers, and speculates on future opportunities.

» poner en perspectivaput + Nombre + in(to) perspectiveput + things in(to) perspective .

Example: Let children talk about their feelings and help put them into perspective.

Example: I only wish I had seen this story when I first started planning my wedding, it would have helped me to put things into perspective a lot sooner and to not worry so much about the little stuff.

» prensentar Algo desde una nueva perspectivapresent + Nombre + in a new light .

Example: Although not denying the substance of the traditional Greek thesis for the origin of the Alexandrian Library, the Oriental origins of the library are presented in a new light, relying upon Egyptian and Mesopotamian evidence.

» presentado desde esta perspectivacast in this light .

Example: Cast in this light, it would be possible to assign categories of input to libraries across the country.

» presentar Algo desde una nueva perspectivathrow + new light onthrow + Nombre + in a new light .

Example: The research aimed to quantify the extent of the changes and to throw new light on the value of libraries.

Example: Rather it has thrown them in a new light, and provided new means of both protecting and breaching the security of data.

» presentar desde una nueva perspectivashed + new light on .

Example: This `rereading' of the JCR, which presents the JCR product differently, makes it possible to shed new light on the large subpopulation of journals not at the top of the rankings.

» presentar Algo desde una nueva perspectivathrow + new light onthrow + Nombre + in a new light .

Example: The research aimed to quantify the extent of the changes and to throw new light on the value of libraries.

Example: Rather it has thrown them in a new light, and provided new means of both protecting and breaching the security of data.

» presentarse desde una nueva perspectivastand in + a new light .

Example: The author demonstrates how notions of equivalent behaviour -- substantial for process algebras -- stand in a new light for stochastic process algebras.

» tener buenas perspectivas parabe well-placed tobe well-positioned to .

Example: Libraries are also well-placed to offer desktop publishing as a resource to their readers.

Example: Canada is well-positioned to reassert its place on the world stage as an interlocutor between the existing and emerging global powers.

» ver Algo desde una nueva perspectivaview + Nombre + in a new lightsee + Nombre + in a new light .

Example: Overall, the electronic office environment will force organizations to view archives in a new light.

Example: The fact that its author ran a circulating library suggests that much of his advice can be seen in a new light.

» ver Algo desde una perspectiva + Adjetivosee + Nombre + in a + Adjetivo + light .

Example: Publishers began to see the possibilities in a less threatening economic light.

» ver desde una nueva perspectivashed + new light on .

Example: This `rereading' of the JCR, which presents the JCR product differently, makes it possible to shed new light on the large subpopulation of journals not at the top of the rankings.

» ver el mundo desde una perspectiva diferentesee + the world in a different light .

Example: New structures do not simply appear, they emerge as a result of seeing the world in a different light.

» ver las cosas desde una perspectivasee + things from + a perspective .

Example: The key to improving matters is to see things from the manager's perspective and to work round his/her shortcomings.

» ver + Nombre + desde la perspectiva de + Nombresee + Nombre + through + Nombre + eyes .

Example: Yet there are managers who see their employees through Theory X eyes and prefer to manage from a hierarchical and tightly controlled perspective.

» visto desde la perspectiva de + Nombreas seen through the eyes of + Nombre .

Example: A digital library could be defined as 'a set of digital documents as seen through the eyes of a librarian= Se podría definir la biblioteca digital como "un conjunto de documentos digitales vistos de las perspectiva del bibliotecario".

Perspectiva synonyms

view in spanish: ver, pronunciation: vju part of speech: noun position in spanish: posición, pronunciation: pəzɪʃən part of speech: noun linear perspective in spanish: perspectiva lineal, pronunciation: lɪniɜrpɜrspektɪv part of speech: noun
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