Personalidad in english


pronunciation: pɜrsənælɪti part of speech: noun
In gestures

personalidad1 = personality. 

Example: The interview went smoothly; the committee was impressed by her knowledge of the current library scene, her enthusiasm, and her engaging personality.


» afirmar + Posesivo + personalidadmake + a statement .

Example: This unique style will appeal to the individual who wants to stand out, make a statement and swim against the stream.

» conflicto de personalidadpersonality clash .

Example: Project managers will often need diplomacy and tact to handle delicate situations, frayed tempers and personality clashes.

» culto a la personalidadpersonality cult .

Example: In fact, it failed because it was a personality-cult magazine.

» desarrollar una personalidad propiadevelop + an identity .

Example: As they grow up, children have to develop an identity and a working philosophy of life.

» doble personalidadsplit personalitydual personality .

Example: The term 'split personality,' denoting schizophrenia, refers to an disorder in which the split (separation) is between thought and feeling.

Example: That being said, there's serious questions to be asked if the dual personality explanation is taken at face value.

» exudar personalidadooze + personality .

Example: This is a restaurant that oozes personality.

» marcada personalidadstrong personalitystrong character .

Example: Someone with a strong personality can often come across as aggressive or rude.

Example: What I mean with having a strong character is that you know who you are, what you belief in, what your values are, what is right and wrong.

» no tener personalidadhave + no stuffing .

Example: He's got no stuffing, cut him open, you'll find nothing -- he's good-looking, tall and tan but he's just an empty man.

» persona con doble personalidadJekyll and Hyde .

Example: When she had finished Beck said reassuringly: 'Don't let old Tilly bother you - She can be a rotter at times - She's a Jekyl and Hyde, if ever there was one - One minute she's fine; another, she's a monster'.

» personalidad contagiosainfectious personality .

Example: We're looking for someone who is motivated, can talk the hind legs off a donkey and has an infectious personality.

» personalidad extrovertidaoutgoing personality .

Example: In the UK many employers feel library science graduates do not appreciate the profit motive and do not exhibit the necessary outgoing personalities for successful marketing.

» personalidad múltiplesplit personalitymultiple personality .

Example: The term 'split personality,' denoting schizophrenia, refers to an disorder in which the split (separation) is between thought and feeling.

Example: In the 1950s, the phenomenon of multiple personalities came to the attention of the general public in the form of a motion picture called 'The Three Faces of Eve'.

» personalidad vacíavacuous personality .

Example: They live on the surface of reality, as vacuous personalities who lack purpose, vision, and integrity.

» rezumar personalidadooze + personality .

Example: This is a restaurant that oozes personality.

» tener mucha personalidadbe full of character .

Example: The apartment was full of character and it really felt like home away from home.

» tener personalidadbe a class act .

Example: Good news is that my dinner was a class act, and they even got the steak perfect, which is a feat for such a fussy eater like me.

» tener una personalidad muy fuertebe full of character .

Example: The apartment was full of character and it really felt like home away from home.

» trastorno antisocial de la personalidadantisocial personality disorder .

Example: She described the teen as a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder.

» trastorno de la personalidad antisocialantisocial personality disorder .

Example: She described the teen as a textbook case of antisocial personality disorder.

» trastorno de personalidadpersonality disorder .

Example: It's thought one in ten people has some form of personality disorder.

personalidad2 = leading figure ; personality. 

Example: The history of this map collection began with donations by members of the Academy and other leading figures in the country.Example: This is a unique reference work featuring the main personalities in the world of wine and spirits.


» personalidad en el ámbito de la políticapolitical personality .

Example: Numerous events are also to be held as a tribute to the work of artists and political personalities.

» personalidad locallocal figure .

Example: The advantages of a foundation include tax-deductible donations, increased eligibility for grants, and the involvement of affluent and influential local figures as advocates for the public library service.

» personalidad relevanteoutstanding personality .

Example: At times the waves of change created by outstanding personalities who enter the social arena are so wide and extensive that they make an intense and far-reaching impact on the ideas of mankind.

personalidad3 = personality. 

Example: Ranganathan proposed five basic types of facets which may occur in many subject fields: personality, matter, energy, space, time.


» aislado de personalidadpersonality isolate .

Example: Personality isolates are those which characterize a subject area and give it individuality.

» faceta de PersonalidadPersonality facet .

Example: Again, in Class M7 Textiles we find that the Personality facet P is considered to be the Fibre (Cotton, Flax, Hemp, etc) and in the Energy facet are found the operations (Spinning, Weaving, Carding, etc.).
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